Upcoming Grant Deadlines, November 2021
Arts and Culture
Events Grant Access - Copyright Foundation
Deadline: November 1, 2021
Events Grants provide funding to organizations and artists groups to showcase publishable works to the public or to host professional development events for writers, visual artists, publishers and related arts professionals.
Value: Up to $7500
Eligibility: To be eligible for Access Copyright Foundation grants, organizations must:
• Pay artist fees or royalties to artists they engage
• Have been in continuous operation for at least one year prior to the date of application and have published or presented programs, events, festivals or readings series to the public featuring Canadian literary or visual artists and content throughout that time.
Live Music - Creative BC
Deadline: November 17, 2021
This program supports B.C.-based live music events, creating engagement opportunities for audiences and artists, and enhancing music tourism throughout B.C. Live music presenters can apply for live music presentation and business development activities.
Value: Variable
Eligibility: See Link for details
Record in BC - Creative BC
Deadline: November 30, 2021
This program attracts out-of-province artists to record at B.C. studios and with B.C. producers. In 2021-22, this program will be open to artists based in Canada, and does not support international applicants.
Value: $10,000 - $35,000, funding 50% of project expenses
Eligibility: This program supports applications that are jointly prepared by the artist and the B.C. producer or B.C. recording studio. The primary contact and signatory for the grant must be the artist. For more information see link and guide for details.
Sustainability and the Environment
Community Energy Leadership Program - Government of BC
Deadline: November 06, 2021
The Community Energy Leadership Program (CELP) was established in 2015 to support local government and First Nations investments in energy efficiency and clean energy projects.
Amount: Variable
Stewardship Grants - Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
Deadline, November 05, 2021
HCTF recognizes the importance of environmental stewardship and invests in projects that create stewards. Stewards include individuals, practitioners, and community organizations who take responsibility for promoting, monitoring, conserving, and restoring ecosystems to ultimately result in enduring conservation outcomes for fish and wildlife and their habitats. Proposed projects must align with our purposes as laid out in the Wildlife Act.
Value: Each year, HCTF provides approximately $600,000 in Stewardship Grants. There is no upper limit on funding requests but there is a 5-year limit to project funding*. Stewardship Grant budgets typically range from $10,000 to over $80,000 annually, with an average grant of approximately $30,000.
Eligibility: HCTF Stewardship grants are available to anyone who has who has a good idea that benefits fish, wildlife and habitat in British Columbia. Proponents can include:
- Provincial government agencies
- First Nations
- Municipal/Regional government
- NGO (Non-government organizations)
- Academic Institutions
- Industry
- Individuals (consultants who apply should provide credentials to indicate their abilities to complete the proposal)
Enhancement and Restoration Grants - Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
Deadline: November 05, 2021
Each year, HCTF provides approximately $6 Million dollars in Enhancement and Restoration (E&R) Grants.
These grants are provided to projects that:
- Focus on native freshwater fish, wildlife and their habitats;
- Have the potential to achieve a significant conservation outcome;
- Align with our purposes as laid out in the Wildlife Act.
- One of HCTF priorities is to support habitat enhancement and restoration, therefore proposals that involve on-the-ground habitat enhancement and/or restoration activities are strongly encouraged.
Value: From $10,000 to over $100,000 annually.
- Provincial government agencies
- First Nations
- Local governments
- Community and conservation groups
- Universities and colleges
- Individuals (consultants who apply should provide credentials to indicate their abilities to complete the proposal)
HCTF strongly encourages cost-shared proposals, and project leaders should explore the possibility of partnerships with other organizations or agencies (local, provincial or federal).
Individuals (Children, Youth, Seniors, Disabilities)
New Spaces Fund - Childcare BC
Deadline: November 16, 2021
The Childcare BC New Spaces Fund provides funding to create new licensed child care, helping families access quality, affordable, and inclusive child care while strengthening communities across British Columbia.
Value: Public sector organizations and Indigenous Governments: up to $3 million; Indigenous Not-For-Profit Organizations (Societies): up to $1.5 million; Not-For-Profit Organizations: up to $1.5 million
Eligibility: Public sector organizations including:
- local governments, school boards, health authorities and public post-secondary institutions
- Indigenous Governments
- Not-for-profit organizations (societies) including not-for-profit child care providers, child development centres, and Indigenous not-for-profit organizations
Kick Start Project Fund - Pacific Blue Cross
Deadline: November 23, 2021
Occasionally, the Board considers larger multi-year initiatives, most often including capital campaigns.
Value: Funding is up to $100,000 and includes a multi-year agreement. Up to $100, 000 Priority is given to programs working in the areas of chronic illness or mental health
Eligibility: Priority is given to programs that are solution-oriented and can show measurable results
- You must be a registered not-for-profit organization
- Funds must be used in BC
- Your services must not discriminate by race, religion, creed, gender or sexual orientation
- Preference will be given to applicants that can provide audited financials
Community War Memorial Program Veterans Affairs Canada
Deadline: November 1, 2021
Veterans Affairs Canada is committed to partnering with communities across Canada to build cenotaphs/monuments and major additions to existing ones, to commemorate the achievements and sacrifices of those who served Canada in times of war, military conflict and peace.
Value: Up to 50% of eligible expenditures, not exceeding a maximum of $25,000, may be reimbursed. A minimum of 25% of the applicant’s portion of the overall project cost must be cash, while up to 25% can be contributions made in-kind. non-profits, organizations, provinces, terrorities and municipalities
Inclusive Community Grants Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Deadline: November 05, 2021
FCM is launching the first round of applications for Inclusive Community Initiatives (ICI), part of our Canadian Women in Local Leadership (CanWILL) program.
In collaboration with local organizations and with the support of FCM members, CanWILL aims to:
- Strengthen the capacity of women, particularly diverse women, to run for elected office
- Create a more conducive context for women leaders to thrive
- Enhance the capacity of municipal stakeholders to address gender-based violence and harassment
- Mobilize knowledge and share best practices across municipalities For ICI, a total of 20 to 25 projects of $5,000 to $10,000 each will be funded through two rounds of applications. In this first round, we will select 10 to 12 initiatives that will begin by March 2022.
Canada Funding Opportunity: Employer Practices -Mariam Assefa Fund
Deadline: November 15, 2021
We are looking to identify and fund promising solutions that can improve employer practices in Canada and engage employers in the economic integration of immigrants and refugees. Awardees will receive grants that are up to two years in length and range from CAD150,000 to CAD200,000.
The WES Mariam Assefa Fund is looking to fund ideas from organizations that directly engage employers to do one or more of the following:
- Shift internal talent practices to reduce bias in recruitment and hiring, create more inclusive workplaces, and support the advancement of immigrant talent.
- Design and pilot demand-driven training and employment programs that connect immigrant and refugee jobseekers to quality jobs and help employers meet their talent needs, particularly in high-growth sectors.
- Analyze the issues faced by immigrant, racialized, and temporary workers in low-wage jobs and collaboratively improve labour practices that can lead to quality jobs.
- Pilot worker-centered approaches, working with employers to ensure the voices of jobseekers and employees are reflected in workplace culture, talent practices, and business practices.
- Build coalitions within or across sectors to advance commitments and action among employers.
- Facilitate knowledge sharing and collective action among employers to advance successful immigrant integration and demand-led employment strategies.
- Assess the impact of existing employer initiatives focused on immigrant and refugee workers to identify the path forward for those solution
Digital Access to Heritage - Museums Assistance Program - Government of Canada
Deadline: November 1, 2021 For projects starting between August 15, 2021, and June 30, 2022; March 1, 2022 For projects starting between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2024
The Digital Access to Heritage component of the Museums Assistance Program (MAP) provides funding to heritage organizations to digitize collections, develop digital content and build their capacity in these areas.
Value: Variable
- An Indigenous governing body or an Indigenous organization with a mandate to preserve and support Indigenous heritage
- An incorporated non-profit Canadian museum* which: Provides services to the public year-round; Employs the equivalent of one full-time paid professional staff; Has policies for key museum functions; and Has a current three to five-year strategic/business plan.
- Or an incorporated, non-profit Canadian museum* that does not have a permanent physical space which: Provides services and/or programming to the public year-round, in person and/or online; Has been in continuous operation for at least two years; Employs the equivalent of one full-time paid professional staff; Has policies for relevant museum functions; and Has a current three to five-year strategic/business plan
- Or a museums association or an incorporated non-profit Canadian service organization whose membership relates to the museum sector which: Provides services to the public year-round; Employs the equivalent of one full-time paid professional staff; and Has a current three to five-year strategic/business plan