Actions Matter
November 2020
In just a few days from receiving this newsletter you will get the results of the most intense election of our lives. You may experience elation, relief and renewed hope. You may experience fear, terror, sadness, disappointment or apathy. It is critical that regardless of the outcome of the election, that we RISE UP and continue our practices. We are called to uplift our stealthy like ways of contributing to creating a "New Earth" --- A new way of being with "what is" and finding deliberate ways to bless and be blessed.
I'm inspired daily with the MANY MANY ways that you are making a difference in your lives and the world. I get to witness alchemy over and over again as I witness courageous people looking into their patterned ways of being, questioning their concepts and belief systems (BS) and finding expanding potential liberating ways to intentionally "CAUSE" and "BE CAUSE" a way of being that is in more integrity for them.

In reading my friend Pam Grout's blog this week, I was again inspired by her consistent and diligent effort to put more love, joy and kindness in the world. Here's the link that demonstrates how she is doing this:
I'm moved by how she is processing the grief of her young 24 year old daughter's death, sudden, unexpected and from an apparently healthy state. She has experienced a depth of grief that cannot be comprehended and she has used that grief to create ways to honor her daughter and the desire she had to bring joy into the world. Here's her assignment. Do you accept this assignment? "Quit fretting about the coronavirus or the election or any other worry that currently lives rent-free in your head. Instead, make a sign. What would you like to broadcast to the world?"

"Every prayer, thought, gift, breath, action, and idea matters." 
~ Martha Creek
I know that you also are contributing to the dissolve the old "towers" of greed, power, separation and competition into the fluid, connecting, and collaborative pool of Oneness. THANK YOU and GODSPEED as you continue to find new and expanding ways to uplift your own ministry to life.
Happy Thanksgiving and Thank you for Choosing Love -- over and over.
Martha Creek

Martha Creek



New Online class(es) in November 
Finding Yourself in Transition Study - 5-week online course meets on Mondays beginning November 2. Click here for details.

Finding Yourself in Transition Study - 4-week online course meets on Wednesdays beginning November 4. Click here for details.

One-Day Virtual Retreats
I am now also offering one-day retreats for small groups (1-6 people) on Zoom. For details and to enroll, please email Martha at
"You need no other authority than your good intentions and your loving heart."
~ Colin Beavan
"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." 
~  Helen Keller
"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." 
~  Maya Angelou
Special Gift Box 2
My November 2020 
Special Gift to You.

And here is my special gift to you this month.
Click on the box to open your gift.

Read Martha's articles in Sophia Magazine.

Celebrating the Words and Wisdom of Women. Click on the image to read articles by Martha Creek.(Martha will be featured in a future issue.)

Please consider a donation to continue the teachings of Martha Creek. Many of the classes and workshops are offered by donations only, with suggested donations amounts included in the class or workshop description. We welcome your support.

or visit PayPal.Me/marthacreek if you want to see these teachings and principles reach the world.

You do not need a Paypal account to make a donation. You can use your debit or credit via PayPal if you don't have a Paypal account. If you choose to send a check, please send it payable to Martha Creek and send it to PO Box 1081, Louisville KY 40201.
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Check out Martha Talks!
For a complete list of Martha's events, please visit