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Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Toolkit
CLAS Toolkit Available Now
   This toolkit, "Advancing Health Equity and Racial Justice in Children's Behavioral Health, " is a publication of the CONNECT Systems of Care Grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in conjunction with the Children’s Behavioral Health Plan (PA 13-178). The toolkit supports child-serving organizations with developing organizational plans (Health Equity Plans), based on the enhanced National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (The National CLAS Standards), to advance health equity and to reduce racial injustice and health disparities within their organizations, services, and communities and in Connecticut.
"The Green Form"
Introducing the Green Form
The Green Form is designed to facilitate communication between pediatric primary care and behavioral health providers. The form was created to fill a need identified by care providers. In 2016, a team from Connecticut Children’s Hospital, in collaboration with the Connecticut Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and with support from the Department of Children and Families, met with pediatricians and behavioral health providers around the state to identify how they saw themselves playing a role in children’s mental health. Communication was a major area of focus. Everyone involved felt that improvements in communication between providers would benefit patients and families. The Green Form was created to meet this need by providing a structure for the exchange of basic health information between care teams. The form provides the reason for referral, diagnosis (if any), a brief description of the treatment plan, and contacts for both medical and behavioral health providers.
Foster Care Challenge
Up for the Challenge
In June of 2019, the Annie C. Courtney Foundation with their colleagues from the Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Coalition, partnered with Dave Chmielewski from DirectLine Media  and Matt Terribile from Ace Tone Productions to produce the #FosterCareChallenge music video to help promote the need for foster parents in Connecticut and across the country.

On July 18, 2019, the video debuted at the annual North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) Conference. The #FosterCareChallenge has been accepted by Rhode Island and other states. Connecticut looks forward to seeing their music videos highlighting the need for foster families.

Connecticut has over 4300 children in foster care. Nationally, there are over 400,000 children in foster care. Over 100,000 kids are waiting for a forever family. But sadly, over 20,000 will age out of foster care as young adults having never achieved permanency. These young adults are at high risk for homelessness, incarceration, and unemployment. Many will become young parents with no support systems or resources. Very few will obtain a college degree.

We can each do our part to become the village all children, especially children in foster care, need to thrive. Consider foster parenting. There is a child waiting for someone just like you.
Connecticut Science Center Access Membership
The Connecticut Science Center ACCESS Membership assists families with Husky A or EBT recipients to obtain a yearlong membership and member benefits at the Connecticut Science Center at a discounted rate of $20 for a 4 person membership or $30 for a 6 person membership. 

Contact Lisette Velasquez or call 860-520-219 for details about eligibility and how to sign up.
Learn more about Connecting Children and Families to Care at and
Our state is working with families, providers and communities to build a statewide network of care so children and families can access the care they need, when they need it. Learn more about our vision, current work and the Children's Behavioral Health Plan.
The WrapCT Learning Collaborative includes representatives of all 25 Community Collaboratives in the State of Connecticut dedicated to serving youth and families.