March Madness arrived at WCAC with a resounding splash. Our spring calendar burst with upcoming events and important dates that we want to make sure we share and invite you to join. Please make sure to also note and share several upcoming deadlines to apply for certain programs, some new deadline extensions, an upcoming chance to visit our Early Education and Care Centers, and of course, our Save the Date for WCAC's 2nd Annual Resiliency Awards being planned for Thursday, May 4th.
As Women's History Month draws to a close, I also want to express my great pride in serving as WCAC’s fourth female Executive Director, following the footsteps of three strong and respected women who held this role before me and who created a vibrant and sustainable foundation for this agency. I have been fortunate to have great mentors in my life, men and women, who have supported my growth and success as a woman in leadership in human service, and I am thankful to all those, including my staff and partners alike, from whom I continue to learn and grow.
Click on the image above to view WCAC's 2022 Annual Report and the great year WCAC had in 2022!