Hurricane Ida Update From Shir Chadash
Dear Shir Chadash Community,

We hope that wherever you are, you are well and safe. 

Today we ascertained that while the synagogue building has come through largely unscathed, we do not know when power will be restored. We will wait another day and then make a final plan for Rosh Hashanah services. 

In the meantime, you are our first priority, especially those of you here in NOLA. We already know of one person who needs a place to stay. Others would appreciate either a few nights' hosting or a cool place to visit during the day. If anyone has access to tarps or fans, please contact the Rabbi. Please reply to this email, post on Facebook - whatever you can. You may also contact Rabbi Silver at 818-536-2539 or Ken Klein at 407-790-1478.

Please also reach out to your immediate circles so we can get a sense of where needs are and how to help them. Board members, please reinstate the phone tree from last year. We think of the Psalm for Elul: "The Holy One will shelter me in a sukkah".

Even if the Sukkah is fragile, let us strengthen it for each other and stay in touch.

Ken Klein

Rabbi Deborah Silver
Ricardo Totah
Executive Director