A Message from Father Henry
Fellow St Jude Parishioners:

What will Thanksgiving be like this year? There is no doubt that our Holidays will most certainly look different. As with so many other things that have changed for us in 2020, we will not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with numbers family members and friends. Family traditions will change, gatherings will be smaller, far away friends and relatives will not be at our table, and so much more.

Although we certainly have had our struggles during 2020, as Christians, we know that our story ends in Resurrection. We are a people of hope and light, living with the confidence that we are held in the palm of the hand of our Creator.

So let us approach Thanksgiving with hope and prayer and as the title of day indicates with “thanks.” Let us celebrate the day as a time set apart to show gratitude, as we look to our God and give thanks. And let us as parish community each in our own way look to this prayer as particularly appropriate for our current times. It touches upon the struggles and challenges that we have had to face this past year, and yet it is filled with gratitude and hope. 

Lord God, we gather around this table to humbly thank You for all that You have given us this past year – not just what is on this table, but who is sitting around this table. Thank you for life and laughter, for health and happiness, for relationships and memories. Thank you, too, for the lessons learned and the tears we’ve cried because of Your ability to grow us through them. Thank You for Your comfort and Your presence, in light of good days and bad. Thank You for what we have now, for what we had yesterday, and for what You will continue to give tomorrow. Let us never take that for granted, but to always be grateful for every good and perfect gift that comes from You. May we have hearts full of thanksgiving not only today but every day of our lives. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Amen. - 

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving,
Fr Henry 
Parish Online Bulletin Board

Let Hope be our Thanksgiving Theme. That is the word that we have chosen for the month of November. If you have not yet visited our Parish Online Bulletin Board (Padlet), please take a look. You can post your thoughts and write a prayer in our Prayer Request column. You will see that your St. Jude Family is praying for you and all the prayers listed on the Board.

Please feel free to post a your favorite Thanksgiving photo. We may not be physically together, but we can share this special day online with family and friends. 

Password is Jude
To access the Bulletin Board, click on: 
We Stand With Christ
Our We Stand With Christ capital campaign is currently underway at St. Jude Parish.

All parishioners should have received your campaign materials in the mail by this week. If you have not received a mailing, please pick up an envelope at the Church Entrances this weekend.

Thanks to early contributions, we have already raised $464,000 in pledges, or over 53% of our campaign goal! If we can exceed our goal, St. Jude Parish will receive back 75% of the funds we raise above our goal.

In two weeks, on December 5th and 6th we will conduct our Commitment Weekend (In-Pew). We are asking all parishioners to discern your pledge decision before then, if possible.
Thank you to all of those who have already pledged their support and those who are considering a gift to this historic campaign. 
Covid-19 and St. Jude Parish

With Governor Lamont's move back to Phase 2.1 for CT, there will be some impact on St. Jude. Mass attendance is now capped at 100 people, whereas for us it had been at 125. We are aware that there has been an increase in the virus spread in CT and in Monroe. We want to assure you that our worship environment is safe and we are being extra responsible about following the Governor's and local rules. If you are confident enough to give us a try, please know that we will be reliable partners in providing a safe experience. Just a reminder to please register for Mass each week and wear your mask. As always, every other pew is roped off, there is distancing within a pew, and the church is sanitized between Masses. We look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Christmas Mass Survey

Thank you to all who responded to the Christmas Mass Survey this week. Your input was valuable and allowed me and the committee to begin planning a schedule of Masses to meet your needs especially during the pandemic. We hope to publish the information early in December. Thanks again.
Month of Remembrance

November is traditionally the month in which the Church remembers Her dead, and in a special way we are invited to remember our family and friends who have died, especially those who have passed in the previous year.

Please know that it is our intention to remember all who have passed in the last year, who were associated in any way with St Jude.

If you find that a name of your loved one who passed in the last year is not on the following list, please email the parish office or Fr Henry and we will be sure to include your loved one in our Month of Remembrance.

Into your hands, Father of mercies, we commend our loved ones in the sure and certain hope that, together with all who have died in Christ, they will rise with him on the last day. Merciful Lord, turn toward us and listen to our prayers: open the gates of paradise to your servants and help us who remain to comfort one another with assurances of faith, until we all meet in Christ and are with you and with our brothers and sisters for ever.
Frances Karcher
Amelia Nascimento
Joseph Caruso
Sue Feller
Angelina Iannarone
William DiStasio
Sadie Bufalini
Joseph Zavodny
Donna Bernier
Arthur Dritenbas
Josephine Toth
Janet Carroll
Susan Scholler
Mary Ellen Bolton
Angela Fekete
Frances Ann Duh
Denise Borrs
Carmen Bocchino
Sally Haisey
Dora Glendinning
Richard Balog
Enrico DeChiaro
Jean Prutting
John Capella
Annette Bourdeau
Margaret Brenna
Sylvia Pescosolido
James Bresnahan
Ellen White
Louise DiGrazia
Joan Davoren
Julia Sileo
Maureen Ann Kurtz
Mildred Mischik
Sophia Grace Ramsey
Louise Stankiewicz
Judith Velky
Diane Clair Gaughan
Romana Guerrera
Harry James Greer
David John King
Lillian Juliano
Richard Spede
Formed Corner
Introducing the new Formed Corner where you will find recommendations each week to watch on Formed.org. For those who have not yet subscribed, Formed is a wonderful resource that St. Jude's subscribes to for all of our parishioners. It is a rich library of Catholic content - movies, books, audio talks, renown study programs, and youth and children's content. To sign up, go to Formed.org/signup and select St. Jude's Parish in Monroe. Then log in and enjoy!

Formed offers a suggested selection of videos every week. The videos are timely and very well done. Please check it out!

Link to picks of the week 
Best Advent Ever
Looking for daily Advent videos? Join us for the Dynamic Catholic Best Advent Ever program and receive an Advent daily reflection video each morning. This year our Catholic daily reflections are focused on today's gospel readings!

Youth Ministry News
Hello St. Jude Families! Fall is underway and our youth group is growing! Please join us November 22nd @ 6 pm - 7:30 pm in the Social Hall (Thanksgiving Celebration) *RSVP Required

Please send any questions to Shannon at shannon.carey@stjuderc.com
Thanksgiving Food Pantry Distribution
Our Thanksgiving distribution is rapidly approaching and in anticipation we are in need of the following non-perishable items: instant potatoes, stuffing, gravy, broth, cranberries as well as pasta and boxed children’s cereal. Our continued appreciation for your response to our ministry’s needs. Thank you and God Bless!
Parish Announcements
Health and Welfare Collection for the Retired Priests
On the weekend of November 21/22, a special collection will be taken up in all parishes of the Diocese. The funds contributed will be used exclusively to meet the needs of the retired priests of out diocese. Click to see the Letter from the Bishop.
Men's Bible Study

The Men's Bible Study will start up beginning December 12th at 8:00 AM and continue weekly on Saturday mornings. All men in the parish are welcome. Due to the current COVID conditions it has been decided to initially start on-line using Zoom, until it is safe to meet in-person. We will be using the "Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word" which gives the weekly readings for the new Church Year beginning in Advent. The book is available from Amazon.

Should you have any questions about the Bible Study, ordering your book or using Zoom you can contact Bob Lux at:

Bob Lux
203-261-3066  home
203-970-4236  cell (call or text)
 St. Jude Religious Gift Shop
Holidays are upon us: Advent candles, wreathes & calendars are in and will be available for sale after Masses on weekend - 11/21 & 11/22 - Thanksgiving Day Mass 11/26 and after Masses on weekend 11/28 & 29.
Thanksgiving Day cards, Christmas cards & ornaments will also be available at all Masses. To order or reserve a set, call: Fran Cambra - 203-261-2573.

'OPLATKI' - the Christmas wafer is now available for a donation after Masses.
Wishing everyone a Blessed & Joyful Advent!
Knights of Columbus Take Out
Pasta Dinner Poll
The Knights of Columbus are thinking of doing their pasta dinner as a Take Out only event. We are asking for the parish's input as to whether this is something you would support. The idea is to offer the dinner after a Saturday night mass as we do our regular dinners but on a pre-ordered take out basis. The dinner menu would be announced in the parish newsletter for 2 weeks before with an email to submit your order. If this is something you think you would take part in please select a button in the poll to the right or email Kevin Donovan at kpadonovan@aol.com, please put pasta dinner in the subject line. Thank you & thanks for your support for all the Knights endeavors.
If the KofC offered their pasta dinner as a Take Out Only Event, would you support it?
Upcoming Mass Intentions

Fri    Nov 20      9:00am               Bill Thibodeau

Sat   Nov 21      4:00pm               Luis Ferreira

Sun  Nov 22      7:30am               Joao and Maria Leandres

9:30am               Joseph Nevers

                         11:30am             Maria Emilia Monteiro

Mon Nov 23      9:00am               William DiStasio

Tue  Nov 24      9:00am               Edward Burns

Wed Nov 25      9:00am               Annette Bourdeau      
Thu  Nov 26      9:00am               Isabel Dupont

Fri    Nov 27      9:00am               Francesco Chiappetta

Sat   Nov 28      4:00pm               Rich & Mary Giannino and Teresa
                                                         Rose Gumkowski

Sun  Nov 29      7:30am               St. Jude Parishioners

Sun  Nov 29      9:30am               Nancy Salvo

Sun Nov 29      11:30am             Pinto and DeAndrade Families

If the 8:30 mass is not listed, an intention has not been requested. Also, there are no public Masses on Friday mornings.
Mass Schedule and Registration
Monday through Thursday Weekday Masses will be in the main Church at 9 am and live streamed.
The Weekend Masses inside the Church are Saturday at 4:00 pm and Sunday at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30. The Saturday Mass and the 7:30 am Sunday Mass are live streamed. Pre-registration is required for all weekend

For those of you who do not feel comfortable attending mass inside the church, please watch the Sunday 7:30 am live-streamed Mass. (This Mass may be viewed at https://www.stjuderc.org/view-masses.html ) on your phone or computer and then come to the School parking lot to receive outdoor communion at 8:45am. Fr Henry will be distributing Communion every Sunday, rain of shine, at 8:45am in the School parking lot.

--Fr. Henry
Church Hours for private prayer

Church is open Monday to Friday 8am - 10am for private prayer. 

Live-streamed Mass Schedule

The Masses at 4:00pm Saturday and 7:30am Sunday will be live-streamed every weekend. Monday through Thursday Masses will also be live streamed from 9am until 9:30am. Masses will be in the main Church.

These Masses may be viewed at https://www.stjuderc.org/view-masses.html

Confession Hours

Confessions on Saturday afternoon will be in the day chapel at 3:00 pm on Saturdays.  Confessions are also by appointment, please call 203-261-6404, to set up and appointment or emailing.  

First Friday Adoration 7- 8 PM

Silent Adoration
Silent adoration with Father Henry will take place on Sunday, December 20th, in main church at 7:30 pm for a half hour. 

Children's Rosary First Sundays
We meet at 11 am before the 11:30 Mass by the Blessed Mother statue and follow proper covid protocols. No experience necessary.  

Office Hours

MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00 – 3:00

It is suggested that you call (203-261-6404) or e-mail (parish.office@stjuderc.com) before coming to the office. Much can be accomplished through a phone call or email, such as requesting masses/mass cards; sacramental records; registering for Baptism; etc. 

In the event you do come to the office, we will be following the state protocols:
  • A face covering is required
  • Social distancing will be followed
  • If you are experiencing COVID-19 defined symptoms, or have had contact with someone with the symptoms please do not come to the office.

Signage will be posted on the front door with all directives to be followed when admitted to the office.
St Jude Parish
707 Monroe Tpke
Monroe, CT 06468