August 26, 2020
Tahlequah, OK
What's Inside...
  • OML Announces the 2020 Municipal Education Series
  • OML Board Districts 2 and 11 Call for Nominations
  • Oklahoma Municipal League Announces Launch of Municipal Health Solutions
  • How lawmakers can Fight Hunger and Feed Hope this September!
  • Oklahoma is Counting on our Residents to Complete the 2020 Census
OML Announces the
2020 Municipal Education Series
The Oklahoma Municipal League (OML) is pleased to announce the 2020 Municipal Education Series, to be held virtually September 30 – October 2.

The virtual series, which is taking the place of the OML annual conference, will offer approximately fourteen sessions over the 3-day event, ranging in topics from municipal audits, budgets, ethics, planning and zoning to social media trends and much more. Each session will be approximately fifty (50) minutes in length and will be presented by state experts in each field. More Information
OML Board Districts 2 and 11
Call for Nominations
Deadline This Thursday, August 27th
The Board seats representing District 2 and District 11 on the Oklahoma Municipal League Board of Directors are up for election this year and will be voted on at the 2020 OML annual business meeting held September 30, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Any municipal official that is interested in these positions should submit a letter of interest, resume and a resolution from your municipality supporting your nomination to the OML offices. Deadline is Thursday, August 27, 2020. More Information for District 2 and District 11.
Oklahoma Municipal League Announces Launch of Municipal Health Solutions
The Oklahoma Municipal League (OML) is announcing the launch of its new municipal employees benefit plan, Municipal Health Solutions (MHS).  Sales of the new plan are set to begin this month, August 2020.  MHS will go into effect January 1, 2021. More Information
How Lawmakers Can Fight Hunger and Feed Hope This September!
Hunger Action Month® (HAM) is the Feeding America network’s nationwide campaign during September designed to mobilize the public to take action on the issue of hunger. The campaign brings attention to the reality of food insecurity in the United States and promotes ways for individuals to get involved in the movement to help end hunger. Hunger Action Day® (HAD), which is the 2nd Thursday in September (September 10, 2020), is a day where efforts across the country are focused for greater impact. More Information
Deadline is September 30, 2020
Oklahoma is Counting on our Residents to Complete the 2020 Census
Attention Municipal Leaders: OML wants to encourage each of you to continue to promote the importance of completing the 2020 Census to your residents. For each resident that completes the census and submits it, our state will receive an estimated $1,675 per year in funding for special projects, grants and support for your community.

The 2020 Census takes less than 15 minutes to complete and the impact it has on your community is far-reaching and long-lasting.

Please join us in promoting the 2020 Census. For more information and the 2020 Census form, please go to the Census website.

Thank you for your support in promoting this important project!
Thank You To Our Corporate Partners
For Their Continued Support