Spotlight On: Halloween History Trivia!
Looking to get into the Halloween spirit? Join the History Program next Thursday, October 15 for a fun-filled evening of seasonal history trivia!
While we are unable to explore the crypt together in person, we are hosting two very special virtual events, "Trivia from the Crypt!" Join the King's Chapel History Program online for two nights of trivia themed around Halloween history, death and burial practices, mourning traditions, historical burial places, and more! Throughout the evening, attendees will also get to experience a virtual exploration of King's Chapel's 18th century crypt.
Players will have the opportunity to compete on teams of their choosing or as individual competitors.
Advance registration is required through Eventbrite:
Suggested donation for members: $5
Back in the old days last year, on this upcoming three-day weekend when New England leaves are at their peak, many might have travelled over state lines enthralled by their sight; COVID restrictions were unimagined. Back then, when we said the hills were "in flame," we would have meant it metaphorically.
Back in the old days a decade ago, we might have celebrated Christopher Columbus "discovering" America, until we learned more about the arrogant destruction of vibrant Native peoples by the violent force of our white European ancestors, and how often their stealing of land was packaged as God's will.
Back in the old days for over six decades, we were thrilled by naturalist David Attenborough's filmed revelations of our globe's glories, but this weekend he says, "I'm 93. This film is my witness statement. Our planet is headed for disaster." We still can "put it right," he argues.
Back in the old days, thousands of years ago when the Hebrew people couldn't see God or Moses, clouded on top of a mountain, they created glittering gold things to dedicate themselves to: a golden calf; just like us now, loving the things we build and our gold. But Sunday's lesson is hopeful, albeit urgent, joined to Attenborough's: if we leave behind the glittering shams, we can travel toward new life, God still with us.
What are you willing to leave behind, in order to travel on with God?
Our Prayer of Confession this week is written by Adult Education Chair Kent Wittenburg, a powerful new liturgical gift in this time.
Praying that we will finally learn, Joy
Morning Light Service
Sundays from 9:00-9:30 AM on Zoom
Come join us for an intimate service of contemporary music and prayer as we gather to listen to the Word, share our joys and concerns, and abide with one another in fellowship. The music is led by Roland Skip Lewan from the piano, incorporating elements of jazz and improvisation.
Contact Laura Zeugner Administrative Assistant, for login information.
Morning Prayer Service
New virtual services posted by 11 AM on Sundays on YouTube
Each week we film the elements of our traditional Morning Prayer service, featuring beautiful music, stately prayers, and our ministers' reflections on the week's lessons. Our choir members and music director Heinrich Christensen provide newly recorded material as well as occasional pieces from our past recordings and CDs, as we explore the virtual new frontiers of making music.
UUSC's Virtual 80th Anniversary Celebration
Wednesday October 21 | 7 PM | Zoom
Dear King's Chapel,
I'm writing to invite you to join me in celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. We don't quite know what this will be like. We were originally planning to celebrate at the Kennedy Library with a lovely dinner and Sweet Honey and the Rock performing. Alas, that was to be early May. So now we are joining the throngs of organizations making it virtual. Join us, Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 pm for this celebratory event. There in no charge to attend. I look forward to a conversation with Ambassador Samantha Power and to sharing stories from UUSC's partners around the world.
I want to thank Kathe for encouraging me to personally invite my King's Chapel family to join this event. As Kathe says, "The UUSC story is absolutely fascinating and the work incredible! Mary Katherine follows in the footsteps of luminaries such as Bill Schulz, a friend and neighbor who has preached at King's Chapel and engaged members of our parish in supporting the UUSC. Tune in to the celebration to learn more - you won't regret it!"
Please register to attend here.
In faith, Mary Katherine
This Year's All Saints and All Souls Sunday Service and Coffee Hour
Dear Friends,
Every year the King's Chapel service for All Saints and All Souls Sunday is a meaningful worship service for those remembering a loved one who has died, either this year or in the past. Traditionally, worshippers have come forward to the Communion Table to light a candle in memory of the ones who have "gone on before us" to be with God. This year, because King's Chapel will not be physically open, we offer two different services so you can choose the most meaningful way for your remembrance.
At 9 AM, we will host a live service via Zoom, where congregants will be invited to light a candle from home and personally name the person being remembered. The liturgy will be used each Sunday for the Morning Light Zoom service (see below), and music will be provided by our pianist Skip Lewan. A short coffee hour takes place after the service.
Morning Light: A small, inclusive gathering that weekly supports each other with prayer, scripture, and song. A Celtic prayer welcomes us, a brief homily is heard, and gospel songs are sung.
At 11 AM, Music Director Heinrich Christensen and the King's Chapel choir will sing selections from the Faure Requiem; our clergy will light candles and offer the names of those shared with them in advance of the service; and holy communion will be celebrated virtually. At approximately 12 noon, a separate Zoom coffee hour will be opened.
Holy Communion: Celebrated according to the King's Chapel Prayerbook, Accompanied by Full Choir singing the Faure Requiem. Pre-recorded Video. Live Zoom Coffee Hour at noon, following the service.
Chapel Restoration Continues
As we wind down from the exterior chapel restoration project, the scaffolding at the back of the building comes down this week.
They have been working on rebuilding the upper tower railing and have been working on the two sides and coming around to the front. There are a few custom trim pieces that are in the process of being installed to finish up the sides. The six remaining column bases are due to be delivered the end of this week and the column work will continue on.
The project is coming along beautifully and going very smoothly as well.
Chapel Fan Installation Begins
The task force on reopening has been hard at work with research while creating a plan for safe opening for worship and all other activities at King's Chapel.
We were fortunate that we already had a plan in place to upgrade the heating and air exchange system at the chapel; this became critical when understanding the need for fresh air due to the aerosols in the air which may contain particles of the virus. The new system will provide better ventilation in the sanctuary.
The installation of the new air exchange system, which includes a stronger fan system in the crypt as well as a fan in the attic to draw the air through the sanctuary, is under way. We expect that the full installation will be complete by the end of next week.
Minns Lecture Series | Qiyamah Rahman: Summoning Our Sheroes | Lecture 2 - Unpacking the Complex Identities of Black UU Women: Research As a Spiritual Tool | Saturday, October 10 | 6:30PM | Zoom
Visit the Minns Committee website for more information.
Uncovering and Confronting Our History: Slavery and Race at Colonial King's Chapel | Thursday, October 22| 12:00 & 5:30PM | Zoom
As both a historical organization and an active faith community, King's Chapel is committed to uncovering and confronting the institution's history difficult history with slavery and racism. King's Chapel, of course, is not alone in this endeavor, as the institution of slavery played an integral role in the foundation, growth, and wealth of not only Boston but the American colonies as a whole and the United States. Join us in our upcoming program series Uncovering and Confronting Our History this fall and winter as we explore and address the history and legacy of enslavement and the slave trade on this historic institution.
On Thursday October 22, King's Chapel History Program Director Faye Charpentier will share an overview of the history of enslavement at colonial King's Chapel and discuss the research process that lead to the discoveries of the names of at least 219 individuals who were either enslaved by a member of the church community or subjected to a religious rite at King's Chapel. Please contact for registration information.
Click here to view more up-coming History Program Events.
Ongoing Events and Activities
All events below held via Zoom. Click HERE to find more information.
Tuesdays at 3:00PM: Voter/Environmental Action Initiative Meeting
Tuesdays at noon: Talk about Music! - a weekly conversation with Heinrich Christens on musical topics
Wednesdays at 6:15 PM: Bible Study- weekly discussions on the lectionary readings
Thursdays at 10 AM: Coffee with the Clergy - Join Joy and David for an informal coffee hour
Thursdays at Noon & 5:30PM: Conversations with the History Program - presentations by the history staff and guest lecturers. Times and topics vary.
From the Voter Action Initiative
We are PROUD to announce that we've exceeded our initial goal of contacting 5,000 voters! Congratulations to us all! Of course we can't stop now, so we are now upping the challenge for the King's Chapel community to reach out to 10,000 voters. Please join our next group meeting on Tuesday, October 13th at 3:00PM to check in and share information and fellowship. Most of us have been volunteering for postcard and letter-writing campaigns that are winding down, so we'll be sharing important information about how to refocus our efforts in the three weeks left before the Election. If you haven't joined us before, this is a great time to do so! Contact Dorie for more information and visit our webpage. Contact Laura for the Zoom meeting link.
The ARE Environmental Action Initiative Recommended Viewing
This weekend, there are several notable events and video offerings that the Environmental Action Initiative would like to bring to your attention. This week saw the release of David Attenborough's new movie called "A Life on our Planet," available on Netflix. It is a must-see. David Attenborough eloquently encapsulates the state of the natural world and what we must do to save it along with ourselves. See the trailer here.
On Saturday 11AM - 5PM, the TED organization, together with a number of other partners, kicks off TED Countdown, which is a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. Speakers on Saturday include Pope Francis, no less. Then, the conversation continues through Sunday with 24 Hours of Reality, culminating with a presentation by Al Gore at 3pm Sunday streaming on as well as Facebook.
Last Thursday on October 1, the King's Chapel History Program kicked off the Halloween season with a special program, "Welcome to the Graveyard!" presented by Brenda Sullivan of Gravestone Girls. During this program, Brenda brought viewers on a 'virtual tour' chronicling cemetery art, history and symbolism. From the colonial New England burial grounds of the 16 & 1700s, through the nation-wide rural cemetery movement of the 19th century and into 21st century locations, the program explored why we have cemeteries and gravestones, why they look like they do and how styles and art have evolved over almost 400 years. In addition to educating the public about cemetery and burying ground history, Gravestone Girls create replicas of old New England tombstones in the form of wall hangings, magnets, coasters, mirrors, pinboards and more! Cast directly from originals still on cemetery landscapes, their art is a piece of history in your hand, which have been a popular item in the History Program's gift shop in recent years.
This event was the History Program's first paid, ticketed virtual event, with 47 people registered to attend! Thank you to all who virtually visited the graveyards with us last week, and made this program a success! For those who missed Brenda's talk but are still are interested in watching the recording, email Faye.
Last weekend members Paula O'Keeffe and Pam and Mike Bergeron made sandwiches for our community partner,
common cathedral. After a blessing, Community Action Committee chair Amanda Pickett delivered them for our unhoused neighbors.
Thank you to all of our volunteers for all of your wonderful work in our community!
We rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. ~Romans 12:15
We weep with the family of Barbara Fay. Barbara's son John lost his mother-in-law Rae Ann Balster to COVID last week in Wisconsin. John's wife Kelly remains in Wisconsin, so we hold her in prayer, as well as John, Barbara and Barbara's grandchildren.
Emanuel and Carol Genovese continue to be asymptomatic after Emanuel's positive diagnosis of COVID a week ago. We continue to pray for their recovery.
We also hold in prayer Miguel Gomez-Ibanez, who will be undergoing major back surgery in the future to relieve his pain.
May all these and all those unknown to us, know the love in which we wrap them, that none of us must travel this journey of life alone.
King's Chapel choir member Sudeep Argarwala has shared his thoughts on food as a mark of identity, especially in times of exile, displacement, and uncertainty, in a beautiful essay published in the Grow magazine. You can read his essay here.
Sunday Services
October 11th Morning Light via Zoom
- The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
- David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
- Skip Lewan, Piano
- Hollis Day, Lector
October 11th Morning Prayer | 11 AM on YouTube
- The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
- David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
- Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
- Betsy Peterson, Lector
- Kent Wittenburg, Gretchen Horton, and John Bowman, Lay Readers
Scripture: Exodus 32: 1-14
Did you miss last Sunday's Holy Communion service? If so, click here to see the full service.
A Sermon Series on Moses and the Exodus: God's Transformation of a Person and a Nation
Each Sunday through October 25
This fall, join us to journey with Moses and the Israelite people, a journey not so different from ours today. Discover when you have been freed from old ways to become a new person, how to cross long barren stretches, and how a nation slowly grows into who it is meant to be. Will we dare to make demands of God, as our forebears did? The old stories - from the Odyssey to Exodus -- still speak truth. Listen in whenever you want, through the King's Chapel YouTube Channel.
This Sunday, we continue the ongoing experiments with virtual choir formats. If all goes well, you will be seeing double - each choir member has recorded both the Choir 1 and Choir 2 part of one of the choruses from Handel's "Israel in Egypt," to correspond with our ongoing Exodus theme.
Hymns are beloved chestnuts "Holy, Holy, Holy" and "Now Thank We All Our God," which also inspired the organ prelude and postlude by respectively Christian Præstholm and Max Reger.
This week's Monday Meditation featured one of Skip Lewan's wonderful improvisations, paired with beautiful photographs by Graham Ramsay and Wade Roush from the Belle Isle Marsh in Revere, a short walk from the Orient Heights T station and well worth exploring if you are looking for a new destination for your pandemic outing.
Talk About Music!
Next week's Talk About Music is Ray Hardin who will kick off what will likely be a recurring theme: Talk About Music I Love. Ray will talk about of his love of spirituals, from singing them in church growing up in Arkansas and through a long and varied musical career. We hope to see you Tuesday at noon!
Giving to King's Chapel
During this difficult time of COVID-19, King's Chapel continues to offer weekly worship services online, provide spiritual guidance, host zoom gatherings on various topics, and support our community partners. The statement "the more things change, the more they stay the same" is strangely true.
What this message does not state is that while most of the normal costs of operating our church continue-- salaries, overhead expenses, physical maintenance, etc.-- our income streams do not. Significant income from visitors to our History Program, rentals, and our Sunday offering are gone right now. Your support now is more essential than ever.
Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time. Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously.
Staying Connected with King's Chapel
While we are physically closed we are spiritually open and are working to find ways to continue our connection with you, our beloved members and friends.
Worship Morning Light Worship via Zoom, 9-9:30 AM each Sunday. Contact Laura Zeugner at for login information.
Prayer Connection King's Chapel is a praying church and we have added a new link to our website page to make easy any request you may have: . Requests sent here will be received by Joy Fallon, David Waters, and Cynthia Perkins, Prayer Circle Chair. If you prefer, also know that you can always reach out to any of us individually.
Coffee with Clergy Join Joy and David each week at 10 AM on Thursdays for an informal coffee hour via Zoom. See old friends and meet new ones! Contact for login access.
CAC Office Hours | Mondays 5 PM
What does the King's Chapel Community Action Committee do? Who are our CAC partners? What can I do to help? For answers to these questions and more, come to CAC Office Hours! Starting this week, CAC chair Amanda Pickett will be piloting CAC Office Hours every Monday 5:00-5:30 PM via Zoom. Drop in and discuss community action at King's Chapel. Contact Amanda Pickett for login access.
Internet Fraud - Protect Yourself
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, churches across the nation have seen a steep rise in incidents of internet fraud and scams, especially using ministers' names and targeting church members. So far in the last two months, we've had twenty or more. Please watch out for these. I promise, we will never ask you to send us gift cards. We will never ask for your personal identifying information or bank account info. If we ever purport to say that we can't be reached by phone, be suspicious.
Some other hints to protect yourselves: Double check the "from" address to see who really has sent it, and double check the email of the person to whom you're supposedly replying. Verify suspicious emails by phone, especially if the email says not to call. Click the link below for more information on how to protect yourself and your family from internet crime.
Contributing to Between Sundays