September 2020
monthly newsletter
Update from the Hudson River Watershed Alliance
2020 Annual Watershed Conference
Work on Watersheds During
COVID-19 Panel Discussion
October 26, 1-2 PM

Assessing Barriers and Opportunities for Clean Water
October 27, 1-3:30 PM

Creating Connections for
Science Communication
October 28, 1-3 PM

Collaborating on Water Quality
October 29, 1-2 PM

Building Shared Leadership
October 30, 1-2 PM

Happy Hour/Networking
October 30, 5-6 PM

In 2019-2020, the Hudson River Watershed Alliance conducted a needs assessment of our local watershed partners to better understand the barriers they face, along with their strengths and accomplishments. Our 2020 virtual conference will focus on the needs of watershed groups, including trainings to meet those needs.

We’ll kick things off with a panel discussion on October 26 with watershed groups that have been actively working during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ll have a “plenary” session on October 27 to share our needs assessment findings and updates from New York State agencies. A series of three interactive workshop sessions on October 28, 29, and 30 will help watershed groups and their partners to be more effective. We’ll close with a happy hour and time for networking on October 30.

Session descriptions and registration are on our website here. All sessions will be held on Zoom. Each session is structured a little differently to best suit the material. Participants may choose to attend some or all of the sessions, and pay for their selected sessions only.

Interested in sponsoring the Annual Watershed Conference? More information here.
Thank you to our sponsors!

Conference Sponsors
Hudson River Foundation
JSA Sustainable Wealth Management

Creek Sponsor
Pace University

Stream Sponsors
Delaware Engineering PC
Law Office of David K. Gordon
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC
Rockland County Soil & Water Conservation District

Brook Sponsors
CEA Engineers, P.C.
The Chazen Companies
Woodstock Land Conservancy

This event is supported by the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with NEIWPCC.
Breakfast Lecture: Finding and Addressing PFAS

Thursday, September 10, 8:30-9:30 AM

The science of PFAS compounds as an environmental threat is complex. Where do they come from? Where are they found in the environment? What are the potential impacts? How do we address them? Featured speakers John Conrad and Neil Curri from PVE, LLC have been investigating per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the mid-Hudson watershed and will share a summary.

Beginning with their development and use, and potential impacts to human health, John and Neil will then describe how PFAS compounds behave and move in the environment, and what is currently understood about how to deal with them from a regulatory and remediation standpoint. They will a review an example of PFAS contamination in the Mid-Hudson Valley.
Sponsored by the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with NEIWPCC.
Stream & Buffer Protection Webinar Series

In September, we held a 4-part weekly webinar series to discuss the science behind stream buffers, current regulations, and what communities can do to protect streams and their buffers.

Recordings of the presentations and a number of resources have been posted to our website here.

Speakers included:
  • Dr. Peter Groffman, CUNY & Brooklyn College,
  • Corbin Gosier, NYS DEC,
  • Beth Roessler, NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program,
  • Mark Carabetta, Milone & MacBroom,
  • Nava Tabak, Scenic Hudson, and
  • Emily Svenson, Law Office of David K. Gordon.
Sponsored by the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with NEIWPCC.
River Network: Community-Based Participatory Research Technical Assistance Grant applications due October 28

In order to expand the use of Community-Based Participatory Research to address issues related to climate threats and water equity, River Network will select six community organizations that have an interest and the capacity to incorporate these methodologies in their work. We will provide each organization with $6,500 in funding support and with technical assistance to develop and deploy a project in their community. Areas of technical assistance may include establishing a project team, defining project purpose and scope, project design, project implementation, data analysis, and turning data into action.

US EPA and USDA: 2021 Local Foods, Local Places application for assistance due October 30

Local Foods, Local Places helps cities and towns across the country protect the environment and human health by engaging with local partners to reinvest in existing neighborhoods as they develop local food systems. This program supports locally led, community-driven efforts to protect air and water quality, preserve open space and farmland, boost economic opportunities for local farmers and businesses, improve access to healthy local food, and promote childhood wellness.

Bonneville Environmental Foundation: Change the Course grant application due October 30

Bonneville Environmental Foundation is soliciting proposals for the Change the Course Campaign, which connects corporate funding to on-the-ground restoration projects. Funds for this program are from Coors Seltzer, who committed to restoring 1 billion gallons of water to America’s rivers, with the Hudson River being one of their new priority areas. Change the Course is looking to fund 1-2 projects in the Hudson River watershed in the $25,000-$50,000 range that have water stewardship benefits. Projects should have a hydrological benefit and may include, but not limited to, floodplain restoration, wetland restoration, spring protection, water conservation, green infrastructure, and barrier removal. Projects should be "shovel-ready" or close to it and be able to completed in a 2 year contract term beginning March 2021. 
The Hudson River Watershed Alliance unites and empowers communities to protect their local water resources