Filing Ends Monday, December 13th!
After months of educating potential candidates we've been encouraging folks to file for office the last few weeks. That filing period is about to end, so if you or someone you know is considering running for office there are only a few days left. 2022 is going to be a great year for our party, but we can only win if we have a candidate in the race!
You can see which candidates have filed with the state party HERE.
While we are on the topic of the primary election, it's been a while since we had a redistricting call and there has been some important developments. In case you haven't seen the news, the Biden Justice Department has filed a lawsuit that the new Texas district maps are too unfavorable for Democrats. Of course that's not how they frame it but let there be no mistake, that's exactly what this is about. So though this inevitable lawsuit may cast doubt on district lines or even delay the primary, rest assured that Republicans are going to fight for fair, democratically drawn districts and I am confident we will prevail.
Thank you to the Republican National Committee for the unprecedented commitment to Election Integrity. They continue to invest in this effort. It has already paid dividends in Texas and across the country. And this effort is just getting started!
Election Law Training in San Antonio
Would you like to play a critical role in the effort to ensure election integrity in Texas? On January 6th next year (just a few weeks away!) the RNC will be hosting an Election Integrity Training.
We will be recruiting and training election workers, poll watchers, and volunteers to be the front line in our fight to ensure free and fair elections in our state.
The Election Law Training will be hosted by:
RNC – Texas Victory
Toni Anne Dashiell Texas National Committee Woman - RNC
The political landscape in Texas is rapidly evolving. Increasing voter confidence and safeguarding our elections is integral to preserving our Texas values in the Lonestar State.
TAD Convention Challenge!
Don't forget about the TAD Convention Challenge for 2022! Click below to make the pledge to attend ALL THREE CONVENTIONS (Precinct convention, SD/County convention and the state convention in Houston). After you sign up, I will keep you informed with information regarding the convention process. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE but only if you participate!
*The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website. For more information, please click here.
Biden’s Economy Continues To Fail The American People
Joe Biden’s disastrous policies are to blame for disappointing jobs reports, higher prices, empty shelves, and plummeting real wages. Time and time again, Biden, his administration, and liberal elites have shamefully downplayed the economic pain everyday Americans are feeling. In 2022, the American people will hold Democrats accountable at the ballot box.
What you need to know about November’s jobs report:
Just 210,000 jobs were added in the U.S. economy in November, less than half the jobs economists had predicted. This is the worst jobs report of the year, and the worst of Biden’s presidency.
- Joe Biden and Democrats' policies are creating a worker shortage.
- Biden’s vaccine mandate would only worsen the labor shortage and impact more than 100 million Americans.
If Biden wants to learn how to create jobs, he should look to Republican governors. Through October, 17 of the top 20 states for jobs recovered since the pandemic are led by Republicans.
What you need to know about rising prices:
In one survey, 77% of Americans say inflation is affecting their lives and a clear majority, 57%, blame Joe Biden.
Another survey showed 67% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation and 78% of Americans have been forced to cut back because of Biden’s hidden tax.
Gas prices are up over $1.20/gallon since last year, causing major pain at the pump for American families.
For months, Biden has claimed inflation would be “transitory,” but Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell conceded inflation will persist, saying, “it's probably a good time to retire” the word “transitory.”
- Joe Biden’s economy is failing the American people.
- Amid this economic crisis of Biden’s making, his administration is pushing policies that will only make matters worse.
Economists across the political spectrum say Biden’s “Build Back Broke” agenda would send prices skyrocketing even more.
Pete Buttigieg couldn’t even fill a pot hole as mayor of South Bend. Now, he’s telling Americans struggling with higher gas prices to buy electric cars, which cost nearly $20,000 more than the average new car.
Democrats’ anti-law enforcement policies are leading to organized crime sprees at retail stores and “ thousands of boxes...stolen right off the train tracks.”
The bottom line:
Biden is delivering disappointing jobs reports, empty shelves, and higher prices, just in time for the holidays. Instead of fixing the economy, Biden wants to double down on his failed policies with job-destroying mandates and socialist spending. That’s not what the American people want or need. It’s clear – Republican policies work, and Democrat policies don’t.
Joe Biden Has Failed To "Shut Down The Virus"
Despite Biden’s campaign promise that he would “shut down the virus,” more Americans have lost their lives to COVID-19 in 2021 than in 2020, when vaccines, which were developed and rolled out under the Trump administration, weren’t widely available. Biden can lie and distract all he wants, but the American people know the truth – he failed.
What you need to know:
- Biden has failed to meet his basic goal of shutting down COVID-19 and instead, his policies have killed small businesses, hurt workers, and put a strain on our hospital systems.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is now openly contradicting Biden’s campaign promise, admitting “we certainly are not going to eradicate” COVID-19.
- Biden is continuing to push unconstitutional vaccine mandates that have burdened small businesses and workers.
- Small businesses are already facing worker shortages and now may lose more employees and face hefty fines.
In the middle of a supply chain crisis, the American Trucking Association said Biden’s nationwide vaccine mandate would further “cripple supply chains throughout the country.”
Democrat vaccine mandates are already hurting everyday Americans, with the only emergency room in Long Beach, New York forced to shut down due to worker shortages as a result of New York’s vaccine mandate.
- Americans have lost confidence in Biden’s ability to deal with COVID-19 pandemic.
- Biden has spent his presidency flip-flopping over COVID guidance.
The bottom line:
What We Are Reading
RNC Research
Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me
or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you
for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to
Keep Texas RED!
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas