May 20, 2022
Prayer & Praise
Thank you for your continued prayer for our ministry partners and children in care. Here is a brief update: 

The war continues to devastate Myanmar. We receive notifications of entire villages being set on fire, people continuing to flee to the forest, and even friends of our partners who are killed by the junta. God continues to provide safety for all our children and caregivers, and we are so thankful.

Grace Home: We have sent the down payment to begin construction on our home for the Grace family. Everyone is eager for the work to begin. They anticipate the project taking about four months. We will keep you posted on our progress.

On Mother’s Day the children sang a special song of thanksgiving to God. You can click the video below to view it. I have watched this video many times. The words of it repeat in my thoughts: “All my life you have been faithful, all my life you have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God.” The children are so joyful. Their lives have been so difficult – semi or full orphan, living in very basic conditions, experiencing a war, and so much more. And yet, “I will sing of the goodness of God.” They bless and challenge me with their singing.

I spoke with Pastor Togba today. Great news! Ruth has graduated from college and is now pursuing becoming a physician’s assistant. We currently have nine students living in the Hope Student Center. Nine more students will be arriving soon. We are hoping to purchase two simple motorbikes so the students can get to and from the University. Each bike is about $800.

Please pray for our houseparents at the Zorzor Home, Deacon and Ellen Page. Ellen has been experiencing some health issues. Also please pray for Pastor Togba’s wife, Lydia. She is in the hospital getting some tests. The children are doing well.

The children in foster care continue to do well. The situation in Haiti, however, is becoming more and more dangerous for children. Parents have been approaching Predestin (our partner) to accept more and more children into care. Please pray for wisdom as we determine who and how many children we can help. Our hearts say yes, but we must be careful to continue to provide excellent care.

We presented our first Trauma Informed Care workshop this month. I was able to present the training to nurses at Twin Lakes Camp in Hillsboro, Indiana. I will be presenting to the camp counselors early next month. Let us know if you would like more information on a Trauma Informed Care Training. Just call us at 219.462.4111.You can sign up for an informational video meeting by clicking the link below. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our Trauma Training and ask questions.
Thank you for your prayer and partnership,

Linda Brooks

… And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God…     
Bethel Music