Arts in Education Grant Panelists
By reviewing and scoring grant applications, Arts in Education Grant panelists help teaching artists connect to small organizations across Maryland to make an impact on a variety of learning communities. Applications include proposals for project-based work led by a teaching artist with schools, non-profits, and other government entities.
Selected Arts in Education Grant panelists serve an annual term, reviewing applications every month between August - May (10 months out of the year).
What to Expect as a Panelist
- Application reviews are completed on a panelist’s own time online during the middle of each month, beginning in August 2022.
- Panelists typically review 10-20 applications per month, which requires approximately 2-4 hours to complete over a week period (total varies from month to month).
- A total of 5 panelists are needed to serve for one year (August 2022 - May 2023).
- A required panelist orientation will take place online in July 2022 (Date TBD).
- Panelists receive compensation of $50 for the training, along with $200 per monthly review.
- Panelists must have access to a computer with internet connection to complete reviews.
What We’re Looking For
- Independent artists, arts administrators, teachers, arts educators, teaching artists, arts education enthusiasts, and students interested in serving Maryland's arts sector while gaining experience and insight in the grant review process.