2020 has been a year we clearly will never forget. A pandemic, the presidential election, civil unrest, and a wavering economy have all contributed to an immense amount of stress in our country, as well as the entire world. On most fronts we seem not to be handling it very well. Instead of uniting together to deal with a frightening year, we are a divided country. The opposite was true 75 years ago.

1945 was also a year that will never be forgotten. But unlike 2020, the men and women of these United States chose to stand united in their efforts on the home front. They sacrificed greatly, both home and abroad, but all were in it for the long haul, millions making the supreme sacrifice overseas. After close to half a decade of devastating world war, a peace treaty was signed, both in Germany and Japan that would end that conflict and bring structure and confidence back to home shores.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII. On November 11 we will observe Veterans Day. Although we are all involved and affected by the events of this year, it is essential that we never forget what our veterans have done to ensure freedom and democracy in our beloved country. The service men and women of WWII were known as The Greatest Generation, but we can never forget the sacrifices of other soldiers in other wars. WWI, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghanistan were all wars that left many veterans dead or injured, both physically and mentally. We owe these people our deepest gratitude. . ~ Jim Kurtz
CALL TO ACTION: This Veterans Day, please send thank-you cards, e-mails/notes to the veterans in your life. And we invite you to mail a card to: 1st Lt. Bob Doolan who fought in WWII, was shot down and taken POW at Stalag Luft III (just like Robert Kurtz), and liberated April 28, 1945. Bob will be 104 in March and says he is surprised how well he actually feels! His address is: 
6210 Cleves Warsaw Pike
Cinncinnati, OH 45233
Jim Kurtz will be autographing copies of his book THE GREEN BOX Saturday, November 7 at Aubuchon Hardware, 114 County Rd, Ipswich, MA 10am-1pm. Bring a mask and come meet Jim!!! Also, you can hear an interview with him broadcast on 104.9 North Shore Radio 10/25 here: Radio Show
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