2020 Annual Recognition Gala
This is the Council's annual event to highlight the successes of the previous year and recognize the Class of 2020 Silver Beaver Award recipients. It will be an evening of Scouting at its finest at the Heart of Virginia Cub Adventure Camp in Goochland County.
Join us on August 26th to celebrate our 2020 Silver Beaver Recipients:
Mark Cross, Heart of Virginia Council
Bruce Lasswell, Crater District
Jonathan Murdoch-Kitt, Capitol District
Mike Petty, Rivers District
Carl Whitaker, Cardinal District
Virtual T. Brady Saunders Merit Badge Opportunities
Through August 12th, T. Brady Saunders will continue to offer virtual Merit Badge opportunities. This is a great way to earn a few extra badges this summer, including Personal Fitness, Family Life, Personal Management, Camping, Weather, and more.
Lace up your skates for a fun day at the Ashland Skateland and earn your Skating Merit Badge. This awesome opportunity takes place on August 17th from 9 am to 1 pm and is open to Scouts, parents, siblings, and friends.
Introducing Camp Masters Popcorn & Whitley's Peanuts!
Camp Masters Popcorn is joining our Fall Product Sale line-up with Whitley's Peanuts! Not only did Camp Masters Popcorn win our Scouts over in a blind taste test, but they offer lower price points and FOUR different flavors of microwave popcorn! Unit Leaders, be sure to sign-up to participate so we can reserve your fundraising materials!
🍿 Don't forget to attend our Popcorn Costume-Making Workshop on September 18th! Popcorn-selling units can make a fun popcorn costume to help promote their sale. One FREE costume per unit, and additional costumes can be made for $10 each.
Introducing New Staff
Heart of Virginia Council welcomed Rebekah Nyalko to the team in July to serve as our Digital Media Manager. Rebekah joins us with a decade of local Scouting experience, serving as NOVA Counselor, New Member Coordinator, Den Leader, and Cubmaster with Pack 521, merit badge counselor, and supportive parent with Troop 521 (Mechanicsville). A familiar face around Council, she will now serve the Scouting community by managing our websites, social media, marketing, communications, and more. "Working for Heart of Virginia Council is a dream come true! I'm genuinely excited for this opportunity and look forward to serving our Scouting community."
Camp Cards Are Due
We have reached the end of our Camp Card fundraiser! Camp Cards and final payments are due by August 6th.
Congratulations to all Scouts who have had a successful fundraiser and won our bi-weekly prize drawings. Top-Sellers will be announced next week!
HOVC Job Opening
Heart of Virginia Council has an opening for a Customer Service Assistant, located at our Leadership Center at 8090 Villa Park Drive, Glen Allen, VA 23228.
Scout Scarf Day
The idea of "Scout Scarf Day" on August 1st is that all active and former Scouts are requested to wear their neckerchiefs in public to make the spirit of Scouting visible. Once a Scout, Always a Scout! Share your Scout Scarf Selfies on social media with #ScoutScarfDay to participate in the 2021 event, then swing by their website to download certificates and purchase official badges for your Scouts.
National Night Out
National Night Out is an annual event that enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Mark your calendars for August 3rd and find local #NationalNightOut events on social media or on their website.
Contact your local NNO organizer to request a display space for your unit! Don't forget to proudly wear your uniform.
Scout Night at the Diamond
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks, it's time for Scout Night at the Diamond! Cheer on the Richmond Flying Squirrels as they square off against the Erie SeaWolves on August 6th. Special General Admission tickets are $5.50, and tickets plus the 2021 Flying Squirrels Scout Patch are $9.00 each. Don't forget to wear your uniform!
Join Scouting families across the country in a spirited Summer of Service! Now more than ever, our world needs that Scouting spirit once again. Let’s step up and answer the call to make a positive impact in our neighborhoods and communities. Join us in a summer of service! Make the pledge today! [Details]
After you've registered and completed your service projects, you'll want to choose your patches! Make note of your patch item codes and numbers of patches, then submit your order by email.
Bus Drivers Wanted
Are you looking for a job where you can make a difference in your community? What about the opportunity to receive full-time benefits including health, dental, and vision care, retirement contributions, a competitive wage with bonuses, and paid CDL training? The school year is fast approaching, and Chesterfield County Public Schools is looking for School Bus Drivers for assigned bus routes and to fill substitute and extracurricular activity needs. Scan the code, email careers@ccpsnet.net or click the link below for details.
I Want to Go to Philmont
in 2022!
Want to learn more about our 2022 Council contingent to Philmont Scout Ranch, the Boy Scouts of America's premier High Adventure base? Explore more than 214 square miles of rugged northern New Mexico wilderness and experience this legendary country during the summer. Are you up for an adventure? Apply for the Philmont 2022 trip now as crews are beginning to meet and prepare. More than 12 spots are available for Scouts, and adults are needed! [Details/Application]
Upcoming Events and Service
Crater District Cub Scout Day Camp
Don't miss your chance to enroll your Cub Scout in Cub Day Camp. The theme is Weird Science, so be prepared to be mystified by the spectacular outcome of your child's experiments. The Crater District event, the last of the year, takes place August 20th thru the 22nd. What sets this Day Camp apart from the rest? They'll have a speaker from NASA! You can find more information and register [Here].
The PINTwood Derby, sponsored by Midas of Richmond, will be held on August 21st from 11 am to 2 pm at Hardywood Brewery. Come out and Race Pinewood Derby Cars and socialize at an event benefiting the Heart of Virginia Council. Your entry includes a Pinewood Derby Car kit! This event is for adults only and pizza and beer will be provided for all competitors.
Get ready for the upcoming Year in Scouting at our annual Fall Uniform Sale! August 2nd through October 31st, visit the new Scout Shop and save 25% on your uniform pants when you buy your uniform top. The Scout Shop flyer even includes a helpful checklist to make sure you get everything you need in one stop.
Don't forget to update your Google Maps! The Scout Shop is located at 8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, Virginia 23228.
20th Annual Richmond Area Sporting Clays Classic
Thursday, October 7th is a bad day to be a clay!
The Richmond Area Sporting Clays Classic, presented by Virginia Green, is a fun event for both experienced shooters and novices. The annual sporting clays tournament is a great way to entertain clients and reward business associates while supporting Scout camp programs. Carefully laid out around the beautiful Cub Adventure Camp in Goochland County, the course consists of multiple stations with unique presentations.
The Headless Horseman rides again, and this night he could be looking for you! This fall, join us for two weekends full of spooktacular fun for Cub Scouts at Cub Adventure Camp. This annual event takes place on the weekends of October 16th and October 23rd. Come with your Pack or family for the afternoon or stay Saturday night and camp.
Creepy Forest
A Scout is brave! The Heart of Virginia Council invites all Cub Scouts and Webelos to visit Albright Scout Reservation with your Pack for a family campout on the weekend of October 30th! This will be an exciting Fall & Halloween-themed program including BMX Biking, BB Shooting, Archery, and more! Come with your Pack or family for the afternoon or stay Saturday night and camp.
Save the Date
Mark your calendars for November 6th for a grrrr-eat event at Cub Adventure Camp just for Lions, Tigers, and their adult partners. The Tiger & Lion Rally is a fun-filled day of fishing, biking, crafts, games, and more! The activities offered are designed to meet the needs and skills of boys and girls who are rising kindergarteners or first graders.
Den Leader Specific Training
Presented by our Arrohattoc and Huguenot Trail Districts, this course is intended to provide Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Den Leaders with the information and hands-on tools they need to plan and conduct successful Den meetings. Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders who complete Den Leader Specific Training, Youth Protection Training, and Hazardous Weather training are trained for their position.
Mark your calendars for August 28th and don't forget to [Register Here].
August District Roundtables Start Next Week
Roundtable is a resource for Scout leaders, volunteers, parents, and youth leaders to come together and learn and share information. Each District hosts its roundtable the first week of the month.
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]
Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]
Check out your district for upcoming events and important news!
Heart of Virginia Council