Saint Mark United Methodist Church

A Message from Our Senior Pastor,

Rev. Carolyn Stephens

Friday, March 17, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,

I pray you are doing well, and you are continuing to observe a holy Lent.

As I am writing this note, I am standing in my office, looking out the window at the construction workers mixing and rendering concrete, digging holes, and shoveling cement to get the building completed, so it can pass certification inspection. I am happy to see them work, for I know it means our parking deck will soon be ready. Continue to pray that it will be done and certified, so we will park here Easter.

As I look at the construction crew work, I am reminded that you and I are construction workers, just for a working for a different owner, and building a different structure. We are working for God, and are building God’s kingdom here on earth. Like those construction workers, we have to render, mix, dig, and shovel the areas of ministry each of us has been called to, as we do the work of God. Some of you may be better at rendering, some mixing, and others at digging and shoveling. Whatever it be, we all have our part to play as we use the gifts and talents God has given to each of us. Let us be committed and disciplined to use our gifts as we keep building God’s Kingdom here at Saint Mark, and in our Midtown community.

Here is one of the ways you can use your gifts for the building up of the Kingdom here in Midtown. Saturday, April 8, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm, will be our Community Easter Egg Hunt. While you may see it as a treat to children, it is also an opportunity to show up for our neighbors, to get to know them, and to share the love of God with them. We need volunteers to work in the different areas of activities, and also to welcome and engage the parents. Please reach out to Sheila Stephens or Mary Murray.  I am also inviting the church, at large, to come on out and be present. Let us have a grand time as we show God’s love to our community.

On a different note, as has been the custom of Saint Mark, we will have our Easter Brunch in Wade Hall, immediately after the 11:00am worship service Easter Sunday, April 9. It will be my first Easter Brunch with you, and I am looking forward to being there with each of you. The menu looks scrumptious - it will be inserted in this Sunday’s bulletin. The cost is $20 per adult, and $10 per child under 12. Please get you tickets early as space is limited. You can purchase you tickets online at this link.

Easter Lilies are available to purchase in memory or honor of someone you love, and they will be used in worship Easter Sunday. You can purchase them at this link.

Let me end on this note: Saint Mark, you have made my heart full, and I am so grateful for you and your commitment to the work of ministry. On behalf of your lay-leadership team and myself, we want to express our gratitude to you, for your generosity, and for allowing us not only to cover all our 2022 financial commitment, but also to cover our apportionment to the annual conference in full. We are thankful to you, and we want to share it with you here on this link.


Pastor Carolyn.

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