Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing
wishes you a happy & healthy holiday season!
Dear Friends,

As we approach the Holidays, we may feel nostalgic for this special time in years past. In 2020 the traditions we have come to know and love will not be the same. Instead of family and friends coming together to celebrate and rejoice, our celebrations will be limited this year. For many, the pandemic has brought illness and loss of loved ones, job and financial insecurity, hunger, and homelessness. Many have learned new ways of working and living. Zoom has become the new office, masked walks have become the new exercise, the art of cooking has become a sensation, and many personal services we thought were so important have become less so. And this year heightened the visibility of our country's diversity and the need for attention to social injustice and structures that exclude rather than include. We have also had an election in which more than 150 million people exercised their right to vote - an unprecedented number for our young country.

So yes, we should rejoice during this holiday season for what we have and what is to come. We have been given the gifts of adaptability and resilience. We are blessed to live in a democracy and have opportunities to advance agendas to serve all Americans.
We also have gifts to give. We can show empathy and support for those in need, honor and respect for the many people who have been on the front lines to ensure others had healthcare, food, transportation, packages, and mail during the past nine months. We can use our words and actions to build communities that are inclusive and respectful without bias.

In these different times, our wishes to all are that you have a safe and happy holiday season and a New Year in which your hopes and dreams are fulfilled.

Warm Holiday Wishes,

Tara Cortes and the HIGN team
Cinnamon St. John
Cynthia Chong
Liz Seidel
Brittany Hamilton