Public Engagement Questions
A Request for Comment and Solutions


The CT Coalition for Sustainable Materials Management (CCSMM) is eager to engage the public, interested stakeholders, affected communities, and members of the waste sector - including service providers, developers, and innovators - to solicit input, concepts, and considerations for sustainable materials management solutions in four focus areas. To initiate that engagement, the Coalition invites interested members of the public to provide responses to several Public Engagement Questions.

Comments are requested on the described focus areas by October 15, 2020, though late comments can be submitted and will be considered as received through the fall of 2020, when the Coalition will be conducting its work.

Please also feel free to register for the upcoming working group meetings:

EPR Working Group Meeting
Thursday 10/8/2020

Organics Working Group Meeting
Friday 10/9/2020

Unit-Based Pricing (UBP) Working Group Meeting
Thursday 10/15/2020

Katie Dykes, DEEP Commissioner
Matt Knickerbocker, Bethel First Selectman
Laura Francis, Durham First Selectman

DON'T FORGET! Add our email address to your address book to ensure that you receive our emails and stay in the know.

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