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February - Read-a-Thon Month

15-16 - Scholastic Book Fair

20-21 - No School (Presidents' Day and Teacher Inservice)


10 - No School (Conferences)

13 - Imagination Fair

20-24 - No School (Spring Break)


Chris Holden | @MonsieurHolden | 952.848.4100

Merci beaucoup Normandale Families,

After all of the hard work during Rally Month we made our goal of recruiting 60 host families for next school year! 

Thanks to the Intern Committee and the 60+ families that volunteered to host an intern next school year, we will be able to invite 27 interns to Edina. Rolland Talan and Sharon Norlander, our intern recruiters, have interviewed 95 candidates from 22 universities and have 40 viable candidates! Après l’éffort, le réconfort!


We are excited to announce our annual Read-A-Thon has begun! 

La lecture, j'assure! Reading is my Superpower! 

Minutes reading means minutes learning. Our goal for the Normandale Read-a-Thon is to encourage and celebrate students' reading. Their habits of reading will develop lifelong learners, whether they read with imagination or read for information.

Click here for more information about signing up to track your students' reading minutes during the month of February!


Our annual Scholastic Book Fair is Wednesday and Thursday, February 15-16th in the Normandale Auditorium. Books in English and French will be available!

Wednesday, February 15 from 8:00am-5:00pm

Thursday, February 16 from 8:00am-6:00pm


How can you shop?

  • Students will visit the book fair with their classrooms on Wednesday, February 15. Send money in a Ziploc bag with their name. Any checks must be made out to NORMANDALE PTO.
  • Prefer to not send cash? Sign up for Scholastic e-wallet
  • Students can shop during recess on Thursday only if they have Scholastic e-wallet funds or payment with them.
  • Come and shop with your student during parent shopping hours:
  • Wednesday 2/15 3pm-5pm
  • Thursday 2/16 8am-6pm
  • Shop online February 14th through February 27th.


Volunteers still needed! Sign up to help here.


Thank you to the 60 families who signed up to host an intern for the 2023-24 school year and to all of the families who signed up to be Partner families or alternate host families!

The success of our Edina French Immersion program depends on having warm, welcoming host families for our French Interns. We are thrilled that we will be able to make offers to the most outstanding intern candidates during the month of February!

Merci Beaucoup to the families who have signed up to be

Host Families for the 2023-2024 school year:

The Merrild Family

The Vessey Family

The Swiderski Family

The Doe Family

The Moser Family

The Olfelt Family

The Thomas Family

The Wilson Family

The Petersen Family

The Zimmerman Family

The Orozco/Mckeen Family

The Olson Family

The Sanberg Family

The McCarthy Family

The Bertulli Family

The Reenshuler Family

The Odegaard Family

The Kram Family

The Farah Family

The Khariwala Family

The Engle Family

The Franzen Family

The Teasdale Family

The Mueller Family

The Warner Family

The Koehler Family

The Seaman Family

The Kouatli Family

The Panetta Family

The Schultz Family

The Kim Family

The Simenson Family

The Heinmiller Family

The Aviles Family

The Soper Family

The Stukas Family

The Barcel Family

The Schnitzlein Family

The Pearson Family

The Connor Family

The Anderson Family

The Fulmer Family

The Eichten Family

The Michaletz Family

The Pitko Family

The Sink Family

The Christiaansen Family

The Chambers/Poerschke Family

The Virmani/Lamba Family

The Holten Family

The Schmitt Family

The Angel Family

The Neil Family

The Murphy Family

The Jennen Family

The Pollock Family

The Russell Family

The Russell Family

The Yurecko Family

The Skaggs/Pezeshki Family



ABOUT ME:  I grew up in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. It's a multicultural city where I learned to live together and many beautiful values. I have a big family, my dad, my mom, two older sisters and a little brother. I love them very much. I love to ride my bike in the open air and to have picnics with my friends.

IN THE US:    I would like to visit the area and discover all the activities that the people I will have the chance to meet usually do.

MY FAVORITE FOOD:  My favorite dish is the seafood lasagna.

I AM EXCITED ABOUT:     I am looking forward to learning about the Minnesota way of life, learning English, and visiting the area. I am also looking forward to meeting my future students and colleagues, learning from them and having a lot of fun.



Registration for the Edina Community Ed Winter/Spring Catalog is open! Register online at Find a place to belong with Edina Community Ed!

Registration for the Edina Community Ed Summer Catalog 2023 opens on Tuesday, February 14th at 8am!

Catalogs are starting to hit mailboxes this week! Don’t wait to see what’s happening -- preview offerings now via the online catalog. Then, register online at starting at 8:00am on February 14th. Find a place to belong with Edina Community Ed!


Do you need help paying for sports or clubs? Edina Give and Go grants up to $1,000 per student per school year to pay registration fees for sports, after school clubs or classes, tutoring, AP exams, instrument rental, drivers education, and more. 


Click here to learn more and apply. 


Hello Edina families and community! The Edina Education Fund is excited to announce the annual Cake-Off Fundraiser and Virtual Home Edition will be back on Thursday, February 2, 2023, 10am-12pm, at St. Patrick’s Church of Edina.  

Enjoy coffee, time with fellow community members and of course, cake! The program begins at 10:00am and will highlight Ed Fund’s work with EPS in STEAM, Literacy, and Mental Health.

Learn about all the programs and lives you touch through your donation and hear what's next for our kids. The event is free, please register here: 

It’s time to get baking to participate in the Cake-Off Virtual Home Edition! Get creative, have some fun and you could win prizes! Here’s how the Virtual Home Edition works:

  • Bake a cake, cupcakes, pie, cookies, any baked good you love!
  • Email a picture of your creation to by Friday, January 27 and enjoy your baked goods with your family.
  • All entries will be featured on the Ed Fund website and voting will begin on Monday, January 30

Winners will be announced at the Cake-Off on Thursday, February 2!

Follow us on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram to find out more about this fun event!

We look forward to seeing you on February 2!


We are excited to bake our way to supporting our Scholars! Send some chocolate chip banana bread to a loved one. Order at



The Edina Public Schools district has begun the Budget Reduction/Revenue Generation (BRRG) process for the 2023-24 school year. Please join Superintendent Dr. Stacie Stanley and Director of Business Services Mert Woodard at a community input session to learn more about the BRRG process and provide your input. Each year school districts adjust their budgets to align with anticipated revenues. Balancing the budget will require approximately $4MM in budget adjustments. EPS is committed to making adjustments based on sound financial stewardship while seeking to maintain current class sizes and program offerings. 


The Budget Reduction/Revenue Generation ThoughtExchange is open through February 3, 2023 at 4 PM. Please continue to share your thoughts and join the conversation.


Find the session schedule and more information regarding the BRRG process here. Check this website regularly for BRRG updates.  


The Alliance Française is the non-profit French cultural center serving the Twin Cities and is a proud partner of French immersion schools and their families. Alliance Française offers a library, summer camps for children of all ages and levels, French classes for adults, cooking classes, and more than 150 cultural events each year. Learn more about Alliance Française Mpls/St Paul at

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