Colorado PUC Update
As 2019
comes to a close, the Colorado PUC has opened several dockets to consider a variety of rule changes which promote renewable resources
In November, integrating several months of stakeholder workshops, the commission opened a docket (
decision no. C19-0951 in docket no. 19R-0654E
) to consider modifications to interconnection procedures. These changes acknowledge the growing addition of distributed energy resources (e.g., home solar, batteries, and small facilities) into the Colorado electric grid. The proposed rules address
electric resource planning, incorporation of energy storage, renewable energy standards, net metering, interconnection procedures, and community solar gardens
The commission is also
investigating transportation electrification (docket no. 19M-0574E
, opened in October),
community solar gardens (docket no. 19R-0608E,
opened in November) and
distribution planning (docket no. 19M-0670E
, opened in December).
The distribution planning docket in particular
will facilitate a stakeholder process to consider how utilities should integrate distributed energy/new resources and avoid unnecessary investment in transmission and distribution.