December 2016
Greetings from GREAT! December marks the end of the year, with reflection of 2016 and hopes for 2017 on our mind. We have much to celebrate from 2016, with our first course started, our team in place and our first successes driving our enthusiasm for the year ahead!

For us here at the GREAT team, December also marks the halfway point between Week 1 of the GREAT gender responsive root, tuber and banana (RTB) breeding course, and Week 2 of that course planned for February 13-17th 2017 when the teams will join us back in Kampala. The GREAT RTB course participant teams are currently in the field, collecting sex-disaggregated qualitative and quantitative data from their ongoing research projects. With the first week of training under their belts, the teams are now busy integrating what they learned into their research projects and working with our world-class team of mentors to help them design and implement their fieldwork.

Lastly December marks progress for our curriculum development team. The GREAT trainers are hard at work perfecting the curriculum for Week 2, where we will cover qualitative and quantitative data analysis, communication and institutional transformation. Please find updates on one of our teams in this newsletter, and watch videos of our participants answering the question: why GREAT?

Happy holidays and thank you!
Hale Tufan and Margaret Mangheni 
Hear directly from Week 1 participants about how the GREAT training has allowed them to bring gender-responsiveness to their research

Participant Team Highlight: NextGen Cassava, Uganda

As a small child in Uganda, Robert Kawuki farmed banana and cassava crops with his family, spawning an interest that still guides him today. "When I had an opportunity to come and work with a program that works on a crop I also grew when I was young, I got very interested...

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Photo Album
Interested in seeing what happened during Week 1 of the first course last September? Our Week 1 photo album gives you a detailed and personal glimpse into the course, including field and classroom session!

My experience as a GREAT Mentor
Brenda Boonabaana

As a GREAT mentor, I have had a wonderful opportunity to support GREAT participants through their journey of conducting gender research by sharing my knowledge, skills, experience and encouraging them along the way.

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Please visit GREAT's website and follow us on social media as we move into the second week of RTB training in February 2017. Our next training subject, Gender Responsive Grains Breeding, will begin September 2017 and details will be available in early 2017 on our website and through this newsletter.