The Newsletter of Area 1 Handbell Musicians of America | Vol. XXXVIII No. 2 | April 2023
  • Report from the Chair
  • Notice of upcoming Area 1 Board Meetings
  • Board Elections Notice
  • Festival Conference 2023: Call for Raffle Baskets!
  • Notes from State Chairs: CT, ME, MA, RI
  • Please be sure to scroll down to see - and support - our advertisers
Report from the Chair
Lisa Arnold
Last summer, Handbell Musicians of America's National Board kicked off the #BecauseOfHandbells media campaign at the International Handbell Festival in Nashville and lately, I've been thinking about what that phrase means to me.

#Because of Handbells...I've traveled the world, and I've made friends across the continent and across the pond. I always look forward to Spring, because it signals the season for traveling to handbell events and going on tour with my friends. This season is no exception, and right here in New England, we have plenty of opportunities. Are you planning to attend some of our events this spring and summer? If so, why? What do you hope to gain from your time with other handbell musicians? I'd love to hear your thoughts. How would you complete the phrase #BecauseOfHandbells...?

Take a look at the state chair articles below for more details, but a quick look at the Area 1 calendar ( reveals that we have something happening almost every weekend through mid-May. First up, there's an open Bronze Rehearsal on April 8 at Old South Church in Boston. Send a note to Griff Gall at to reserve your spot. The following weekend, April 15 is the return of the Cape Cod Spring Ring in Harwich, MA. Next, on April 22, is the Massachusetts Spring Ring in Tewskbury, MA. On May 6 the Connecticut Spring Ring will be in Norwalk, CT. Those wishing to work on Festival Conference repertoire are invited to an Open Massed Rehearsal in Lexington, MA on May 13, and Bronze Rehearsals commence on Wednesday evenings starting May 31; contact Marilyn Becker at for more information about these rehearsals.

Finally, I can't wait to see all of you at the Area 1 Festival Conference in WorcesterJune 23-25. We're going to have a wonderful time.

Happy ringing,
Lisa Arnold
Area 1 Chair
Notice of Area 1 Board Meetings for 2023
Area 1 Board Meetings are open to all members of the Guild and held three times a year in January, May and September. Our next meeting dates are set for Saturday, May 20 and Saturday, September 16. If you are interested in attending, please contact
Area 1 Board Elections Coming Soon!

Your Nominating Committee has been hard at work preparing for the bi-annual elections. Every two years, the Membership is asked to vote for candidates running for Treasurer, Secretary, and Chair-Elect. The person elected Chair-Elect then serves two years in that role, and then automatically moves into the role of Chair.

We will be holding elections ONLINE for one month, starting in mid-April. Watch for a special e-mail that will contain all of the candidates’ information and instructions on how to vote. We will also post that information on our website as soon as it's available.

All current members (Regular, Retired, or Business) are eligible to vote. Be sure to check your membership status with Handbell Musicians of America online so that you can participate in this important election.

At its January meeting, the Board of Directors approved several changes to the Area 1 By-Laws. Some of those changes, related to elections, include the following:

1) Improved language to allow for the practice of voting online for special elections;

2) Improved language to allow for contingencies in the event of multiple vacancies on the Executive Committee;

3) Changing the date that newly elected officers start their terms, to align with the beginning of our fiscal year on October 1, instead of July 1. This is aligned with current practice by other Areas and the National Board.

The By-Laws Committee has submitted the proposed by-laws changes to the National Board for approval. If they are approved, they will be presented to the membership for final approval. Stay tuned for a special election that will be held in the coming months once the National Board allows us to move forward.

Carlene Ruesenberg
Nominating Chair
Area 1
Festival Conference 2023 Update:
Call for Raffle Basket Items!

Remember the fun of the Festival Conference Raffle? If you were a winner, I’d bet you remember. I am now putting together donations for this year. Funds raised support future Area 1 events and scholarships.

If you, your choir, or your organization are willing to donate a basket or items for a basket, such as certificates for products, tickets to concerts, or something representing your expertise, please contact me at

Thank you,
Holly Cerullo
Suzanne Neafus, Connecticut State Chair
“Nothing ever seems impossible in spring, you know.” - L.M. Montgomery
I love re-reading that quote each March. Add to it the miracle of Easter Sunday that is almost upon us, and there are many reasons to be joyful. Hopefully, that includes everyone being able to do lots of ringing.  
Need another opportunity to ring? Join us at Connecticut Spring Ring!

Saturday, May 6th
9 am - 3 pm
United Church of Rowayton, Norwalk CT
Click for more information: Connecticut Spring Ring
Come meet new friends, have fun, and ring the day away!

At the end of June, Area 1’s Festival Conference 2023 will occur in Worcester, MA. For this event, each state is asked to provide a raffle basket. Past baskets have featured goodies related to our state, but we are not restricted to that criterion. Any suggestions on what to include, or do you have items you would be willing to donate? I could also use help putting the final product together. Reach out if you can help in any way. Thanks in advance. 

I hope to see you at an upcoming event or concert. 
Happy Ringing and Happy Spring!

Suzanne Neafus
Connecticut State Chair
Notes from MAINE
Dana Humphreys, Maine State Chair
Hello Maine Ringers!
The Maine Spring Ring may be a year away, but we have the repertoire ready to share! Maine Spring Ring will be on Saturday, April 27, 2024, in Auburn, ME. Our Coppers Director is Mike Joy, a nationally known handbell director, composer and arranger. Tins Director is Joy Toll-Chandler, a long-time ringer, director and composer who currently directs the handbell choir at Cumberland (Maine)
Congregational Church. Mike and Joy will share direction of the Massed pieces.

Bells of Freedom, Chris Peck (3-6 oct, L3) From the Top Publishing, 20409
Amen Siakudumisa, Cathy Moklebust (3-6 oct, L2) Choristers Guild, CGB1037
Clarion Call, Michael Joy (3-5 oct, L2+) Jeffers Publishing, MCGB864

Prayer for the Innocents, Michael Helman (3-6 oct, L2+) Lorenz, 20/1964L
And Can it Be, Bill Ingram (3-5 oct, L2) Hope Publishing, 2663

Change Ring Prelude on Divinum Mysterium, Fred Gramann (3-6 oct, L3+) Jeffers Publishing, MLC201239L
Festivity on Cwm Rhondda, Michael Joy (3-6 oct, Level 3+) Jeffers Publishing, MCGB1247

We are excited about returning to a full-scale Maine Spring Ring and hope to see you all there! By sharing the repertoire with directors and ringers now, music can be gathered over the summer and rehearsing can begin in the fall. That way we will have a dynamite day of ringing together, concluding with a terrific public concert.

All the best,
Abigail Schoppe, Massachusetts State Chair
Happy Spring!
As you read this, many of you may be frantically preparing to ring or direct at Holy Week and Easter services…but looking just slightly past this busy time of year in our churches, there are so many other bell events that you can consider adding to your calendars!

First off, Cape Cod Spring Ring will be held at the Harwich Community Center on Saturday, April 15. Registration has already closed, but we are excited to have eight choirs participating – several from the Cape, and others from as far away as Maine and New Jersey! Please consider coming to the closing concert, which will be at 2 PM on April 15, at 100 Oak Street, Harwich, MA.

The very next weekend, the Massachusetts Spring Ring will be held at Tewksbury Memorial High School, on Saturday, April 22. We have over 100 ringers registered, but registration remains open through April 2 – so, depending on when this article reaches your inbox, you might still have time to sign up at If not, we hope you’ll at least attend the closing concert as an audience member: 3 PM on April 22, at 320 Pleasant Street, Tewksbury.

On May 16, don’t miss the Boston Handbell Festival, when the Back Bay Ringers, Old South Ringers, Merrimack Valley Ringers, New England Ringers, and the Highland Chimes will come together for a 7 PM concert at Old South Church, at 645 Boylston Street in Boston.

Of course, our Massachusetts-based community choirs are busily preparing for their spring seasons. Check out upcoming performance dates for the Back Bay Ringers at, and all those for the Merrimack Valley Ringers at (or click on their ads also appearing in this newsletter)

Last but certainly not least, we are so excited for Festival Conference 2023, to be held at Worcester State University from June 23 to 25. We hope many of you will be in attendance, but even if you won’t be participating, please consider coming to the closing concert, to be held at 3 PM at WSU’s Wellness Center Competition Gym, at 486 Chandler Street in Worcester.

I hope to see many of you at one of the spring rings or at Festival Conference! Until then, happy

Abby Schoppe
MA State Chair
Suzanne Neafus, Rhode Island State Chair
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” - Audrey Hepburn

Happy Spring!
On March 25th, the Rhode Island Ring-a-Palooza was enjoyed by all and had great attendance. These events bring a bit of a surprise, by pushing people slightly out of their comfort zones. Check out some of the action in the videos (links directly below) and photo collage. A thank you to Tom Nolan for capturing the fun.
A highlight for me is seen in the lower right corner of the photo collage. The youngest participant, Lexie, had a friend come watch for part of the event. During break, Lexie eagerly shared what she knew and taught her friend how to ring. Both were so excited, and it filled my heart with the love and joy that handbells bring.

Coming up… Area 1’s Festival Conference 2023 will occur at the end of June in Worcester, MA. Each state provides a raffle basket for this event. Please let me know if you can donate items or give suggestions on what to include. We are in need for someone to assemble the final product. Thank you in advance.

Have you ever thought about taking a more active role in Area 1? The board is currently seeking candidates to serve as Rhode Island State Chair or Rhode Island State Co-Chair. Send me an email if you are interested. Not sure about taking on a leading role? There are many other ways you can help; please reach out today for more information about volunteering.

Keep on Ringing!
Suzanne Neafus
Connecticut State Chair
covering the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island
New Hampshire: OPEN!
Vermont: Pat Pranger,
Please support our Area 1 Advertisers:
Fundamental Tone is a publication of Area 1 Handbell Musicians of America,
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Call for Articles:
Do you have a story to share with fellow handbell musicians? Submit news briefs to your State Chair or email your article to Amy Rollins at

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