The Bible’s Take on Aging

The Bible describes the aging experience as a sequence of the seasons of life. Such seasons or stages of life indicate common transitions from childhood to youth to maturity to elderliness. For example, in Jeremiah 6:11 life is pictured as childhood, youth, young “marrieds,” and the elderly. The Bible also defines a maximum life span as the fourth generation of a family, equating it with the life span of 70-80 years, as mentioned in Psalm 90:10.
Today many gerontologists speak of aging as “elderhood,” as a way of respecting Sages. Of course, many of our friends and family members today are living into their early and even late 90’s.
Members of your Sages Ministry Team are constantly reviewing their ministry vision. They are committed to not just the practical aspects of ministry but always examining the theological underpinnings for ministry with the aged.