March 2021

With the $1.9 trillion stimulus package that was recently signed into law, many Americans are scheduled to receive a $1,400 stimulus check in the coming weeks. This has caused people with disabilities wondering if the stimulus payment will impact their eligibility for government benefits. 

Government benefits such as Medicaid, Social Security Income (SSI) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are means based programs that take into consideration one’s assets and income.

Bernard A. Krooks J.D., CPA, LLM (in taxation), CELA, AEP® (Distinguished), Amy C. O’Hara, CELA, & Sandra Rosenbaum, Educational Advocate will lead a session at NAELA Virtual Annual Conference on Elder Law and Special Needs Planning.

This session will educate attorneys and other legal professionals on maximizing the quality of life for adults with developmental disabilities (person under 65).
Littman Krooks LLP
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