A former gas station located in Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey was impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons due to leaks from underground storage tanks. The primary contaminants of interest (COIs) at the site were benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX), trimethylbenzenes, and tentatively identified compounds (TICs) The area of concern (AOC) was approx. 2,600 sq ft with a target vertical interval from 7 to 11 feet below ground surface (ft bgs). The geology at the site is primarily a fine to medium grained sand with groundwater being encountered from 7 to 9 ft bgs. Provect-OX2™ was applied in situ to address the residual sorbed and dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbon contaminant mass. Three primary monitoring wells were impacted within this AOC, including MW-1R, MW-5, and MW-9.