Woodlawn logo 2010
We shape our buildings; thereafter, our buildings shape us.

Winston Churchill
From the Black House desk...
September 1, 2021
My favorite season is upon us, the crisp and wonderful days of fall. Since I started, I have been hosting an event each month that provides an opportunity for people to gather at Woodlawn. Some fun family days are coming in September and October!

Sadly, the museum has needed to close for the season. We had hoped to be open for a few weekends into October but have made the hard decision to stop this year and focus on outdoor activities while the weather is good. With luck, we will be open for a longer season next year! Huge thanks to those who directed visitors our way; we heard often that they were encouraged to attend by hotel, restaurant, and Chamber staff.

There continue to be staff changes - Mike Hangge has joined Richard in the Caretaking department a few days a week so that we can continue to get ahead of deferred maintenance while our trusty Office Manager has decided to end her short but important tenure here. Lynette was a huge help over the last year through all the many changes of staff and systems. I wish her all the best.

With the busyness of summer behind us, the Board and I are intent on finishing the Campaign for Woodlawn so that construction can begin in the spring of 2022 and we can host a ribbon-cutting in 2023. The Community Barn will be a wonderful year-round program and education space as well as the Center for Downeast History with our archives available for research. There is a December 31 deadline to match our final $1m challenge grant. I hope that you will consider giving and/or giving again so that we can make this dream a reality at last! Please call or visit if you want to know more.

~ Kathy Young
Carriage Barn Exhibit Open Now

The exhibit is a delight! There are explanations of the different carriages and stories about who used them. It is a self-guided exhibit that is open most days, M-F. I hope you are able to come by and take a look. Rosamond Rea and her husband Fred did an outstanding job putting it together over many countless and hot hours! Well done.

Saturday, September 25,
4:00 - 6:00 pm

Bring your lawn chair and something to read out loud - this is a family friendly event; part of the Ellsworth Chamber of Commerce Autumn Gold. We will open a new story trail and invite people to share poems and songs. There will also be some readings from the archives. Pack a picnic! Refreshments available.
No rain date!

In collaboration with Ellsworth Public Library and The Grand.
Tennis on the lawn - wonder where exactly?

In 1903, Nixon Black’s caretaker James Dunleavy, was tasked with establishing Woodlawn’s first formal flower garden. (Which we intend to bring back to full glory next year!)

We wonder if the next summer Nixon gave instruction to develop a lawn tennis court.....there are tennis objects in the Woodlawn collection including two tennis rackets, a box of 1904 Championship tennis balls, a book of tennis rules, a tennis net, and a pair of tennis net posts dated as being from 1904. However, we do not have a definitive indication of where or even if there was a court here at Woodlawn.

Tennis became popular in the United States in the 1870s as the expanding leisure class realized the health benefits of exercise and were looking for new recreational activities. In 1881, the exclusive resort community of Newport, RI hosted the first US men’s tennis championship. Six years later the first US women’s tennis championship was played in Philadelphia, PA.

Founded in 1871, Wright & Ditson, a Boston-based sporting goods company, manufactured and sold top quality tennis, golf and baseball equipment. Clearly, Nixon Black purchased the very best tennis equipment available for the amusement and enjoyment of his summer guests.
Save the date!
Saturday Oct 23

Fall Family Field Day!
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Come and play some games, walk the story trail, press some apples, and get your face painted! There will be prizes, food, and lots of fun with something for everyone. Please join us!

While this is a free event, please rsvp to so we can plan on the numbers. Rain date: Saturday, Oct 30
Woodlawn Wish List
Sometimes giving something tangible is as helpful as making a donation. If you are inclined or have surplus equipment, please call and talk with Richard. We may be able to put it to good use. Meanwhile, Richard's specific wish list includes:

4x4 Pickup with plow

Small tractor with bucket and backhoe

Tool box chest for hand tools

professional wood working tools
Your support of Woodlawn maintains a unique historic home, trails, and programs for the Ellsworth community.

Please support us: Click here

Thank you!

Photo: The Big Lobster Croquet Tournament is coming next week Sept 7-12; there will be lots of action on the court! If you have never watched the game, come over to see it done well! The schedule will be on the website.
Good luck everyone.
Woodlawn Museum, Gardens & Park
19 Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
(207) 667-8671

For general questions, click here