Marin County Covid Update
Reduce Your Risk: Keeping Your Family Safe
Marin Public Health encourages families to take into consideration young children or family members that may be more vulnerable to COVID. Whether planning a gathering or making travel plans, choose safer activities that will lower risk of COVID-19 infection for the whole family.
How can I protect my unvaccinated family members?
These are the best ways to protect your unvaccinated family members, including children who cannot get vaccinated yet:
Vaccinations Abound
There are plenty of free COVID-19 vaccination options coming up in Marin County. Some locations require an online appointment; others are open for walk-ups.
The following one-day pop-up clinics are open to anyone age 12 & older:
- Tuesday, August 10 – Coastal Health Alliance, Point Reyes
- Tuesday, August 10 – Novato High School / Newcomers Summer Camp
- Wednesday, August 11 - Grocery Outlet, San Rafael
- Thursday, August 12 - Dining Under the Lights, San Rafael
- Friday, August 13 - Hamilton Community Center, Novato
- Saturday, August 14 - Canal Alliance, San Rafael
Visit the County's Vaccine Finder page for more dates. In addition to Marin County Public Health–hosted sites, many local pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid, and others offer same-day vaccine appointments
Marin County Testing Options
There are a variety of testing options in Marin County, either through a local healthcare provider, commercial pharmacy, urgent care clinic, take-home tests, or community test sites.
Highlights of the August 4th Town Council Meeting
The Fairfax Town Council met on August 4th to consider the following items (follow the links to the staff reports or view the full agenda here):
The Town Council adopted the following resolutions:
In regards to the climate crisis, the Council received an annual report from the Fairfax Climate Action Committee and the Marin Climate Energy Partnership (MCEP) Greenhouse Gas Inventory as well as authorizing Mayor Ackerman to send a letter supporting AB 1346 (Berman) – Zero-Emission Small Off-Road Engines, which would phase out the sale of new gas-powered small off-road engines.
The search for a new Town Manager is being launched soon. Heather Renschler, with Ralph Andersen & Associates, provided a timeline for the recruitment process and Council members Barbara Coler and Stephanie Hellman volunteered to serve on an ad-hoc subcommittee to prepare and review recruitment materials that will be finalized and approved by the Town Council at its September 1st Council meeting.
The Council introduced by title only an Ordinance Adding Chapter 15.05 entitled “All-Electric Construction in Newly Constructed Buildings” to Title 15 of the Fairfax Municipal Code. The effective date would commence March 1, 2022.
The Council extended the initial terms of all Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee (RESJ) members, which were set for one year and would have expired on September 2, 2021, extending the terms by 60 to 120 days gives the RESJ additional time to come back to the Town Council with its recommendations to be included on the December 1st Town Council agenda.
Town Manager Search
Our community is unique and as we search for our next Town Manager we want to hear from you about the priorities that we need to highlight in our search.
What kind of personal attributes are you looking for in a Town Manager?
What do you think are the top priorities for our Town?
The Town is Offering Vegetation Management Grants
The Town of Fairfax is offering grants to help with clearing brush for low income and senior residents who might otherwise not be able to afford to do this important work.
The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) is servicing each home in Fairfax twice between May 17-September 27th. You need to pre-register for the pick-up service on one of the two days available to your neighborhood.
For instructions on how to prepare your materials for pick up visit:
Outdoor Dining Survey
In November of 2020 in response to covid 19 restrictions on indoor dining, the Fairfax Town Council began issuing permits to restaurants and dance and yoga studios for temporary encroachment on public space. Temporary use permits were also issued for businesses to use outdoor space on private property adjacent to their businesses.
In May of 2021, the Town Council extended the permits until May of 2022. We invite you to participate in our Outdoor Dining survey and share your thoughts about the current use, and potential future uses of public space in the downtown.
Feel free to be inventive and share your vision for downtown Fairfax!
The survey will be open until Friday, August 20th. Your input is crucial and appreciated.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Planning Commission Special Meeting
August 12th - 7pm
Parks & Recreation Commission Special Meeting
August 16th - 7pm
Climate Action Committee Meeting
August 17th - 7pm
Planning Commission Meeting
August 19th - 7pm
Fairfax Farmers Market in Bolinas Park
Wednesdays 4-8pm
Town-wide Community Picnic
September 19th
The Fairfax Volunteers will be bringing back the Town-wide picnic to the Contratti Ball Field! Music line up will be teen band Banana Soup, the Nick Brown & Friends and Last Chance Summer Dance, which will feature 80’s Motown Dance Music assembled by Jason Minkler.
More details will be available soon, so stay posted!
A Message from the Fairfax Artists in Residence Regarding the Art Walk
Dear Friends,
We are sad to have to let you know that we have decided to not to do this year's Art Walk.
The rising Covid 19 cases, warnings about the virility of the Delta variant, and increasing constraints from the CDC have underscored the ambiguity of this effort and point to the probability of having to cancel. As such, we did not want to waste any more of your time and energies.However, we are hoping that the spring will bring a better scenario and we will start planning ASAP for next year's event.
Stay well, stay strong, stay creative.We need our merchants and artists more than ever!
The Fairfax Artists in Residence,
Stephanie Mohan, Susan Pascal Beran & Georgia Gibbs
Late Summer Music Pod
August 26 – September 23
10:30am – 11am
Music with Dani is a fun and interactive music and movement time for young children and their grownups. Dani’s music session will have the children singing, dancing, rhyming, using their imaginations and having fun while creating music together!
New Parents and Babies Group
We are thrilled to resume one of our flagship programs. This offering is FREE to new parents and their babies and is an opportune way to connect after many months of the pandemic.
We Invite you to Participate in the Housing Element Process
The Planning Commission will be holding a Special Meeting this Thursday August 12, 2021 at 7:00 pm to discuss Housing Element site selection process and options. Items to be discussed include hazards, evacuation, zoning, Association of Bay Area Governments Housing Element Site Section (HESS) tool, and outreach and engagement efforts and strategies, including demonstration of an interactive public preference site selection tool scheduled to go online in the near future.
More information on the Housing, Safety, and Land Use Element Update, including schedule information, can be found at the official website for the update effort. Persons interested in following and participating in this important process are encouraged to visit fairfaxspeaks, register, and let the Town know what you think.
Want to Get Involved? Join a Board or Commission!
Do you want to make a real difference in 2021? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on the Climate Action Committee, Marin County Commission on Aging, Parks and Recreation Commission, Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee and Volunteer Board.
You can pick up your FREE Evacuation Tags at the Fairfax Police Department
The Fairfax Police Department in partnership with the Ross Valley Fire Department is giving away evacuation tags to residents living in the Town of Fairfax, Marin County, California. Evacuation tags are a new tool to help us more quickly ensure that neighborhoods are evacuated during a disaster. Residents affix the tag in a location that is highly visible when they evacuate (mailbox, front door, garage, end of your driveway).
Read more about how Evacuation Tags work here.
Measure A Parks Survey
Help Shape the Future of Parks and Preserves
Marin County Parks has launched a 2021 Community Survey to get feedback from Marin residents and visitors. This survey is completely anonymous. You can take it in English or Spanish. It will only take about 10 minutes to complete. The questions cover three main categories:
- How well do you know your parks and preserves?
- How should Parks budget dollars be spent?
- What other thoughts and suggestions would you like to share?
Drought Water Restrictions are in Effect for All of Marin County
With reservoirs at historic lows, Marin Water's board of directors declared a water shortage emergency and adopted mandatory water use restrictions to help preserve our water supply. The goal of the mandatory restrictions is to achieve a 40 percent reduction in water use districtwide. We are monitoring drought conditions carefully and additional restrictions will be added as needed.
Spray irrigation is limited to one day a week. Each community has a designated watering day. Spray irrigation on Saturday and Sunday is not allowed. The designated watering day for Fairfax is Friday.
COVID-19 Assistance Programs
If you are experiencing financial difficulties due to COVID-19, please contact the programs below.
Marin County Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Fairfax Rental Assistance Program
The Town Council has established a Residential Rental Assistance Program to assist extremely low-income Fairfax renters whose household incomes were adversely affected by COVID-19. The program is administered by St.Vincent de Paul and Ritter Center. If you are in need of assistance or have questions, please call 415-454-3303 X11 to leave a message. Calls will be returned in the order they are received.
PG&E Programs to Help Those Impacted by the Pandemic
Spread the Word
We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.
You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español
El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.
Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.