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February 9, 2023
Students at LALA promote a positive school environment 
This week students at the Los Angeles Leadership Academy (LALA) High School took part in the Great Kindness Challenge Week with PESA’s support. The program is intended to educate, uplift, and allow students to thrive in their education. 

A reflective worksheet allowed students to think deeply about themselves and their community, essentially learning about the importance of being kind to yourself and others. Joseph L., a 9th grader at LALA, believes that “kindness is overall just being considerate and respectful. Some words that describe kindness are generous and mindfulness.” 

PESA took the conversation one step further by discussing Social Emotional Health, as it allows students to adjust their minds to what they can control. Social Emotional Health is all about having social and emotional support and learning how to manage one’s emotions, social conversations, and surrounding environment. It is necessary to educate students on positive reinforcement, which will allow the students to “S.T.O.P.” when they encounter an emotional situation. “S.T.O.P.” stands for: Stop, Take a breath to calm down, Observe the situation, Proceed with a solution. 
As students learn more about the various forms of bullying and their subsequent effects on physical, emotional, and mental health, these discussions are crucial. “We are going to have to overcome many challenges throughout our life and today' students got a head start,” says PESA Community Representative Jesus Gonzalez. “Our knowledge of these topics will allow us to become positive members of our community. That is why I am proud to facilitate this educational program. Students should know they have support of PESA to help guide them.” 

And with the guidance of PESA staff, students at this program wrote down positive acknowledgements of their peers such as “You are a unique and amazing person,” “You are smart, you are cool, you are funny” and many more, that were then placed in the school’s front office for all to see.

Throughout the presentation, activities were created to develop an environment where students feel uplifted and encouraged. This is the kind of support that PESA is proud to provide our youth as they learn, grow and contribute to our community.

If you’d like to support PESA’s many social and educational initiatives, please contact us.