Catalyst. Convener. Champion.
Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce. Our strong local economy and extraordinary quality of life happen by design, not by accident. Working together, we cause great things to happen. |
Beets + Eats is now offering holiday gift boxes of their chef's favorite treats.
Great idea for friends and family or as a corporate gift box as a way to say thank you to your team this year.
For a complete listing of new members, click here.
Alameda County Public Health Department
Representing Business &
Strengthening the Local Economy
Quality of life by design.
Visit our Chamber sponsored
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce sponsors the "Business Connections" networking group, which is for Chamber members-only and meets twice a month virtually via Zoom.
"Smarter Business Building"
Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday
of each month, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
| |
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce staff will be working remotely and be available for essential communication via email and voicemail.
The Chamber office is closed to the general public. For questions, please email Steve, Dawn, Kate, Susie or
Yianna or call the main line at 925-846-5858 ext. 200 and leave a message.
Issue Date:
November 30, 2020
$5 million in CARES Acts funds now available
Alameda County CARES grants are in response to the economic, health and safety impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program was authorized by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors when it redirected $5 million in CARES Act funds for a small business grant program in response to the economic, health and safety impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. East Bay EDA was designated to administer and coordinate the program for Alameda County.
The program prioritizes grants for small, local and emerging businesses within Alameda County to assist with the costs of business interruption caused by COVID-19. Grants are intended to assist small businesses with covering necessary costs due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, incurred between March 17, 2020 and December 30, 2020. Eligible businesses can receive a one-time grant of $5,000. The grant does not require a matching contribution from the applicant and will not require repayment. Funds are limited and not everyone who applies is guaranteed to receive funding. Ineligible applicants are encouraged to seek these additional funding sources: Alameda County Arts Relief Grants Program (nonprofit arts organizations) and COVID-19 Business Adaptation Grants (unincorporated county areas).
Pleasanton's Virtual Hometown Holiday Celebration
The City of Pleasanton and the Tri-Valley Community Television, TV30 will premiere the Virtual Hometown Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting on Saturday, December 5 at 7:00pm on Tri-Valley Community Television for the community to view safely from home.
The pre-recorded live broadcast will feature holiday cheer and entertainment from the award-winning a cappella group, Business Casual and the annual tree lighting countdown with the City Council and special guest Santa Claus.
 A week of fun virtual holiday activities for the community are planned from December 1-5 that include sharing your favorite holiday cookie recipe and movie, a holiday sweater contest, and an online map of Pleasanton's holiday lights for residents to enjoy from the safety of their car.
For more information about the Virtual Hometown Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting, holiday activities week, or the holiday light map visit: www.hometownholiday.com.
Pleasanton 2025 Forum next week
Every second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 a.m., the Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.
Our December forum takes place the morning of Wednesday, December 9 and will feature Dr. Dyrell Foster, President, Las Positas College. Dr. Foster was selected as the new President of Las Positas College and began in February, 2020. He has been an administrator in the California Community College system for over 20 years.
Destigmatizing Small Business Investing w/ SMBX
Banks love lending to small businesses, but within private investment circles, small business investing still holds a stigma of being risky. Why is that?
During this event, we'll cover
- Regulatory Landscape that caused this (5 minutes)
- What's created this misconception for business owners and potential investors?
- What business owners can do to overcome this stigma
- How to broaden your access to capital through the right investment structure
- How local community members can invest with minimized risk
Shop Small - Support Local
The Pleasanton Downtown Association, in partnership with the City of Pleasanton has launched a brand-new Shop Small - Support Local campaign to encourage our community to shop, dine and visit local this holiday season. We are asking our community to make the pledge to Shop Small and Support Local!
When you Shop Small you do something BIG! Shopping locally keeps dollars in our economy. When we support our local businesses, our sales taxes are reinvested right here in Pleasanton.
Now more than ever, it is vital we support the small businesses who make such valuable and distinct contributions to our community and local economy. Shop Small - Support Local 2020 is a celebration of small businesses ranging from retail stores and restaurants to fitness studios and salons, and everything in between. Downtown merchants will be distributing commemorative custom Pleasanton totes for shoppers to enjoy with their purchase. Visit www.pleasantondowntown.net/ShopSmall for participating locations to receive totes with purchase, special offers and more!
Drive-By Winter Wonderland
Come enjoy decorations, Santa, surprise gifts, and pick up a complimentary class card at Row House Pleasanton. See you at Rose Pavillion, Pleasanton (by Trader Joe's and CVS).
December Networking Mixer
Join us for a virtual mixer and networking opportunity for the month of December, all from the comfort of your own computer. Details coming soon.
Contact us if you'd like to be a part of this event.
Office Depot Program
Did you know that the Chamber sponsors a program that can give you and your business discounts?
Chamber members can save with the Office Depot program. The group buying power of the Chamber allows all members and their employees cost savings far below retail. To sign up and start shopping online today, visit this website.
To shop in the retail store, simply text PleasantonSPC to 555-888 for your digital savings card, then present the image on your phone at checkout.
Member News
Pleasanton's Virtual Hometown Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting
Introducing: The Cellar Door Chalet
Elegance at Dublin now open
Assistance League's Food for Families Program
Remembering Former UNCLE Credit Union President and CEO Kathie Kasper
Shop Small - Support Local
UNCLE Credit Union Announces Three Executive Promotions
Opening Soon and November Specials at Elegance at Dublin
Christmas is a Special Time at Shepherd's Gate