Hello love,

When I was a toddler, I developed a rare, sometimes fatal condition called intussusception, and had to undergo emergency surgery—leaving a scar running the entire length of my stomach.
20+ years later, with a 6-month-old son and a husband deployed overseas, I was in upstate New York in the dead of winter. My then-husband and I struggled with co-dependency so separating was a nightmare, and I was a new mother dealing with postpartum depression and anxiety.
It was the single hardest thing I’d ever gone through.
Old issues from my childhood started to creep back into my thoughts and feelings. Honestly, I wanted to die.
One night, I got down on my knees and asked God for a sign. I knew couldn’t keep living with the thoughts and feelings I was experiencing. I was right back in that old, familiar feeling of total despair—and I never wanted to be there again.
A few hours later, I woke up in the worst pain of my life.
I was rushed to the emergency room, where an ambulance quickly transported me to a nearby hospital. There, doctors discovered gangrene, a ruptured intestine, and peritonitis throughout my body.
I experienced almost the exact same rare, potentially fatal condition and subsequent surgery―a second time.
The moral of the story?
Beliefs can influence biology.

Our beliefs dictate everything we say and do—and they can inform what our biology does as well. Studies done by cellular biologist Bruce Lipton have shown that human cells can grow or die solely based on the hormones secreted when you’re engaged with the various beliefs you hold.
You could be the most physically fit person in the world, but through a negative mindset or hopeless attitude about life, you could be creating cellular death in your body through the chemical reactions ignited by your belief-informed thoughts.

It was this second near death experience that led me to commit my life AND my work to something greater than myself and its when I started doing the deep dive into the hard questions and the hard work of unraveling the mind-body-spirit connection.

The work I offer clients isn't just a passing fad, a paycheck or some ego based product to get rich.....it IS a path to healing and wholeness that is a sacred as the very breath that gives us life....and it works. I know, I am living proof.

If you’re ready to learn more and transform your negative beliefs into soul-igniting ones, our online community-based course might be the next right step in your mindfulness journey. It’s open now! Head over to our Community Course page www.suascommunity.com to learn more about our online "inner MBA", where you’ll practice integrative and mindful Mastery of your Behaviors and Aspirations.

If you’re ready for the ultimate support in breaking free from the limiting beliefs holding you back in life, JOIN US NOW. www.suascommunity.com

I’ll see you there.

There is great love here for you,