The monthly newsletter of the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
We appreciate your patience with the late release of this month's newsletter. We held off on publication to ensure the inclusion of photos from our recent Advisory Council meeting, (details below). This gathering has equipped our leadership with the plans, updates, and information we need to make 2023 a year of action for TSPN.
February is famously regarded as a month of love. But we encourage you to share love not just with your partners and families, but to bring those feelings of compassion and value to the people in our communities. Also, we encourage you to love and value yourself and the work you do to support others.
In this issue
Advisory Council meeting coverage
Training and awareness events
and more!
The Tennessee General Assembly is considering a bill related to forensic records of suicide death scenes.
The original intent of the bill was to prevent the public release of medical records, law enforcement investigative reports, 911 call recordings, photographs, and any other recordings related to a non-crime-related death, such as a suicide. It would also prevent the release of body camera footage that includes the interior of a private residence recorded during the investigation of a death that was not the result of a crime. TAADAS and TSPN will monitor the new bill for inclusion of the original language into the amended SB 215.
As a reminder, TSPN as an organization cannot lobby for the passage of legislation. But individual members are allowed to contact legislators to support items they find germane to our cause.
Photos from events across Tennessee
TSPN's statewide Advisory Council met on February 1-2 at the Embassy Suites in Franklin. Council members were joined by representatives of TSPN's Intra-State Departmental Group, its Emeritus Group of former Advisory Council members, and TSPN staff.
Together, this assembly reviewed an action plan for 2023 based on last year's strategic planning sessions, with an emphasis on volunteer engagement and a full return to in-person events. The meeting also included a brief update on implementation of the 988 hotline; review, amendment, and approval of an updated set of bylaws; and updates from regional groups and issue-specific task forces.
Above, TSPN Advisory Council, Intra-State, and Emeritus members assemble for a group photo after the meeting adjourned. Below, your trusty and ever-dependable TSPN staff.
Approximately 77 people attended the Murfreesboro Community Baby Shower for new and expectant mothers. TSPN's exhibit included resource booklets, wallet cards, brochures, and 988 promotional materials. TSPN would like to thank the following people for coordinating TSPN's representation at this event
Rhonda Alley, Manny Ehiemua (TSPN's Mid-Cumberland Regional Director), Gwen Hamer (a member of our Intra-State Departmental Group) Carol Mallory, Maria Smith (TAADAS's Training Coordinator), and April Stewart.
The ASIST training session TSPN provided on January 25-26 in Manchester (facilitated by Regional Director Mary Anne Christian) was sponsored by Access Hope, a local crisis support center which operates hotlines for adults and teens and provides check-in calls for homebound older and/or disabled adults. We're looking forward to further partnerships with Access Hope as we continue our training and awareness events within the South Central Region.
(PS: Interested in an ASIST session but unable to get away from the office? Scroll down for information about our monthly virtual training sessions!)
Emily Hager, TSPN's East Regional Director, was honored as one of UT-Knoxville's "Volunteer 40 Under 40" at an awards ceremony held February 2.
The Volunteer 40 Under 40 recognizes forty alumni under the age of 40 who have excelled personally and professionally since completing their degree at UTK. (Emily earned her Ph.D. in nutritional science from UT-Knoxville in 2020.)
February 15: Southwest regional meeting
February 16: East regional meeting
Mid-Cumberland regional meeting
February 20: Northwest regional meeting
February 21: Memphis/Shelby County regional meeting
February 23: Northeast regional meeting
Upper Cumberland regional meeting
March 2: Southeast Regional Meeting
March 7: Suicide Prevention Task Force meetings for Mid-Cumberland Region
March 8: South Central regional meeting
Bradley, McMinn, Meigs, and Polk Counties Task Force meeting
March 13: The Behavioral Health and Wellness Association
of Hickman and Perry Counties
March 16: Mid-Cumberland regional meeting
ASIST training series across the state
Communities play a key role in promoting hope and mental health. But how can they find resources to advance their efforts? A new, free website from Education Development Center (EDC), Community-Led Suicide Prevention (, can help. The website is designed for communities and state agency, public health, and suicide prevention professionals who support them. It provides a step-by-step process and how-to tools to propel suicide prevention planning, action, and success. Explore the website and contact Julie Ebin ( to learn more.
We would like to recognize the following donors & sponsors for their generous contributions toward suicide prevention in Tennessee
On February 7, TSPN's Greater Memphis Region accepted a grant from the Collierville Rotary Club, which will ensure TSPN can provide free suicide prevention materials to this community.
Pictured from left to right: Mollie Walker, Board President, Collierville Rotary Foundation / Vice President, Manager of Business Development, Simmons Bank; TSPN Regional Chair Audrey Elion (also chair of our statewide Advisory Council; second from left); TSPN Regional Director Justin Johnson (second from right), and Mark Luttrell, Director of Support and Recovery Ministry at Hope Church (far right).
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