Welcome to Artist Alley,
Washington County Arts Council's electronic newsletter.
We hope this publication will engage you with the arts in your community.
WCAC welcomes your ideas and support as it continues to take the lead in bringing together the community's art organizations to strengthen our region's arts culture.
For artist information, arts events, calls for art, and more visit WCAC's web page...
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"City Stills" is a collection of photographs from the Senior Visual Artists of Barbara Ingram School for the Arts. Each senior has 2 pieces that all collectively showcase the beauties and peculiarities of urban Hagerstown." | |
Mark Youngblood and the BISFA Students will be the featured speakers at the Chamber of Commerce’s March Coffee & Connections on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, from 8am until 9am.
Chamber of Commerce, 1 South Potomac St., on the Square in downtown Hagerstown.
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Inquire about the Washington County Arts Council's BISFA Summer Arts Academy scholarships....call (240) 347-4934. | |
The Washington County Arts Council Gallery hosts its March 2023 exhibit, "Travel – A Gift for the Senses” a photographic display by Robert and Kitty Nalewaik. The exhibit runs from March 9, 2023 through April 4, 2023. The Nalewaiks “devote their photographic time presenting their view of the world for your enjoyment. Eyes are drawn to the beauty of the medieval, the mountains, out of the way villages, ruins, and castles - from the Costa def Sol to the Alps to the Rockies; from Stonehenge to Knossos to Machu Picchu…. (and) various portions of the United States.” | |
DEADLINE: May 30, 2023 @ 5pm EST*
*Please note: This is NOT a postmark deadline!
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Call for Artists: Public Art for the Hub City Garage
The City of Hagerstown seeks an artist to design permanent public art at two locations on the proposed Hub City Garage adjacent the Hagerstown Cultural Trail at 50 West Antietam Street. The City plans to construct the deck in 2023/2024 and the proposed art will be located on the structure as described herein. This artist call is presented in partnership with the Washington County Arts Council.
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Get your tickets now for Art in Bloom as the Museum has challenged floral designers to interpret works of art on view in the museum through floral arrangements. The results are often stunning, beautiful, whimsical, amusing, and always a delight. Opening is Friday, March 24, 2023, (costs is $55). The event continues Saturday, March 25, 2023 and Sunday, March 26, 2023. To purchase tickets for the opening, call Donna Rastelli at 301-739-5727 or drastelli@wcmfa.org.
Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
401 Museum Drive
Hagerstown, MD 21741
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One Maryland One Book
The 2023 One Maryland One Book is
There There by Tommy Orange!
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We thank our reading audience and our 2023 Selection Committee for their efforts in suggesting and reviewing this year’s titles.
What if everyone read one book at the same time?
About One Maryland One Book
When we read a great book, we can’t wait to share the experience and talk about it with others. That’s one of the joys of reading.
In that spirit, Maryland Humanities created One Maryland One Book (OMOB) to bring together diverse people in communities across the state through the shared experience of reading the same book. We invite you to participate in book-centered discussions and related programs at public libraries, high schools, colleges, museums, bookstores, and community and senior centers around the state.
OMOB programs, including an author tour, take place each year in the fall. A calendar of free public events will be available online this summer.
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Pam Wenger:
“Quick Sketch Portrait in Watercolor” Workshop
Monday, April 3, 2023, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm. One day workshop with award-winning artist Pam Wenger. Cost is $80 for VAA and Museum members and $90 for non-members. All materials are included. Lunch is provided. Minimum 7, maximum 12 artists. Contact Elaine Wolfe at valleyartinfo@gmail.com or call 304-261-9583 (no text).
Mansion House Gallery & Art Center, 480 Highland Ave., Hagerstown City Park.
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Lesa Cook: “Portrait Sculpture Workshop”
Three-day sculpture workshop creating an impressionistic portrait (half life-size) with professional model: May 18 - May 20, 10:30 am - 4 pm each day. $250 for VAA and Museum members, $275 for non-members; all supplies and lunch included, shared model fees and firing not included. Minimum is 6, maximum is 9. Contact Elaine Wolfe at valleyartinfo@gmail.com or call 304-261-9583 (no text).
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Mansion House Gallery & Art Center, 480 Highland Ave., Hagerstown City Park. | |
Opportunities for Artists
Explore MSAC grants and opportunities available to independent artists, click here for details.
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Emergency Grants & Grants for Artists
Maryland State Arts Council's Emergency Grant applications for $2,000 for Independent Artists are being accepted through May 5, 2023! If you have experienced a loss of income due to an emergency occurring after January 1, 2022, that impacts your work as an independent artist, you are encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis through May 5 and awarded monthly. Learn more and apply now!
Reach out to MSAC Grants Director, Cathy Teixeira at catherine.teixeira@maryland.gov for questions. Apply now!
Maryland State Arts Council's Grants for Artists applications are also now open! Submit an application for $6,000 which supports working and living expenses for Maryland Artists by clicking here.
Review the recording of a virtual info session at this link, and contact MSAC Senior Program Director Chad Buterbaugh with questions: chad.buterbaugh@maryland.gov
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The Washington County Arts Council, Inc. is funded by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC), an agency of the Department of Business & Economic Development. | |
The Washington County Arts Council is a proud member of
County Arts Agencies of Maryland,
Maryland Citizens for the Arts, and Americans for the Arts
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The WCAC facility is wheelchair accessible! | |
Thank you for providing your email address to the
Washington County Arts Council. Your information was obtained from
at least one of the following methods: signing our guest book,
becoming a member, donating, entering a contest, or exhibiting with us.
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