September 16, 2021
From the Office of the Bishop
Bishop’s Reflection - ‘Practice what we Preach’
“Be doers of the Word and not merely hearers
who deceive themselves.” (James 1:22)
Excerpted from this week's Bishop's Blog. Read full Reflection here.

"Repent and believe in the good news!”

These are the first words out of Jesus’ mouth in Mark’s gospel and they are meant as a summary of the entire gospel. But what do these words mean?

In English, the word “repent” is often misunderstood. It seems to imply that we have already done something wrong, regret it, and now commit ourselves to live in a new way. Repentance, understood in this way, means to live beyond a sinful past.

Biblically, this is not quite what is meant. In the gospels, the particular word used for repentance is metanoia. Literally this means to do an about face, to turn around, to face in an entirely new direction.

But what direction?... Continue Reading
Bishop’s Pastoral Letter to the Diocesan Family
“But take courage; I have conquered the world” John 16:33
Excerpts taken from the Bishop's Pastoral Letter. Read full letter here.

You would recall that in my Pentecost Pastoral Advisory I concluded my communication with these words “on a note of personal privilege, I shall continue to wear my mask and shield in public gatherings, including worship, indefinitely.” This is a statement of solidarity with our unvaccinated children and young people. I have three grandchildren and until I am convinced their health and safety is secured, along with all my surrogate children, as well as the young people in our diocese, I shall be walking with them in this journey... Continue Reading...

... The inaugural Fall Summit of the Diocese of Easton will be held on Saturday. September 25, 2021 commencing at 9:30 a.m. and concluding at 2:00 p.m. with appropriate zoom breaks and virtual breakout rooms. The topic is Reconciliation focusing on the very sensitive subject of Racial Justice and Healing. The main speaker and presenter is Dr. Catherine Meeks, Founding Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing in Atlanta, Georgia, and one of three presenters at the 79th General Convention. This conference is an initiative of the Diocese of Easton in conjunction with the Diocese of Easton’s Diversity Awareness Commission... Continue Reading...

... My beloved, may the wind of the Spirit blow afresh and anew in your lives, offering renewed hope, renewal of spirit, and renewed optimism and vitality for our diocesan family as we celebrate the Feast of Holy Cross of Jesus (September 14). Jesus ascended the cross to make us better disciples. Taking the sin of the world he redeemed his beloved sisters and brothers. The cross was the most gruesome instrument of human suffering at that time, however, Jesus transformed it into the most powerful gift of love. In so doing, he left us a wholesome example of self-sacrifice and self-emptying for the common good. Our baptism calls us into an apostolic ministry; apostolic ministry is defined as ‘living beyond self”; it’s about the ‘holy other along the way; it is never about us always about the next generation and what we leave for them. Jesus embodies this lifestyle. Friends, I wish to reassure you of my love and faith in you, one that models the love Jesus shares with all of us. I continue to pray each day for your health and safety and that of your loved ones. Read full letter here.

Every blessing,
Bishop San
Feast of Holy Cross of Jesus
September 14, 2021
Diocese Of Easton Fall Mission Summit (Virtual)
“Racial Healing and Justice” 
Saturday, September 25, 2021 
9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 
This event is open to everyone so please help us spread the word!
The Bishop and members of staff had an opportunity for a preview of our upcoming conversation with Dr. Catherine Meeks during a Zoom call this week. She highlighted the importance of courage – courage to begin the conversation, to stay in the conversation, and to ask the questions on your heart without fear of offense. She described herself as a “kind-hearted, broken-hearted, peace-loving person” while playfully recalling a church’s subtitle for her as the “Holy Disrupter”. She said that in this work there is only broken-heartedness on all sides – and that “together, we must be willing to get to the closet with the bandaids”. She encouraged those who are newly passionate to “sit under a tree, rest & reflect” – so that God can lead us earnestly and humbly toward a place of healing. She left us all with renewed excitement for the Summit on September 25th and for our Diocesan family to also experience her warmth and compassion. “We are all wounded by racism in this country – God’s desire is that we all should be well.”
Town Hall Zoom
with Camp Wright, the Retreat House,
the Bishop's Institute & St. Paul's Episcopal Center (SPEC)
Wednesday, October 13th, 6:00pm-7:00pm

Hear from our partners in ministry as they share more about how God is at work in their respective organizations. Includes time for Q&A.


The Safeguarding Requirements for the Diocese of Easton are still in place. Please note that there are now TWO options for completing the training portion of your safeguarding requirements. Either the in-person method as was employed prior to the Pandemic (register for the upcoming September 22nd training by emailing Joanne Fisher) or the online method that was introduced during the quarantine (click here for more information). You may notice that there is now a new platform for the online training, however the same courses are required. Thank you for your patience as the National Episcopal Church continues its overhaul of the Safeguarding Training Modules.


With the shifting tide of the Safeguarding Program to include new and expanding videos and content, it is even more important for the Diocese to have trainers in as many parishes as possible. These trainers can help champion the shift for their congregations and track compliance within their membership. We encourage you to consider who might be a good fit for this opportunity and encourage them to join our team. Contact Joanne Fisher for more information.


Safeguarding Training & Train the Trainer Event
Wednesday, September 22nd
NEW LOCATION: Trinity Cathedral, Miller Hall
315 Goldsborough Street, Easton MD

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Safeguarding God's Children Training
Do you have leaders in your parish who need to be Safeguarding Certified? The Diocese will be returning to our in-person model beginning this Fall and are providing training for anyone who needs to renew or who is not yet trained.

2:00 PM - 8:30 PM - Train the Trainer Event
Would you prefer to offer training in your local parish? Interested persons are invited to learn how to administer Safeguarding God's Children Training by becoming a certified trainer. Begins with Safeguarding Training and includes dinner.

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Current Trainer Reunion
Are you already a certified trainer in our Diocese? If so, we are asking you to join us to help orient our new trainers and to catch up on the upcoming revisions to our training process. Come early for dinner.

A Look Ahead
There are some big changes coming to our Safe Church curriculum. Until these changes go into effect, we ask that churches still follow the Safeguarding requirements as outlined in our current policies. To read more about the coming changes from the national church click here.
First Gathering is September 27th at Noon on Zoom

After the success of our monthly deep dives in 2020-21, we are excited to announce that they will continue in the coming program year, beginning Monday September 27th at noon and continuing on October 25th and November 22nd. During these hour-long sessions, Christian formation educators (including children, youth & adult formation leaders) gather over zoom to discuss a specific topic in-depth. Last year, topics included intergenerational worship, covid-safe event planning, technology and the post-pandemic church, seasonal educational idea sharing, self-care, General Convention, and more. September 27th will be a round-table discussion to raise topics of interest for future Deep Dives.

Please contact Joanne Fisher or Kate Riley if you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive future invitations - all are welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 2587 9611
Passcode: 935103
Retiree Medical Plans Changing

Retiree medical plans through The Episcopal Church Medical Trust (Medical Trust) will be changing as of January 1, 2022, offering a UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan for healthcare and prescription drug coverage to Medicare-eligible retirees and their Medicare-eligible dependents. These programs offer improved value, lower cost and easier benefits management than our current Medicare Supplement health plan.

Retirees should review the annual enrollment information that will be sent late September and the UnitedHealthcare Group Medicare Advantage plan information arriving in early October. Annual enrollment begins October 15, 2021 and ends November 12, 2021 . Review the plan guide and
go online to enroll at (if you have not made a plan election, you will be enrolled in the GMA Premium plan and your current dental coverage election.)

For more information:
Contact UnitedHealthcare
Learn about plan benefits, find a provider, look up prescription drugs
Visit or call UnitedHealthcare Customer Service toll-free at (866) 519-5401, TTY 711, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. local time, 7 days a week.
Contact Medical Trust
Ask about eligibility, make coverage changes, ask enrollment questions
Go to or call the Medical Trust at (800) 480-9967,
8:30 a.m.–8 p.m. ET., Monday–Friday.

Easton Episcopal Funds Update August 2021

The Board of Managers has developed a very specific asset allocation decision tree. Based upon input from our outside advisor, our own investment advisory board and the judgement of the Board, we gradually substantially moved our equity allocation above our benchmark weight of 65% to a maximum of 73%.  This decision was based on our perception of expected returns and normal investment risk. That strategy has allowed us to generate total returns of more than 23% over the last 12 months and annual returns of almost 13% over the last three years. Within our peer group of comparably managed funds, our performance places us in the top 20% over the last three and five years.

As the market has risen throughout this year, our return expectations have declined slightly, and our risk assessment risen slightly.  We still believe that we will have a strong economy, but perhaps with more inflation and government regulation.  With this outlook, we have decided to maintain our maximum equity exposure at no more than 73%, and as stocks have continued to rise, we have been selling stocks to keep our ratio below 73%. Since the beginning of this year we have sold almost $1 million in equity, and still our equity exposure has risen from the 70.5% that it was at the beginning of the year. 

In light of our strong current performance and very healthy long-term results (our annual return since the Fund’s inception in 2010 is 9.13%), the Board of Managers has reaffirmed our recommendation to the Diocese and our parishes that the Constant Rate of Return (CRR) should remain at 5.25%, but prudence should be used in budgeting the expenditure of monies.  
Chris Maxwell, Vice Chair
Board of Managers
"Now Hiring"
by The Reverend Canon Bernie Schroeder
An excerpt from Christ Church, Cambridge's September Newsletter
“Now Hiring,” “Help Wanted,” “All positions open, inquire within.” Have you seen the signs? McDonald’s is now advertising for new hires at $17/hour! But the signs are everywhere indicating that these jobs are not rapidly being filled. How can we reasonably celebrate Labor Day when no one seems to want to commit an act of labor? I know, of course, that there are no slackers at Christ Church – most of us have had full careers and several of us are on our second careers.
We have two areas that require our labor: Our jobs, which provide the means of survival and sustenance for us and our families; our church, which provides the sustenance of our souls. God expects us to labor for Him and for our earthly selves. One of our hymns for Labor Day Sunday is “Come, labor on.” The first stanza goes like this: “Come, labor on. Who dares stand idle on the harvest plain, while all around us wave the golden grain? And to each servant does the Master say, ‘Go work today.’”... Continue Reading...
Be on the Lookout for Scammers

We continue to see a significant uptick in the number of scam attempts using Bishop San’s and other clergy members names. With the holidays approaching we wanted to remind our members to keep an eye out for potential scammers who may be looking for gift cards, money, or other items. They may try and solicit these items via phone call, text or email. Be sure to check the source of where a message has originated and always call the office (410-822-1919) if you are ever in doubt. Please reference this article for more information.
Bishop's Spotlight
The Bishop has been inspired to see all of our churches creativity in and commitment to providing safe in-person or hybrid worship even as the pandemic continues to make headlines. Last week he enjoyed a visit with IU Worton for their annual “Friends of IU” service and meeting - it was refreshing to see the parish thriving under these Covid circumstances. The Bishop commends both the pastoral leadership of Rev. Gretchen Zimmerman and Rev. Frank Crumbaugh and the lay leadership of IU, whose dedication has reassured us all that the future of that parish remains bright. In late August, the Bishop also enjoyed a return to the annual Green Hill Sunday observance where it was wonderful to worship in the open air with members of multiple church communities. Bishop San will be attending the Virtual Fall Meeting of the House of Bishops from Tuesday, September 21 – Thursday, September 23. Please pray for the bishops of the Episcopal Church as they meet in sessions during these days.
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.

Covid 19 Updates
An excerpt from Bishop San's Pastoral Letter regarding Covid-19

..."I wish to reassure the diocesan family that your diocese has no intention to close our churches for in-person worship or social and/or civic activities. Overall, every church has practiced health and safety protocols with diligence and care for the well-being of the faith community with whom we are called to minister. Clergy and lay have been stellar and exceptional in their adaptability, creativity, and versatility. Old models have merged with new modalities to create a healthy worship and ministry atmosphere, whereby, everyone has felt safe and reassured that their health and safety matters. As a church community we have reached a vast expanse of new frontiers and mission fields we were unable to reach in years previous. For many of our faith communities there is growing sense of renewed life and vitality. " Read full letter here.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry encourages Americans to get vaccinated: “Do this one for the children” Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites everyone to share their own "I Got Mine” stories by posting photos and videos with the #igotmine hashtag and telling the world what getting the COVID-19 vaccine means to you. Watch Here.

From the Office of the Governor

Governor Hogan Orders Flags Lowered In Honor of 10,000 Marylanders Lost to COVID-19
Governor Larry Hogan today announced that he has directed state flags in Maryland to fly at half-staff in remembrance of the more than 10,000 Marylanders lost to COVID-19:
“More than 10,000 lives have now been taken from us by this deadly virus. Each of these Marylanders was the most important person in the world to someone, and our prayers are with all the family members and loved ones who are grieving.
“We have overcome so much over the last 19 months. Our recovery continues, and more people are getting vaccinated every day. But even while the worst may be behind us, this virus remains a significant threat to the vulnerable.
“Together, as we resolve never to forget any of these 10,011 Marylanders, I ask all the people of our great state to remain Maryland Strong and to have faith that we will emerge from this better and more resilient than ever before.”

Governor Hogan Announces Immediate Authorization of COVID-19 Booster Shots For Seniors In Congregate Care Facilities Governor Larry Hogan announced that the State of Maryland is immediately authorizing COVID-19 booster shots for all Marylanders 65 and older who are living in congregate care settings, including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, residential drug treatment centers, and developmentally disabled group homes. Read more here.

From the Maryland Department of Health: This flu season, can I get a COVID-19 vaccine and flu vaccine at the same time? Can immunocompromised people who receive the J&J vaccine get a booster dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine?
Get these answers and more on our Trending Questions page
Book your vaccination appointment today. Make an appointment to get vaccinated by visiting or by calling COVID-19 Vaccination Support Center at 1-855-MD-GOVAX (1-855-634-6829) seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Find other vax site locations near you at

Federal Government vaccine finder - visit or text your zip code to 438829 to find a location near you.

Keep on slowing the spread of COVID-19 by
watching your distance, washing your hands and wearing your mask.
Prayers of the People

Please continue to keep in your prayers those infected with Coronavirus, those who have died as a result of the virus, and medical personnel and first responders.

Please continue to include over the next several Sundays prayers for healing, reconciliation and unity among all God's beloved people in our nation and particularly for those involved in government work.

Let us pray:
Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered together under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one God and Creator of us all; to whom be dominion and glory, now and forever.
– For Peace, Book of Common Prayer, p. 815

Oh God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your son. Look now with compassion on the entire human family; and particularly this part of the family, in the United States, and those in our nation’s capital; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
– For the Human Family, Book of Common Prayer, p. 815

We ask God to heal us, to show us the way to healing, to show us the way to be one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Join us for a spiritual retreat
on the grounds of The Retreat House --
an opportunity to step away 
from your daily routine, to pause and to unwind.

Retreat House at Hillsboro has many fall and community offerings!! Explore them here!!

To receive our newsletter, and other email offerings, please sign up here. 
You can un-subscribe at any time.

See our calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069, click the buttons below or contact Francie Thayer.
Happenings Around The Diocese
St. Paul's, Trappe The Rev. Nathaniel Pierce will lead a six-week Zoom study of Marcus J. Borg's book, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time. The study will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Thursdays beginning September 16th. Please write Nathaniel at to be added to the participant list. All are Welcome.
St. Alban's Church, Salisbury will be holding a yard sale on Saturday, September 18th, 7am to 12pm (Rain Date is September 25th). Funds raised will benefit PEO. PEO is a Philanthropic Educational Organization for women that improves their higher education. They have provided low interest loans for young women within St. Alban's to complete their education.
Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford Mission Project: Neighborhood Service Center Food Drive The Neighborhood Service Center, Inc. is a non-profit Community Action Agency that provides services and assistance to low-income families and elderly residents in Talbot County, Maryland. Holy Trinity has been one of the key supporters of NSC’s mission. NSC is seeking our assistance to help them continue to provide meals to the food insecure families in our community. They are seeking to collect canned goods and ready to eat/quick fix foods that are NONPERISHABLE.
Donations may be dropped at the Parish Hall or you may bring them to the church on Sunday the 19th where they will have several cars ready to receive your donations.
Trinity Cathedral, Easton
Book Study: The Very Rev. Greg Powell will lead a 12-week study of White Too Long by Robert P. Jones each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. beginning September 21st. The book explores the tight relationship between white Christianity and white supremacy in America. Please call the office at 410-822-1931 to register for the class. All are welcome.

Bible Study: The Rev. Bruce McNab will lead a seven week series on the Gospel of John from his home in Bozeman, Montana each Friday at 1:00 p.m. EST beginning September 24th. Please call the office at 410-822-1931 to register for the class and receive your background reading materials. All are welcome.
Church of the Holy Spirit, Ocean City Chicken & Crab Feast, Sunday October 3rd 2-5pm. Cost is $45 (children age 6-10 $20; under 6 free. BYOM (bring your own mallet!!) Chance auction and 50/50 raffle. Carryout for those not vaccinated. For tickets and more information contact the church office at 410-723-1973
Christ Church, Cambridge Concert Series 2021-2022 All Concerts on Sunday at 4:00pm: Mark Valenti, Piano October 10, 2021; Tidewater Singers, Christmas Concert December 19, 2021; Beau Soir, Harp & Flute Duo, Variety including Irish Music February 6, 2022; Winner of Chesapeake Chamber Music Competition April 3, 2022; Solomon Eichner, Piano May 1, 2022. Admission: $10 / Students Free
Reception following. More info @
St. Peter's, Salisbury Fall Bazaar -- Save the Dates: Friday and Saturday, November 19 and 20. St. Peter’s Annual Market Place and Bazaar. 
St. Mary the Virgin, Pocomoke City In August a school supply drive was started at St. Mary the Virgin in Pocomoke City. Parishioners wanted to be sure to give students in our neighborhood a proper start to their school year. 
In August, school supplies were delivered to our friends at Pocomoke High School. Over $700 in supplies were donated by the parish and a $300 donation was given to the school for additional items and bookbags. The school was so very grateful for the generosity of St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church and they are looking forward to partnering with them in the future.
In addition, the parish sponsored five children in the Worcester County GOLD backpack drive as well. Five students were provided all their school supplies for the year including water bottles, hand sanitizers and a special note for each child.  
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.
Summer 2021 is a wrap!

We are so thankful for our campers, their families, our staff, and everyone who supported us this summer. Thank you for the opportunity to care for and grow with your children during these unusual times. Thank you to everyone who went the extra mile to keep our campers and staff healthy and safe this summer. We can't wait to see you next summer!

As always, feel free to reach out to our camp director, Julia Connelly, if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for The Rev. Paula E. Clark bishop-elect of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and her husband, Andrew McLean. The Rev. Kevin Cross. The Rev. Bryan Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. Art & Bonnie Kendall. The Rev. Ron Knapp. Art Leiby. Tom Mendenhall. The Rev. George Merrill. Becky Richardson. Larry Samuels. The Rev. Pete Stanton.

We pray for the many lives that have been affected by the Coronavirus. For those who have died; for the family members that mourn their loss. For those who continue to heal and for the skilled caregivers that continue to fight this disease – we pray for you.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
(September 19th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Shrewsbury Parish, Kennedyville, and for their Rector, the Very Rev. Henry Sabetti, and his spouse, Lisa. We give thanks for their Asst. Priest, the Rev. Stephan Klingelhofer, and his spouse, Diane.

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
(September 26th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Luke’s Parish, Queen
Anne County, and for their Vicar, the Ven. Loretta Collins, and her spouse,

Ninteenth Sunday after Pentecost
(October 3rd)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Marion
Station, and for their Rector, the Rev. Mike Lokey, and his wife, Bunny.

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
(October 10th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Alban’s, Salisbury.
We give thanks for the work of their Wardens and Search Committee.

For additional weeks, please visit our website.
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Presiding Bishop preaches at Trinity Church Wall Street as nation marks 20 years since 9/11 Presiding Bishop Michael Curry preached Sept. 12 at Trinity Church Wall Street in New York during the church’s Sept. 11 Requiem Holy Eucharist, part of a weekend of commemorations marking 20 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

“We observe this solemn occasion at a perilous moment in our national life and history,” Curry said. “The seeds of self-centeredness and hatred will inevitably yield a bitter harvest.” Watch here.
Statement on climate change by Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch
For the first time, the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Anglican Communion have jointly warned of the urgency of environmental sustainability, its impact on poverty, and the importance of global cooperation.

Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and Archbishop Justin Welby urge everyone to play their part in “choosing life” for the future of the planet.
In a joint statement, the Christian leaders have called on people to pray, in this Christian season of creation, for world leaders ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) this November. The statement reads: “We call on everyone, whatever their belief or worldview, to endeavour to listen to the cry of the earth and of people who are poor, examining their behaviour and pledging meaningful sacrifices for the sake of the earth which God has given us.” Read more here.
Beyond the Diocese
Register now to exhibit at The Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention Registration for exhibit space at the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church is now open to all organizations and vendors. This triennial event is scheduled for July 7–14, 2022, at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland. Space is limited, and over half of the floorplan has been reserved. Read more here.
The Church Pension Group (CPG), a financial services organization that serves The Episcopal Church, announced that it will host a virtual conversation on September 29th, on shareholder engagement as part of its ongoing Insights & Ideas series of discussions on socially responsible investing. 
United Thank Offering invites 2022 Annual Grants - Fall webinars will provide info, answer questions about process
The United Thank Offering (UTO) Board is pleased to announce the availability of their 2022 UTO Annual Grants, with an application deadline of Feb. 4, 2022. These grants are awarded for projects in The Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion, each year with a different focus.
For 2022, the focus is Care of Creation: Turning love into action by caring for God’s creation to protect the most vulnerable — who will bear the largest burden of pollution and climate change — through justice, advocacy, environmental reparations, and the development of formational materials.
The United Thank Offering was founded to support innovative mission and ministry in The Episcopal Church and to promote thankfulness and mission in the whole church. One hundred percent of UTO thank offerings are granted the following year. These awards have supported everything from staff positions to conferences, creation of educational resources, and building projects.
Application information and forms are available here. Please note: The application deadline is earlier this year due to General Convention and Executive Council schedules. Learn more here.