There is nothing constant in the universe.
All ebb and flow, and every shape that's born,
bears in it's womb the seeds of change.
Dear Creative Friends,

Thank you so much for all the warm emails, messages and cards I've received from so many of you. I was overwhelmed by your kindness and loving thoughts and so appreciated your caring. Please forgive me for not responding individually. I hope you know how much your thoughtfulness meant to me.

Sorting and packing for my mid-June move to Cape Charles, Virginia, has been an interesting look back at my creative journey as I release the projects and supplies that no longer resonate. I was fortunate to find a group of school art teachers who can use many of these resources in their classrooms, and who could see the potential in some of the strange things I kept for creative projects!

Even though I am presently focusing on my move and getting the Charlotte house ready to sell, I have a few offerings coming up online, and in-person retreats scheduled in July and August. I wanted to let you know about them now as I probably won't be sending out any more information until after the move. Just click on the relevant image for more information.

Below this information you will find a poem by Tara Mohr called "The Rhythm" that is speaking to me right now. I hope you have time to read it and that it nourishes you.

The Rhythm

In any creative feat
(by which I mean your work, your art, your life)
there will be downtimes.

Or so it seems.
Just as the earth is busy before the harvest
and a baby grows before its birth,
there is no silence in you.
There is no time of nothingness.

What if,
during the quiet times, when the idea flow is hushed and hard to find
you trusted (and yes I mean trusted)
that the well was filling, the waters moving?

What if you trusted
that for the rest of eternity,
without prodding, without self-discipline,
without getting over being yourself,
you would be gifted every ounce of productivity you need?
What would leave you? What would open?

And what if during the quiet times you ate great meals
and leaned back to smile at the stars,
and saw them there, as they always are,
nourishing you?

There are seasons and harvest is only a fraction of one of them.
We forget this.

There is the rhythm that made everything.
The next time you stand in the kitchen, leaning,
the next time a moment of silence catches you there,
hear it, that rhythm, and let it place a stone in your spine.
Let it bring you some place beautiful.

– Tara Mohr
I am planning to close my online store at the end of March and re-open it once I have settled into my new home (probably some time in July 2021) so if you need any items, you need for classes please order soon. My books are always available on Amazon - see the links below - so no need to stock up on books!
Thank you for reading and staying connected with me. Be well.
With Love and Hugs
It is a serious thing just to be alive
on this fresh morning
in the broken world.
Mary Oliver
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