Scarecrows at the Workshop, 2019
Dear Friends of the Arts,

When we closed the Center’s doors for public access to our gallery and performance space in March, we thought that by summer we would be back in business. So now, summer has gone, but the pandemic has not. My personal mantra of “patience and persistence” is being put to the test.
In the meanwhile, we have pivoted to offering virtual art in the form of weekly Songwriter Showcases, YouTube videos, and virtual art exhibits. “Looking Up”, a second virtual exhibit of our incredible artists’ works, curated by Patricia Lehnhardt, encourages us to observe nature and look for a better future. “Looking Up” can be accessed through our website at any time. 
If there are other themes or concepts you would like us to explore, please email Patricia Lehnhardt or Carole Sullivan to share your ideas. We’re all new to this virtual world, and are learning to make the best of it as fast as we can.
We do have one form of physical art that you can enjoy in person starting this month. We’re delighted to present our third annual outdoor Scarecrows! exhibit at the Center and throughout Galena. We have the frames if you want to make one, and once they are up around town, we’ll send a map of scarecrow stops, so you can take your family on a scarecrow tour.
In the meanwhile, we hope that you are healthy and safe and sane. Take some time out for art and nature. It can take you to another world, and is healing.
Your support during this crisis has been encouraging and reinforcing. Thanks so much.
We miss you,

Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts, 219 Summit Street, Galena, IL 61036.
Our galleries will reopen when it’s safe
for our patrons, artists, and staff.
Looking Up!
A Virtual Exhibit
Our next virtual exhibit is launching today! The newest flip book and slideshow can be accessed with this link to our website by clicking the image of the cover.

Photographers, painters, sculptors, poets, and fiber artists have submitted their interpretations of the theme.

Again, Bob Rivoire has produced an amazing video of his beautiful photographs. This time: The Cloud. Click on the blue link to view online. He captures beauty that is all around us, that we don’t always take the time to observe.
Trees…Branching Out, a virtual exhibit
Celebrating Art in Our Lives
Check out our YouTube Channel videos. Click on the links below
Songwriters Showcase
September Schedule
We are continuing to post mini-Songwriter Showcases on our
YouTube channel every Thursday. Newly scheduled performances
for September include:
Karen Buechele
River Glen
Ardy Michaels
Liz Snavely
Earlier Showcases can be found on our YouTube channel,
Galena Covid-19: 
The Story in Song
We are putting together a virtual concert to premiere in October, called “COVID-19 Galena, the Story in Song”. The concert will consist of all new music created by our regional Songwriters, about their experiences during the pandemic. The final concert will also be put into a CD format, which will be both an artistic and historic reflection of our time in isolation.
We are taking song entries until September 15th.

No fee to enter and if your song is used in the video you will receive a check compliments of a grant from Illinois Humanities Council. You keep the rights to your song 

What are you waiting for?!

Click the link 2020 Songwriters Project and get started.
In Memoriam
1928 - 2020
Dwight Bischel
We regret the passing of Dwight Bischel, an amazing photographer. After graduating from Northwestern University, he used his photography skills to research and publish the Wabanaingo Lodge Emblem Handbook, containing over 250 images of patches which escalated the hobby of patch trading with Boy Scouts to this day.

He worked as a news producer and director in Chicago television before moving to Galena with his wife, Sally, in 1992. He and Sally developed and ran Greenleaf Graphics, and Greenleaf Graphics Productions, producing videos for individual families and historical societies. He delighted in photographing flowers in his retirement years.
Northeast Iowa School of Music hosting
While we aren’t having a Sunday Salon this month, there is a regional classical concert that we highly recommend. Northeast Iowa School of Music will be hosting “ChamberFestDBQ”, an intimate concert featuring world class performers.

Each year, 2018 Pulitzer Prize Finalist Michael Gilbertson, artistic director, hand-picks an ensemble of guest artists for a benefit concert for the school. 
All you have to do to watch this concert is go to the website anytime on September 5-7, and click the link. There is no charge to see the concert, although they would be grateful if you also made a donation. Enjoy!
Take a moment
to enjoy this beautiful rendition of the Bach cello suite No. 1 in G Major, performed by Yo-Yo Ma, emphasizing how culture connects us.
Flash from the Past
We found a “flash from the past” on YouTube, a Chicago Channel 2 news report about Galena, made in the early 1980s, and thought you might enjoy seeing it. It’s called “The Town
that Time Forgot,” produced for Two on Two for WBBM-TV. 
This clip interviews a number of Galenians that used to be here, including Ed Kelley, Alfie Mueller, Nancy Eberle, Pete Campbell, and the mayor Frank Einsweiler, and also some artists who are still here, including John Martinson, Carl Johnson, and Carole Sullivan.
Art that Stands Out in its Field
Call For Scarecrows!
It won’t be long before the scarecrows will be returning to Galena. Each fall, the Galena Center for the Arts encourages folks to have some fun and take a look in their closets to find something to dress a wooden frame. In the past, we have seen scarecrow aliens, nurses, farmers, children, hippies, dancers, monsters, dinosaurs and more! 

The scarecrows will be placed around Galena or possibly in front of your house or business. They can also find a home in the field next to the Center on Summit Street. If you would like to display it in our field, the finished scarecrow needs to be delivered to the Center by September 18. 

There will be no security for the scarecrows and we are not responsible for any vandalism or theft. Use whatever materials you prefer with the knowledge that they will be displayed outdoors for several weeks. We expect a height range from 5-7 feet. The scarecrows will be reviewed for appropriateness. If one is found to be offensive, controversial or political, the maker will be asked to either change the message or remove the display. 

This could be a great family project and appropriate for all ages and talents. If you are interested in making a scarecrow, have questions, want to purchase a frame ($8) or just get more information, send an email to Patricia Lehnhardt by clicking on her name.  
Figure Drawing
Would you like to gather in an outdoor setting and practice your drawing skills?

It’s been a long time since we were able to gather at the Center, and hope you may be ready to give it a try.

Let me know if you are interested and we’ll get a date arranged, hope for great weather, and provide a model.

Email Patricia Lehnhardt for details by clicking on her name.
Sketch by Sheila Haman
Studio Space Available
We now have one studio immediately available to rent for $100 a month. A dedicated space may be just the thing you need to get back to your creative expression. Join a group of like-minded studio artists, be inspired by the regional artists who display work in our galleries, and display your art on the adjacent wall in the Artists Circle.
Please call 779-214-0261 or email Patricia Lehnhardt, our Gallery Manager, for a tour and information about renting studio space.
We thank Dennis Waltman for his outstanding work in assembling and distributing our monthly newsletters, especially during this time when the Center has been closed and we’ve been providing significant virtual entertainment.

Dennis helped us immensely with July and August's "Celebrating Art in Our Lives” YouTube video series, as well.

Thank you, Dennis, for all you do to publicize our programs!
We hope you will check out our YouTube channel.
Support us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.

Here’s how to support the Center:

  1. Visit (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
  2. Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
  3. Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
  4. Begin shopping.

Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts, 219 Summit Street, Galena, IL 61036.
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is supported in part by an award from The Chicago Community Foundation, from the Arts Work Fund – Arts for Illinois Emergency Relief Fund housed at The Chicago Community Trust.
This program is partially supported by a grant
from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is funded in part by
the Illinois Humanities.
This project is supported in part
by an award from
the National Endowment for the Arts.
This program has been made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor.
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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman