“Wherever two or three are gathered together as my followers, in my name,
there I am in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
Sisters Elaine Hromulak and Carol Ann Papp, both residents of Mt. Nazareth Commons in Pittsburgh, gathered briefly on August 9 for a simple missioning service and to share coffee and pastries before returning to social distancing.
Praying Together Near & Afar
Each summer during a community gathering, each Sister in the U.S. Province receives her “commission” to go forth and spread the Good News in whatever ministry she is involved. Due to unique circumstances this year, Sister Frances Marie Duncan, provincial minister, contacted each Sister and sent the official missioning cards to be given to each Sister in her home.
Various methods were used to distribute the ministry cards — during Morning Prayer, during Evening Prayer or as a part of a special meal. This unique distribution also served as a reminder that wherever we are, whatever state of health we are in, we are called to minister by the witness of our lives.
Virtual Prayer Time
Each Tuesday afternoon at 2:15 p.m., our own Sister Mary Martha Zammatore hosts an online bilingual prayer time for those who wish to join her in praying for those impacted by COVID-19.

Sister leads participants in praying the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for an end to the pandemic, for all those who have died, for the sick, for healthcare workers and for all suffering in many ways due to the virus. Prayers are shared in both English and Spanish.

To request access to these virtual prayers,
drop Sister Mary Martha a line at
One-On-One with Our Sisters
As we endure the COVID-19 pandemic and other unrest in our country, our Sisters reflect on special Sundays, reveal what brings them strength and solace, and offer wise words to share with our friends in faith.

Is there any special routine you follow that makes your prayer time especially fulfilling?
I like to pray in our small chapel at San Damiano Convent. But sometimes I stay in my room to pray. I usually pray in the evening, and I listen to Malayalam music from my native India. Sometimes I like to dance.”
 Sister Gracy Kundukulam
What is a favorite activity that made Sundays special in your family home?
“In my family home, Sundays were very special days. We children all went to the 9 a.m. Mass. My mother was already there from an earlier Mass, but she already had the big pot of soup on the stove. Our job was to make sure we cut the potatoes and carrots and put them into the soup so they would be ready when my mother came home from the noon Mass. My dad went to Mass, and then the Slovak Club had their meeting. So after the noon Mass, we were all at home ready to eat our big pot of soup made with homemade noodles, of course. Oh, what a feast! We loved every spoonful. And by 3 p.m., my sister and I were in the swimming pool or sled-riding if it was winter.”
 Sister Rosalia Giba
Sister Barbara Makar (far right) joins Sisters Karen Buco, Eve Blostic, Lois Jean DiFalco, Pat Marie Buranosky, Norberta Kralosky and Cecilia Jacko for evening prayer in Our Lady of the Angels Chapel at Mt. Assisi Place.
Welcoming New Prayer Partners
Our Sisters in residence at Mt. Assisi Place in Pittsburgh have been delighted to welcome four members of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth to the personal care community there. Not only are they neighbors, but Sisters Ann, Annamarie, Barbara and Barbara Ann have been joining our 12 Sisters for prayer in the socially-distanced seating arrangement in the chapel alcove.

A Smile Before You Go
Did you know that August 16 is National Tell A Joke Day? Get your Sunday off to a silly start by looking back at a simpler time — the 2012 Children's Joke-Telling Contest at the Iowa State Fair.

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