Shul School 2020: Week 7 Wrap-Up
December 6, 2020
Shalom Shul School parents,

Please see below for overviews of what your kids did in Shul School today. Homework assignments are bolded.

Next Sunday is our last day of Shul School for 2020! Stay tuned for news about Shul School in 2021.

If you have a child who works with a Hebrew tutor, you have until the 19th to get your 8 lessons in for the semester. (The 19th is a Saturday so any lessons that day would have to be after Shabbat ends.)

Hope to see many of you at this afternoon's Chanukah program with our ISJL fellow, Paige Beame!

Meryl Zimmerman
Education Director


Special Chanukah Program for Kids led by our 2020-2021 ISJL Fellow, Paige Beame
Join ISJL Education Fellow Paige Beame for a fun-filled Chanukah program where we will debate the best Latke toppings, create a dreidel out of clay using household materials, and help you train for the Maccabean Revolt.

You will need to have the following items on hand:
-2 cups flour
-1 cup salt
-1 cup water
-2 tbsp oil
-food coloring
-larger bowl
-coloring/writing utensils

Here's the Zoom info:

Join Zoom Meeting

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Gan Nitzan

The children of Gan Nitzan are thankful, strong like Maccabees and busy getting ready for Chanukah. We talked about our Chanukah memories from last year. Reeva remembered her menorah. Lina told us about having so much fun playing dreidel. Jacob remembered playing a cool game with all the kids hiding in caves. Eleanor and I sang a song about latkas – yum, yum, yum! Lina sang a beautiful Chanukah song in Hebrew and Eleanor sang her special Au Revoir Mes Amis song. We’re all collecting gently used shoes and clothes to donate for tzedakah and doing lots of gemilut hasadim (acts of loving kindness). Ezra helped his friend bake cookies. Lina helped a kindergartner to clean up. Meital snuggled with her softa (grandmother) and Eleanor played with her daddy. Reeva snuggled with her mom and pretended to give her a haircut, doing it nicely. Jacob helped out by eating his share of 3 pies at Thanksgiving. Next week, let’s have a Chanukah Zoom Party! Wear something special, bring your dreidel and menorah and we’ll get the celebration of light and freedom started!

Today we had a mini Hanukkah celebration by watching a video about the Hanukkah story and making homemade menorahs with our friend Avi the Avocado!

Today, we talked about Hanukkah! We read the amazing story Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins and talked about the multiple miracles that we celebrate during Hanukkah. We also played a game to learn about what we all like to do or eat during Hanukkah. Finally, we took a vote on a very divisive issue in our classroom: What is your favorite latke topping? Applesauce (hands in the air), rather than sour cream (hands on head) swept the vote. Have a very happy Hanukkah!

Optional art project: Make a menorah for your window out of anything (paper, popsicle sticks, or even potatoes).

Today we discussed the importance of communities and what they mean to us. We started talking about the story of Channukah and will continue with it next week!

Today, we went over the Kedushah. The tune is a bit tricky, so please be sure to go over it a few times this week. We also did a little debate/vote for the best latke topping. It was a three-way tie between sour cream, applesauce, and nothing, with ketchup, salt, and cheese following closely behind. Happy Hanukkah!
Be sure to review them this week using our powerpoint. Here’s the link: