Beware of Email Scams!

Hi Friends,

A quick reminder: as your minister, I will never email you asking you to purchase and send me gift cards. This is a very common scam tactic that has been used to target ministers and steal money from congregants. Nearly all of my colleagues have had this scam in their congregations and sadly many UUs around the country have fallen for this trick and lost money. If you receive an email from someone pretending to be me, please do not respond and do not purchase any gift cards or send them any money. At least one person in our congregation has already received such an email. If you get one, delete it immediately and please let me know. Once again, my email is!

In faith,

Jaimie Dingus

P.S. Things to watch out for are misspellings, improper grammar, different email addresses (such as, anyone asking for this to be kept discreet or a secret, and asking for you to respond by mail only.

Submitted by Minister Jaimie Dingus
UUCH Board Report

August 25, 2020

The UUCH Board conducted its regular monthly meeting on August 25, 2020. Rev. Jaimie attended the meeting and reported on some of her goals for the ministry. The Board discussed returning in October to the monthly “Share the Plate” program to help support local organizations. Virtual donations that are not designated as pledges during the first week of each month will be shared 50/50 with a community organization selected by the Social Justice Committee. In other business, the Board will form a subcommittee to continue the review of policies and procedures in order to finalize this ongoing project. The donation of a piano in the fellowship hall by Angela Arnold was acknowledged and a plaque will be prepared to honor the gift.

The Board discussed issues related to the closed status of our building during the COVID-19 pandemic. An official policy was passed unanimously by the Board to be in effect immediately.

UUCH Covid-19 Policy

Adopted by the Board of Trustees 8/25/2020

Out of love and respect for every member of the congregation and in an ongoing effort to promote public safety during the COVID-19 outbreak, the leadership of UUCH has developed the following policy. This policy covers any event or gathering sponsored by a committee or an established part of church ministry (i.e. Hospitality, Social Justice, Soul Circles, Music, RE, etc.), whether at the church or off-site. It also covers any event or gathering on church property, even if not sponsored by one of the aforementioned groups. This policy will remain in effect until amended by the UUCH Board of Trustees.

Building Use
  • Due to the risk of community spread of COVID-19, all in-building meetings, functions, and rentals are postponed until further notice.
  • It is our intent to minimize the number of people in the church at any given time. Very small groups of 2-3 people who have specific projects that require extended building access should contact the church office to schedule a low-traffic time to be in the building.
  • If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please do not come to the church building for any reason.
  • If you have a pressing need that requires entry into the church, please contact our minister, Jaimie Dingus, or our office administrator, Holly Hinkle, to let them know you are coming (contact info below).
  • In order to retain a safe working environment for all church staff, visitors are required to wear masks at all times while in the church building.
  • Social distancing is recommended, even while masked.
  • We have placed hand sanitizer on a table outside the office. Please use the hand sanitizer before entering the office.
  • Visitors should please refrain from using the church bathrooms.

Meeting on church grounds
Groups of 10 or less are permitted to meet outdoors on church grounds while adhering to the following guidelines:
• No communal singing.
• No food service or sharing.
• Please do not plan on using the church bathrooms.
• Masks and facial coverings are strongly encouraged.
• Please maintain a minimum of 6 feet of social distance.
• Give thought to accessibility inclusiveness (lawns are often not accessible to wheelchair and walker users).
• When inviting participants, be clear about the inclusion or exclusion of small children and others who might find it hard to observe physical distancing.

Our top priority in these times is to keep everyone in our community safe and healthy. Please honor our church covenant by abiding by this church policy, and encourage others to do the same. The church staff is empowered to ask anyone to leave our property if they are unable or unwilling to abide by these safety policies.

Contact Information
Holly Hinkle, Administrator, 256-534-0508,
Jaimie Dingus, Minister, 256-534-0508,
John Schulz, Board of Trustees President, 619-961-5000,

Submitted by the Board
This Sunday in Children and Youth
Religious Education (CYRE)
There will be no Virtual CYRE this Sunday. Children, youth, and families are encouraged to attend the water communion worship service with our new minister Rev. Jaimie Dingus.

Fall CYRE will launch on Sunday, September 13. The program this year will feature Soul Matters Virtual CYRE, YOUUTH Group, and family action projects, among other creative offerings. More details will follow in next week's newsletter and on the CYRE family Facebook group.
Registration for the new year in CYRE is now open!

Please use the link below to register your children and youth. Whether you've registered in the previous year, or are brand new, we'd love to include you in our joyful and welcoming community of all ages. If you'd like more information about the CYRE Program, please contact DRE Erin Reid or CYRE Assistant Harper Goodman.
Submitted by the Children and Youth Religious Education Committee

UUCH Young Adults Group
If you're interested in getting involved with UUCH's young adult group,
we invite you to reach out to us.

For questions or more information, please contact Nicole and Shalin.


If you’ve been attending UUCH long enough to know that this church community feels like your spiritual home, you may be ready to take the next step and become a member of this congregation.

In early October, Rev. Jaimie will welcome new members as they “sign the book” and officially join our church. New members will be recognized during a virtual Sunday service. Due to Covid safety guidelines, we plan to use recorded moments from socially-distanced, individual sessions for each new member where they will sign the membership book and be welcomed to UUCH.

If you are ready to become a member or would like to find out more about the process, please contact Pam Korb as soon as possible, but no later than September 30th.

Because we are a democratic community, members are collectively vested with responsibility for the congregation. Members may vote at all congregational meetings, be elected to the governing Board, be appointed as committee chairs, and participate in all activities of the congregation. Because we are a covenanted congregation, members have certain responsibilities to the congregation and to each other. These responsibilities are best fulfilled by:
  • Regular attendance at worship
  • Voting at congregational meetings
  • Making financial contributions
  • Contributing time and talent
  • Spiritual growth and development

Submitted by the Membership Committee
Donating by Text or Online
To give a plate offering to UUCH from your mobile device, text the amount (without dollar sign) to 833-559-0257, and follow the instructions. Text giving is by debit or credit card only.
Like our other online and mobile giving options, this is through Vanco, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations. 
To give from your bank account, you can still use the UUCH website or the GivePlus+ mobile app.
Submitted by the Finance Committee

COVID-19 Relief Funds Available
Funds are available for members of the congregation who have been negatively impacted financially by COVID-19.
If you are a member of UUCH and have financial needs caused by the pandemic, please contact Board President John Schulz or a member of the Care Committee.

Submitted by the Board

Our Little Food Pantry Needs You
Our outdoor food pantry is being heavily used, with an estimated 12 visitors per day, both families and homeless individuals. YOU can help keep it stocked by signing up below. Remember to place vegetables in zip lock bags so that they do not leak if spoiling.

Current requested items:
  • blankets
  • sunblock
  • bug spray
  • wipes
  • dog food
  • school supplies
  • soap & shampoo
  • deodorant & other hygiene items
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
Cooking in Hard Times 
Vegetarian Cooking

By Teri Thomas

First a little about me. I was raised Seventh-day Adventist and on a lacto ovo vegetarian diet. I now consider myself a “flexitarian." I still find great value in my upbringing with regards to health. Many in my family are either vegetarians or vegans. My daughter is a vegan and I may ask her to contribute to this from time to time. I have agreed to run a column the first week of every month. Some recipes will be vegan, some will be lacto ovo vegetarian. I promise not to include complicated ingredients that you would only use one time. If any of you out there have recipes you would like to share, please send them to me.

I have decided to give a little cultural shout-out to my roots with the recipe from one of the cookbooks pictured. These are classic cookbooks from the 70s. Yes, much of the cooking is considered outdated. However, my father still loves going to his church potlucks where there are casseroles and molded jellos.

This is a classic and if you ever want to impress an SDA with your knowledge of the culture, reference this recipe.

Special K Loaf
1 onion
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 stick margarine
1 lb small curd cottage cheese (I prefer to run it through the food processor with a sharp blade to make a smoother texture)
2 tsp. Better than bouillon vegetable base
1/2 pecan meal (or just grind pecans, finely)
4 cups Special K cereal, crushed

Microwave onion and margarine together. Dissolve bouillon in the hot onion and margarine. Add all remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into microwave proof flat, greased dish. Microwave on full power for 8 to 10 minutes stirring sides to center halfway through. Let stand a few minutes.

If you prefer a crisp your top to your casserole, you can also bake this in the oven at 350° for approximately one hour

Submitted by the Hospitality Committee

Worship Service Recording
Rev. Lucy Bunch
"Embodied Spirituality"
August 30, 2020

Did you miss out virtual worship service last Sunday?
Want a midweek re-watch?

Fear not, you can click here to see the recording.

Remember, the building is closed,
but CHURCH is open!

Submitted by the Worship Committee
Care List
This Sunday at our Circle of Candles:

The Care Committee lit a candle of gratitude: A shout-out to the people who stepped up and provided veggie/vegan meals to the Rhamstine/Coble family who were stricken with Covid. Thanks to Patti Lovejoy-McKee, Audrey Fox, Lynda Lamitie, Teri Thomas, Jessica Schulz, Mitzi Woody, LaDawn Edward, Jennifer Pinkley, Tim Miller, and Barbara.

Nick Wilbourn lit a candle of joy: I am grateful that in these unusual times there are still ways for us to celebrate and be together. For those unaware, my fiance, Zac, and I have decided to have a Zoom wedding to celebrate our upcoming marriage. Our virtual ceremony and reception will be on Saturday, September 19. Everyone who wishes to attend is invited. For more info, check out

Kathy Fisher lit a candle of joy: Joy flows throughout my family over the birth of my great nephew!

Jo Broussard lit a candle of concern: for my family and friends of Plains Cajuns in southwest Louisiana. Also, family and friends who are being tried by fire in Ca.

Jaimie Dingus lit a candle of concern and prayer: for all those impacted by Hurricane Laura. Wishing them safety and resilience.

The Delaceys lit a candle of joy: The Delaceys are embracing one another more than usual lately, as a much-needed catharsis has occurred with one of the kids. These kids have endured more than most people do in a lifetime, and processing that takes SO much courage, and can be so painful.

Angela Arnold (she/her) lit a candle of joy: for my friends who shared International Play Music on the Porch Day with me, complete with masks and ukuleles. Such a balm for the soul. The energy of those playing music all over the globe could be felt.

Paul and Bridget DeMoor lit a candle of concern: for Paul's Mother who recently fell and broke her hip as well as his brother David and family cleaning up after Hurricnce Laura; lit a candle of joy: for the beauty of this awesome music and beauty of the Huntsville Botanical Gardens

Erin Reid & Pam Siegler lit a candle of joy: Melissa Sky-Eagle playing her arrangement of Morning Has Broken, So Fair To See

LaDawn Edwards lit a candle of concern: I worry about the countless people left homeless or without power along the Gulf Coast and cleaning up and rebuilding after the 100mph windstorm in Iowa. Let's give if we can and pay forward some of the love we have received at low times.

Ritchie Delacey lit a candle of joy:: "Tell them that it was your 46th birthday on Friday." -Suz
Upcoming Events

Please note that all meetings, worship services, and gatherings will be held online until further notice. Please check our Facebook page and website for updated information and links.

Sun. September 6
Worship Service
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
10:45 a.m.
Meeting ID:
229 305 601

Drive-Through Water Communion
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Mon. September 7
Garden Social (weather dependent)
10:00 a.m.

Wed. September 9
Susan's Happy Hour
5:00 p.m.
Meeting ID:
847 8458 5916

Choir Practice
7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID:
910 8283 2653

Thu. September 10
Personnel Committee
10:00 a.m.

Soul Circle
(Group C)
1:00 p.m.

Worship Committee
5:30 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

Sat. September 12
Social Justice Committee
9:30 a.m.

Sun. September 13
Worship Service
10:45 a.m.

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by appointment.
UUCH 2020-21
Board Members
John Schulz
 Vice President:
Nick Wilbourn

Nancy Finley

Bob Locklear

Suzey Delacey
Jack Long
Bryan Walls

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Do you have an agenda item for the Board? 
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President John Schulz via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled
for Tues, Sept. 15th.
Office Administrator

Holly Hinkle

Main Office Hours:
9:30 am-1:30 pm
*Please email office if you need building access.

For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.
The Overlook is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church, 3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810

Laurel Bollinger
Holly Hinkle
PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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