New Heights Newsletter
School News
Important Dates in December
December 3rd is Photo Re-takes Day
December 7th is an FOP day for ECS families.
December 17th is the last day of classes for students before the Winter Break! 
Important: Calendar Change
There is a change to our School and ECS calendars in January. The Professional Development Day has been moved to January 4th instead of January 18th. There will be no School or ECS classes on January 4th, 2021.
See the revised School calendar here and ECS calendar here, also available on our website here.
Message from PAC
In lieu of an in-person Winter Festival, PAC is running 3 initiatives to engage our New Heights community.

1. Food Drive for the Calgary Food Bank
Bring in your donation of non-perishable food items by December 11th, to help us stack to the top of the tree!
2. A Free Festive Cookie
Remember to return your student's order form by December 3rd, so we can send them home a cookie on December 11th.

3. FlipGrid Video
  • Share a FlipGrid holiday message from your family to our New Heights community. Feel free to share a special holiday tradition or just a fun holiday message.
  • In order for parents/families to make a video, you will have to sign in using
  • a Microsoft or Google email account
  • Click this link: and submit by December 14th. 

Thank you for participating in these community building activities and we wish you all a safe and
happy holiday season!

The New Heights School Parent Advisory Council
New Heights Clothing

We have some new New Heights swag available!
All orders need to be in by December 8th, 2020.
The expected arrival of the clothing is mid-January.
Please contact for questions, or if you would like an order form.
Photo Re-takes
Ken Stewart will be back in the building on December 3rd for photo re-takes, including students who were absent for his initial visit.
Contact for more information.
Way to Go!
Each month at New Heights there is a Way to Go! draw. To be entered, students have to be “caught” going above and beyond for others.
Some examples of this might be: helping out another student to solve a problem, holding the door for others on the way outside, or letting someone else have a turn on a favorite game.
Teachers fill out a ticket for the students to drop off in the jar in the office, and each month, Mr Williams and Mrs Newfield pull a ticket from the jar, usually during the assembly. At the end of the year, all the tickets are put back in the jar for a final mega-draw at the end of June.
The winner of the Way to Go! draw in November was Nolan from Mount Kidd.
Early Registration now open for current students
Early registration packages for current students have been sent home as of December 1st, 2020. If you have not received your 2021.2022 registration package, please make sure to contact Alison Black, our Admissions Coordinator, at
Early registration packages for current students are due on Friday, January 29th, 2021. 
Our wait list will be open to new students on February 1st, 2021.
3 Year Education Plan and Results Report
The New Heights 3 Year Education Plan and Results Report for Alberta Education has been updated and published as of November 30th, 2020, and is now available on our website here.
Tech Spot
Featured App: Audible
The Audible App allows for the downloading and playing of audio books purchased via

Audio books can be a great tool for students who struggle with reading. By removing common reading barriers, audiobooks can open up a new world to struggling readers, allowing them to move beyond the decoding part of reading and into learning. 

The use of an audiobook along with a hard copy for students to follow along, is also a great way to allow students to be immersed in the meaning of text and create a positive experience with books they may otherwise struggle to read independently.
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