21st Edition • March 12, 2021
Latest Updates from the BC Government
St. Patrick's Day Restrictions
The Provincial Government announced yesterday that St. Patrick's Day will have the following restrictions put in place:
• Liquor sales for onsite and off-site consumption must cease between 8:00 pm on March 17, 2021 and 9:00 am on March 18, 2021

Unless a full meal service is provided, premises which are licensed to serve liquor must close between 9:00 pm on March 17, 2021 and 9:00 am on March 18, 2021

If a full meal service is provided, premises may stay open, but liquor service must not resume until 9:00 am the following day

Liquor must not be consumed on the premises by any person, including patrons, owners, operators or staff after 9:00 pm on March 17, 2021
Updates to Outdoor Gatherings from PHO
As of March 12, the British Columbia Provincial Health Officer (PHO) is allowing for groups of up to 10 people to gather outdoors only while maintaining physical distance.

Please also review the section found on the site, Gatherings and Events, to see how it will affect your business. This update now permits outdoor weddings, baptisms and funerals of up to 10 people with a Safety Plan put in place, receptions are still not permitted at this time.
Your Association continues to monitor announcements, seek clarification, and provide updates. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
Regional Director - British Columbia
Tel.: 778-726-1200
515 Legget Drive, Suite 810 | Ottawa, ON | K2K 3G4