Pick up after your pooch!

Cleaning up pet waste is good for your health and the environment! Seriously. Pet waste left on the ground, especially near streets and sidewalks, gets washed into storm drains and drainage ditches which flow to our local waterway, Huntington Bay!...without being treated! Bacteria, parasites, and viruses found in pet waste can be harmful to water quality and human health. Not only is picking up after your pooch the neighborly thing to do, it's the healthy thing to do...for you and the environment!

We have had an increased number of complaints regarding dog waste (yes, poop! yuck) around the Village and especially on our beaches...and not only the feces on the ground but the filled plastic bags tossed on properties! Please be considerate of your neighbors and of the environment and pick up after your dog AND dispose of the bag at home!

What the Village is doing to help promote scooping the poop:

  • In addition to the existing four dog baggie stations, we are adding four new ones to be installed at Nathan Hale beach, Bay Crest beach, Beach Road and on Bay Ave at Beaux Arts. These are paid for and maintained by the Village.

  • Reported offenders of not cleaning up after your dog or tossing the bag (littering) will receive a summons and fine!

RE: Village Code Chapter 20 Section 11

Walking at Night?

Our narrow dark streets make it very difficult to see people walking at night. Safety first! Stop by Village Hall to pick up a reflective vest.

First come first serve.

Watch out for deer!


The herds are out! This photo was taken by a resident on Vineyard Road. Be especially watchful at dusk and dawn, when deer tend to be more active. Use your high beams at night to see farther ahead.

Meetings this month:

Board of Trustees

Monday, March 20, 2022 at 7:00pm

At the American Legion Hall, 1 Mill Dam Road

Zoning Board of Appeals

Thursday, March 16, 2022 at 7:30pm

At the American Legion Hall, 1 Mill Dam Road

Village meeting agendas are posted on our website,

Town of Huntington Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 7:00pm

At the Town Board Room, 100 Main Street, Huntington

Other dates:

Tax Lien Sale, March 21st 10am -1pm