September 2022
4-H Newsletter
Check out what's coming up! 
September Spark Event: DIY in the Fall Garden
Build, paint, and plant with 4-H at Seneca Park! The fun doesn't stop when school starts, and neither do awesome outdoor projects. Whether you already like gardening, feel the spark when your hands are messy, or just want to try something new with other 4-H youth, meet us at the Longhouse Shelter in Seneca Park at 6:30 on Tuesday, September 13th!
2022 4-H Year-End: A Guide
Our end of year celebration for current 4-H members is coming up on October 22nd, and we want to recognize everything you've done with 4-H! To get your invitation to the event, fill out the 4-H Experience Form by October 1st and email it to, mail it to the office, or drop it off! Our address is 2449 St Paul Blvd, Rochester, NY, 14617.
Experience Form Q&A
Does every youth in a family or club need to fill out a form?
Yes, these are meant to record an individual's achievements - cloverbuds included!
What if I am a 4-H member but not part of a 4-H club?
In the "CLUB" section, write "independent" or "4H Family".
What counts as an educational 4-H activity?
Attending a Spark event or other 4-H program with an informational focus (such as Japanese Children's Day), or working on new skills at a 4-H event or club meeting (such as sewing club)
What counts as 4-H community service?
Active contribution to an effort to help the community in some way, like food drives, litter pickup, or painting kindness rocks, preferably through a 4-H club, event, or project.
What counts as supporting a 4-H promotional event?
What if I didn't participate in Public Presentations?
Participating in setup, takedown, engaging with the public, or otherwise helping out at an event open to the public which spreads awareness of 4-H (such as activity demonstration tables at the Strong).
Just leave it blank, and consider doing public presentations next year!
What counts as participation in the Summer Experience or Gymkhana?
Participating in one of these events in person or submitting a project to the Summer Experience.
How much detail do I need to include about my favorite part of being in 4-H?
No essay required! Just tell us about a few things that made your year great.
What's this about a year end celebration?
It's a party! If you've been involved with 4-H in the past year, come celebrate everyone's achievements with us at the Irondequoit Library from 2:30-4pm on Saturday, October 22nd!
Reenrollment for the New Year
If you've been enrolled as a 4-H member or volunteer for more than a few months, it's that time of year to get out the paperwork again. But don't worry - we're mailing it to you! If you are part of a 4-H club, expect to receive reenrollment paperwork from your club leader in the next two weeks. If you are an independent member or volunteer, your packet will arrive at the address you gave us when you registered - let us know ASAP if your home address has changed!

The best time to get your paperwork in is before October 1st, just like the experience form. Registrations after December 1st will include an additional $5 charge (so we can keep the lights on for those dark winter nights... actually yes it is a late fee). We appreciate you and want to stay up to date!
4-H Participants Have Been Busy!
Monroe County 4-Hers Rock NYS Hippology and Horse Judging
Congratulations to Rose Lanzatella, Mallory Malsegna, Mattea Malsegna, Addie Whilden, Brianna Tindall, McKenzie Foster, and Evelyn Kaproth-Joslyn for their awards in the New York State senior and novice divisions of Hippology and Horse Judging!!! Rose qualified to participate in Hippology on the national level this year, and will be traveling to Kentucky to join 4-H youth from all over the country!
Monroe 4-H Youth Bring Talents to State Fair
Thank you to Jacob and Avery and their parent (and 4-H team member!) Leslie Pude for their awesome work tabling at the state fair! While our county's projects looked amazing this year, there's nothing that tells our story like meeting 4-Hers in action.

Want to volunteer next year? Reach out to us at!
Friendship Children's Center "Week of Drama"
The 4-Hers at Friendship Children's center rehearsing their scripts and preparing to perform their end-of-week show for the Week of Drama, in which they learned all about storytelling, acting, directing and prop design, and what it takes to be a team!
4-H and the Master Gardener program collaborate at PLAYROCS
4-H club coordinator Moss and Master Gardener Volunteer Janet Williams lead marshmallow architecture and spider plant propagation at PLAYROCS, a community event in Grand Avenue Park. Youth loved both projects!
Cultivating Community Wraps Up The Summer
The Cultivating Community program made the most of August with some incredible field trips, collaborative work days at community centers and gardens, and hands-on workshops. Check out our Facebook page to see more of what these incredible youth have been up to!
NYS 4-H Horse Program Photography Contest
The NYS 4-H Horse Program is searching for new talent!

Young photographers will have an opportunity to have their original photograph work displayed in the NYS 4-H Horse Calendar for 2022 and at the 2023 NYS Fair.

The subject matter must include an equine friend of any breed or size! Only pictures of equine can be submitted, no people in the pictures please. Contestants must give permission for their work to be displayed and used for publicity. All entries become the property of Cornell and will not be returned.

Acceptable Formats: Entries may be electronic (digital) or print (film) format. A maximum of 3 entries per person.

Entry Deadline: September 15, 2022.

More information and the entry form can be found below!
Learning Opportunities
Get Down To Business with Grow-NY
Do you have a product that you have been hoping to market?

Are you interested in developing entrepreneurial skills?

Do you love writing pitches?

One of our 4-H youth, Silas Alvarez, participated in this event last year and it was great! He promoted “Silas Sauce”.

Applications are due October 21st. Contact Susan for more information or support in pulling your work together.
Community Opportunities
Opportunity to join NYS Youth Council
The NYS Youth Council creates opportunities for youth to participate in regional and state level activities to better inform State government on issues and challenges. Members of the NYS will offer their solutions to key issues facing young people in NYS to the Governor and other policymakers, including how to have better outreach and communication strategies to young people. Youth voice is recognized through this initiative; if you would like your voice heard, apply today!
  • October 2-8th National 4-H Week
  • October 20-21 4-H Agri-Business Career Conference
  • October 22 End of Year Celebration