Children's and Family Ministries At St. Andrew's
Advent Bag Pick-up This Saturday!

Advent begins on November 29th. That's just 1 week away! This year we are doing Advent-in-a-bag. Each bag contains materials that will help you relax into this season of waiting and wondering, including a card from St. Nicholas!

The materials are flexible and adaptable, and offer an enriching no-pressure Advent experience.

We have prepared bags for all of our families with Explorer, Godly Play, and Sunday school aged children. I will be handing out bags drive-thru style in front of the main entrance into the church this Saturday, November 21st from 10:30-11:30 am. Please come and get yours. Don't forget your mask.

If you are not able to pick up on Saturday, please email me and we can make other arrangements.
Advent 2020

Our Beatitudes series comes to an end this week. We are combining weeks 11 and 12 so we don't overlap with Advent. Don't miss the last two episodes compliments of our friends at Christ Church Coronado.

The videos can be found here(11) and here(12) the family activity pages can be found here(11) and here(12).

I hope you have enjoyed this exploration. I would love to hear what you thought of it and how you used it. Please email me with any comments, questions, suggestions, etc.
Beatitudes Final Week
(2 weeks in 1!)

William Henry Johnson 1901 to 1970 Come Unto Me Little Children From Art in the Christian Tradition  a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library Nashville  TN
Worship: Your choice of 3 different Ways!

Drive-in Church- Reserve Here Now!
Sundays at 10 am

 Outdoor ChurchReserve Here Now!
Sundays 8:30 am

On-Line Church-Click Here
Posted by 10 am on Sundays 
Beatitudes for a Global Pandemic
As our children finish up exploring the Beatitudes, here is a moving interpretation of them that addresses the pandemic.
Rejoice in the Lord Always!
A poem by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller
"Let your gentleness be evident to all. 

Weekly Dose of Cute
You probably need to own this English Angora rabbit. You can find more info here, compliments of The Spruce Pets.
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