September, traditionally recognized as "Hunger Action Month," is a meaningful time to join in the efforts to help reducing hunger in North Dakota. This is true especially now, when due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are facing food insecurity and hunger, some of them for the first time in their lives. Creating a Hunger Free North Dakota Coalition, is a statewide network of organizations, agencies and individuals, working to identify and address the unmet food and hunger needs and their underlying causes, to meet the vision of a hunger-free North Dakota.
In this month's featured article, Karen Ehrens, health and nutrition consultant, registered dietitian, policy advocate and the coordinator for the Creating a Hunger Free North Dakota Coalition, presents some of the hardships faced by North Dakota's families, and especially families with children, in the wake of the pandemic, and how "food helpers" sprung to action to help those in need. She ends with a call to action for all of us to step up and help.