Weekday Devotions For Lent
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Welcome to Lakeside's Weekday Lenten Devotionals. If you are a News from Church subscriber, you will receive these devotionals Monday-Friday throughout Lent. Devotionals include daily scripture reading, regular videos, and occasional music and drawing prompts to support your personal study.
Week One, February 22-24
"Requiem Aeternam"
“Requiem” comes from the Latin for rest. The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, a day when we remember that we are made of dust and to dust we shall return (Gen 3:19) – something more in line with the ways “requiem” now brings to mind music or worship rites related to death and burial. 

Worship Scripture: Psalm 51

Guiding Questions:
How might remembering our mortality and remembering our call to rest be related? At funerals, we say that in death our baptism is "made complete;" how do you encounter endings and beginnings coming together?
Lenten Drawing Prompts for Kids
These prompts are meant to keep children engaged in your family’s Lenten devotional practices.
We hope these prompts will help your children connect with the gospel this Lent!

February 22:
Draw what you think the beginning of the world looked like.
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