Falling into the New Year
Dear International Slugs,

We hope you enjoyed your summer break (or summer session). With fall quarter only days away, we are excited to continue our online engagement and look forward to the possibility of providing in-person events.

Please help us in planning fall events! We invite you to complete this Back to School Survey. You can begin connecting with us and each other today, even before you return to campus.

Global Programming has a new Discord server, where you can connect with new and continuing international students. Our Global Mentors are available there, and you can ask them questions about life and academics at UCSC or just chat!

In this newsletter, you will find reminders for making international payments, Community Rentals resources for off-campus housing, and immunization and sequestering requirements, and more.

As we prepare for orientation and the start of classes, we welcome you back to campus and support your next steps here at UCSC.

Best Wishes,

Victoria, Andy, and Lisa
Global Programming
Our Global Mentors are here to welcome new undergraduate international students and help them transition to life and academics at UC Santa Cruz.

They're also available on the Global Programming Discord server to answer any questions they may have.

Meet the team here.
Global Engagement Resources & Events
Join us on our Discord server, where you can chat with fellow international students and connect with others from the same college or department. You can also ask questions about life at UC Santa Cruz.

We hope to connect with you before the start of fall quarter!
Global Programming Back to School Survey
Global Programming aims to host events and foster intercultural connections with UCSC students' safety in mind.

We ask that you please fill out this survey so that we may know how best to serve you in Fall 2021.

Participants will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Amazon gift card.
Campus Resources & Events
Important Payment Information
Need help making university payments? Check out the Student Business Services website for payment options.

UCSC also uses Flywire to make international payments. You can make secure payments from anywhere in the world. Learn how to make Flywire payments in English or Chinese.
COVID-19 Protocol
All students will be expected to follow the UC-wide COVID vaccination policy. For more information, visit the Slug Strong website.

Vaccine records must be uploaded via the Health e-Messenger or an Official Exception must be requested by September 9.

For students living on campus, you can check testing and vaccine protocols here.

If you will be living off campus and coming to campus for events and classes, you are expected to follow the protocols listed here.

You can find COVID-19 screening and vaccination requirements for students here.

Please refer to the email from UCSC Public Affairs, dated September 2, 2021.
Need help looking for off-campus housing? Check out resources provided by Community Rentals.

They have a web page of housing search advice just for international students and scholars that you can check out here.

Also check out options for temporary lodging during your housing search, if you need it.
Fiday, September 24, 13:00-16:00 PDT

Students, join us for Downtown Day on September 24 to explore your local community and connect with UCSC peers. This will be an afternoon full of fun activities, student performances, free goodies, and lots of prizes, ending the day with a free viewing of the movie, "Us!" We hope to see you there!

Look for an invitation to join a Global Mentor to go together as a group.

Admission is free!
Global Programming
Classroom Unit, Room 103, Santa Cruz
CA 95064 United States