April 2021 Newsletter
Cross Selling: The Benefits of an Acquisition
Want to reach the next level of Growth with your business? Even with a strategic plan to expand your Company organically, you will likely run into issues with cost/implementation.

Have you considered seeking an acquisition to help maintain/enhance the growth of your own company? Acquiring a new company that can be successfully integrated into your current operation will help you grow, while having an immediate impact on the top and bottom line of your business

An acquisition can also provide you with opportunity for future growth in a wider market with additional products and services. 

Many owners are hesitant or unsure about the idea of acquiring another company as there can be a deal of risk involved, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process. Let us help you with the how to – Contact us for a free consultation.

The Coaching Corner - Engaging With Employees
Is there time in your daily schedule to talk to your employees? Not just the top ones, but all of them! Making all employees feel welcome and appreciated should always be a top priority as a business owner.

One of my influences as a young engineer was a CEO who would use his break to walk around the office and engage with his workers. His presence was a motivational tool because he was very approachable. He anticipated issues with his walk instead of letting them occur. Check the pulse of your employees often, as their mentality will directly affect your operational goals and results.

Mastermind Sessions - Sign Up for More info
CHV Group has been contemplating hosting Mastermind Sessions for groups of five or six people from multiple industries. The goal would be to exchange experiences to learn about the respective industries of one another. If you’re in Greer, Greenville, Columbia, let us know if you’re interested. Email tkoechli@chvgroup.com if you would be interested in attending a Mastermind Session!

CHV Group LLC| www.chvgroup.com