Engagement and Education

Focus Group Summary

You spoke, we listened! The Department held focus groups back in September to gather public feedback on the services we provide. Below is a summary of some of the feedback that we received and our plans for continuing to improve our services.

  • Challenging to navigate the inquiry resolution process.
  • Inconsistency with examiner reviews and inspections.
  • Virtual webinars and online help content are much improved.
  • eCLIPSE is a great tool, but needs the kinks worked out.

Department Action:
  • Consolidate online support forms into one form.
  • Increase transparency of inquiries submitted by providing ticket numbers for tracking.
  • Provide additional support avenues such as chat.
  • Better assist eCLIPSE users by adding screen-sharing capabilities to remote support unit's "toolbox".
  • Continue to provide webinars and additional online help content.
  • Continue to resolve eCLIPSE system defects and add enhancements to the system to improve both customer and staff experience.
  • Add an Examiner Appointment option for additional information requests once plans have been reviewed.

We will be working on these initiatives over the next year and look forward to your feedback on our work.

Register for L&I eCLIPSE Webinars 

Sign up today! L&I is continuing to offer bi-monthly public webinars about the online permitting system (eCLIPSE), electronic plans (e-Plans) and zoning. Customers can sign up for the webinars online under the Events section of the L&I homepage.

2020 Build Safe PHL Learning Sessions 

The Department of Licenses and Inspections is resuming Build Safe PHL Learning Sessions. The sessions are free but advance registration is required.

Avoiding Pitfalls in Electrical Permitting and Installation
Tuesday – October 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. – for more information and to register.

Navigating Permitting for Residential Development
Wednesday – October 28th, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. - for more information and to register.

Residential Construction on Existing Lots (Infill Construction): Plan Reviews and Inspections
Tuesday – November 24th, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. - for more information and to register.


New Fire Watch Requirements - Effective November 1

Beginning on November 1, 2020, a Fire Watch is required on jobsites during non-working hours where combustible buildings under construction reach a height of over 40 feet. Review Code Bulletin F-2001 to learn more about:

  • When and where Fire Watches are required;
  • How to conduct and document the Fire Watch detail.

Lot Line Adjustment Process Information Sheet

There have been significant changes to the permitting process for subdivision / lot line adjustments. L&I has created a Lot line Adjustment Process information sheet explaining the process, the creation of permanent parcel addresses, handling changes of ownership, and issuance of a Certification of Occupancy.

EZ Solar Permit is Now Available

We have adopted a new EZ Solar Standard to allow for the permitting of certain solar projects without the submission plans. Qualifying permits that are filed online will be processed within three business days and those filed in-person will be processed as you wait. Please review our website or join us for a virtual information session on Solar Permitting on October 13 to learn more. 

Introducing the Master Approval

We are pleased to offer an alternative permitting option for residential development. If your project consists of multiple buildings of the same design and construction, the Master Approval may be the right option for you:

This is a two phased approval process that may reduce overall permit processing time:

  1. Obtain a Master Approval for your site and each prototype building. All plans, permit documents and requisite approvals must be provided for review by L&I and other involved departments.
  2. File for individual building permits under the Master Approval. All permit application information, approved plans, and department approvals are cloned from the Master Approval. L&I will perform an administrative check to verify that no information has been changed and issue your permit.

If this seems like the right option for your pending development project, please schedule your Project Scoping Meeting today or join us for a virtual information session on Navigating Permitting for Residential Development on October 28 to learn more.

Coming Soon: Submit your subcontractors' names to L&I
Starting on January 1, 2021, Philadelphia contractors and trade licensees will be required to submit the names of each subcontractor that works under their permits to L&I using eCLIPSE, within three (3) days of that subcontractor starting work. This requirement will not apply to the construction of one- or two family residential buildings.

Failure to comply may result in license violations, fines, and Stop Work Orders. 

Refer to the How-To Guide for step-by-step instructions to add a subcontractor to your permit via eCLIPSE.

New Code Bulletins Provide Guidance on
Zoning and Property Certifications

Check out the Code Bulletin section of our website for new guidance on Zoning and Property Certification approvals.

  1. Multiple by-right applications;
  2. Permit application filed while another application is before the ZBA;
  3. Abandoned approvals.


Lead Paint Certification

As of October 1, 2020, L&I’s eCLIPSE system will “ping” the Philadelphia Department of Public Health before issuing new or renewed rental licenses to landlords in eleven zip codes. A rental license will be issued to a landlord in those zip codes only if the landlord has submitted a lead certificate to the Health Department’s certification database. Implementation will be phased in citywide over a two-year period. 

Renew Your Lapsed License Today
to Avoid Late Charges

If your business or trade license renewal is more than 60 days past-due, please renew your license as soon as possible to avoid additional charges. A delinquency fee of 1.5% per month will be charged to all licenses that are more than 60 days past due, beginning January 1, 2021.

Visit our eCLIPSE help page for instruction on renewing your license. 

Building Maintenance Inspections

Dampers and Smoke Control

The periodic certification of dampers in select occupancies and of smoke control systems is now enforced by L&I. All certifications for qualifying systems are due by January 1, 2021. Please review the fire protection certifications for more information on regulated occupancies, official forms, and how to submit certifications.

Tools and Resources

Accepting applications for appointments at MSB

The department of Licenses and Inspections is continuing to accept appointments for customers to visit the L&I Permit and License Center at the Municipal Services Building. L&I district offices remain closed to the public. In-person appointments are available to:

  • File applications to get or renew a license.
  • File new permit applications, including for Make Safe Permits.
  • Submit revised plans for applications filed on paper.
  • Pay for or pick up permits with paper plans.
  • File an appeal with the Board of Licenses and Inspections Review, the Board of Building Standards, or the Plumbing Advisory Board.

You can schedule your appointment online or by calling 311, or (215) 686-8686 if you are outside of Philadelphia. See the L&I appointment information sheet if you need more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question related to eCLIPSE? L&I's eCLIPSE FAQ page probably has the answer. New FAQs are added continually. Some of the recently added FAQs are:

  • How do I change a contractor on my permit?
  • Which building certification result do I select?
  • How do I know if my submitted certification or report has been accepted?
  • How do I pay reinspection fees on permits that are preventing me from scheduling inspections?
  • How do I pay violation fees (Case Files) that are preventing me from closing out a notice of violation?
  • How do I submit a Notice of Decision to L&I?
  • How do I cancel a permit in eCLIPSE?

L&I's website also includes answers to FAQs about Codes and processes that are not related to eCLIPSE on an L&I frequently asked questions page of the website. Some of the FAQ’s we recently added to this page are: