to our Chodesh Iyar sponsors for your support of the BY PTA!
Elementary School Sponsors:

Babi and Zayde Abramson in honor of Draizee, Rachelli, and Atara Abramson. We are so proud of all of you!

Mr. and Mrs. H. Abramson in honor of Draizee, Rachelli, and Atara.

Meir and Atara Berman in honor of Chana Berman's 6th birthday.

Hinda Burstein in memory of the yahrzeit of Leah Perel bas Chaim Mordechai, great grandmother of Huvi, Leah, and Rikki Burstein.

Helen Ciment in honor of Zahava Ciment.

Saba and Savta Feiner and Mommy and Tatty Feld in honor of Tova Feld's 9th birthday.

Debby and Brian Hirsch welcome the opportunity to support Bais Yaakov in celebration of the joy of Rosh Chodesh. We send a special Rosh Chodesh message with love to our grandchildren Esther and Menucha Hirsch. We hope you all enjoy the treats!

Rivka and Gideon Leiser in honor of Talya Leiser and Gaby Leiser having a new baby brother and being such amazing big sisters.

Sabba and Savta Maik in honor of our granddaughter, Mimsy Bergmann in kindergarten, for her Birthday which is Iyar 27 – June 4th.

Mordecai and Elana Simha in honor of Ayelet Simha, her sweet friends in nursery A, her wonderful teachers, Morah Sara, Morah Shani and Morah Nessia, and all the Morahs whose smiling faces greet Ayelet every day!

Mr. and Mrs. Avi Tannenbaum in honor of Leah Beren whose birthday is in the month of Iyar.

Lower Middle School Sponsors:

Babi and Zayde Abramson in honor of Maayan Rachayl Abramson's Bat Mitzvah birthday. We are so proud of you.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Abramson in honor of Maayan's upcoming Bas Mitzvah!

Helen Ciment in honor of Hadasah Ciment.

Noam and Leah Efron in honor of Bracha Efron and Maria Tueva.

Totty, Mommy, and the Friedman family in honor of Yael Friedman's birthday.

Debby and Brian Hirsch welcome the opportunity to support Bais Yaakov in celebration of the joy of Rosh Chodesh. We send a special Rosh Chodesh message with love to our granddaughter Tsippora Golda. We hope you all enjoy the treats!

Dovid and Shani Schwartz in honor of Tova Schwartz's Bas Mitzvah.