“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away
many shadows.
Francis of Assisi
“Preach the gospel
at all times and, when necessary, use words.
Francis of Assisi
With Francis As Our Guide
With the Feast of St. Francis upon us today marking the death anniversary of Francis of Assisi in 1226 our community conducts sacred rituals to honor the saint from which we draw our name and our way of gospel living. As we continue to endure a worldwide pandemic, this year and this particular October 4 are like no other. Our practices and prayers have been more private in these strange days, but Francis remains in our hearts. We invite you to read more about how a saint who cast away abundant riches to embrace the poor continues to influence and inspire our Sisters.
It’s Not Too Late
There's still time to register for Praise Be, My Lord, for Mother Earth, a special online program hosted by our own Sister Marguerite Stewart. Join her at 10 a.m. this Tuesday, October 6, for an exploration of God's beauty through the eyes of St. Francis.
Virtual Farm Visit
The fifth annual Monocacy Farm Food Festival hosted by our own Monocacy Farm Project (MFP) in Bethlehem, Pa. is going virtual this year. Stay tuned for details on how you can take part in a week-long silent auction event October 19-24, as well as view farm-based info sessions and demonstrations from the comfort of your own home. Proceeds support MFP’s good works, such as providing healthy produce to the needy.
Heaven on Earth
In this special autumn reflection, Sisters Mary Lou Metro and Georgette Dublino share their memories of special autumn days spent counting God's colorful blessings, just as Francis did.

St. Francis in Song
With the help of a choir of young people, pop singer Sarah McLaughlin gives us this brief but powerful rendition of The Prayer of St. Francis.

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