May 2022
Hiring Update
Meet Tim, our new Data Analyst
This month, the Data Center welcomed our new Data Analyst to NCCEH, Tim Bender! Tim joins the team with a ton of experience in urban planning and public service, evaluating and distilling transit data in the Triangle area. He will be leveraging Point in Time/Housing Inventory Count data, deepening our racial equity analyses, and coordinating research projects to increase our understanding of client experiences.

A couple fun facts about Tim!

  • One of Tim's life goals is to ride a bicycle across the country.
  • He and his family [see picture right] are based out of Durham! Go Bulls!

We are thrilled to have him join the team and help us bring system and program results to show off your awesome work!
Changes to ART are happening!
Advanced Reporting Tool (ART) is retiring
Our vendor WellSky is making big changes to reporting in HMIS!
ART is a reporting tool that Agency Admins and other super users have access to in HMIS for in-depth reporting on data quality and program outcomes. ART is retired and has been replaced by an updated tool.

Be aware, ART is scheduled to disappear after Friday, June 3rd. Our HMIS vendor WellSky has delayed this, but BusinessObjects is ready to roll! Don't wait to start using the new tool!
Introducing: BusinessObjects 4.3
The software that was used to create ART is called SAP BusinessObjects. After ART is retired, BusinessObjects will regularly be updated and enhanced.

Missed the Business Objects training or want to access the training materials?

Upcoming Training Opportunity

If you have particular reports due soon or any concerns, please contact the Data Center Helpdesk.
Training & Resource Round-Up
HMIS@NCCEH Monthly Training
As announced last month, the Data Center is trying something different for ongoing HMIS Training. Here are the next three months of HMIS Training for current users. Registration is optional but helps us prepare. Sign up today!

Wednesday, June 22, 10-11: Using Your Data to Track and Evaluate Program Outcomes
Learn how to use the data from HMIS to evaluate the effectiveness of your program, help measure progress towards goals, and guide program improvements. Event details here.

Wednesday, July 20th, 10-11: Identifying and Fixing Common Data Quality Errors
Learn how to check your own data quality, how to correct some common errors, and how to know if you accurately corrected the errors. Learn tips and tricks that'll help you improve your data quality. Event details here.

Wednesday, August 24th, 10-11: BusinessObjects Reporting
Learn which reports in BusinessObjects to use based on what you're looking for, how to fill in common prompts, and how often we recommend running certain reports for your agency/program. *This training is recommended only for users with an ART/BusinessObjects license. Event details here.

We believe that live trainings are essential to our support of your incredible work and hope that these will make HMIS easier and more useful to you!
The HMIS@NCCEH ZenGuide is the new centralized knowledge base for HMIS users to find tip sheets, guides, and other written tools (located all in one place!) needed to do their best work in HMIS.

All current HMIS Users should bookmark this link:

There are already 34 articles published for updated guidance and more are being added each week! You can find instructions for how to run your ESG-CAPER and CoC-APR reports, how to update sub-assessments like Income, and how to manage Households!

New Articles this month:

Please keep searching for answers - that helps us identify the next articles to create!
New to HMIS or missed a meeting?
Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and training slides or recordings.

Save the Dates:

We are honored to support the difficult work you provider in each of our communities Thank you for your enduring spirit of service!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |